Kira the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Kira, 19 y.o.


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Kira on-line sex chat

Date: October 6, 2022

28 thoughts on “Kira the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Is she able to change her job (to work at a more relaxed workplace where they accept her for who she is as a person)?

    It seems all the people she had around her, on who she depended throughout her life, rejected her, except for a few. Now that her fundament is gone, she needs to build up herself again with different perspectives and skills.

    There are a lot of things you can't help her with in this process, but you could be there for her to talk to if she feels like she is in a bad place.

    She needs to find her own way in finding her happiness. Starting off with accepting the situation as it is now, accepting herself as for who she is as a person and not needing the love/attention/acknowledgement of others to be happy and not feel alone.

    And with that, she needs her own motivation to want to change her way of thinking and some (or a lot) of her habits.

    Once she starts changing, it could be 3 steps forward 2 steps back at times, but that is how progression in personal growth often works (some people are able to just switch).

    Have patience, it will take time.

    (English is my 3rd language, sorry for any mistakes)

  2. Disagree. My BFF died when we were 16 and I still talk to her. I’m in my 40s. I process stuff by having conversations “with her”. Just because that’s what worked for you doesn’t mean that’s the right process for everyone.

  3. u/NoTerm7921, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  4. I’d even ask him to record a very brief clip if it happens again so she can see, but until she sees proof otherwise, she’s going to trust her own experience. Win/win. She sets a boundary in casa he’s lying or exaggerating, and if he’s telling the truth she finds out she might have a sleep disorder (which is always important to investigate with a doctor).

  5. Something along the lines of, “Being in an open relationship has shown me that a person can love more than one person at a time. I know that now and have experienced it for the first time in my life. Would you like to know how I've come to this conclusion?”

  6. Ask him if he cares that he's making people uncomfortable. If he says no, ask him if he cares how you feel. If he says yes, then tell ask him to learn etiquette together. If he says no, then why would you even want to stay with him in the first place?

  7. What an asshole answer. She knew exactly what was going to happen and didn’t have the willpower to stop. That’s on her, not him for not stopping her.

  8. Get tested, break up and hit the gym, I had a girl try this one time and I dang near threw her across the room. This should be considered sexual assault.

  9. Its a scam…clearly. Best to cut her off. Next time be vague with answers eg Ive had relationships in the past.. I wont tell ppl I just meet etc. Never show your ID on internet.

  10. Okay, a few things to consider. Sometimes in venting to someone else, you tend to throw your partner under the bus to make yourself look good. She may well have been going overboard when talking about your sexual issues. Same with “using you for sex.” Odds are that things have changed in her mind since those original 6 months.

    There’s been a good point about the “cheating” in the first 6 months, are you sure it was clear that you were exclusive at this time. I’m not talking about a feeling. Were actual words spoken that confirmed you were exclusive? You might have felt you were but she may not have felt the same way.

    None of this totally absolves her. At best she’s lied, told others about your sex life, been in compromising situations with other men and failed to communicate to solve your problems. Those reasons alone should be enough to break up if that’s what you want.

    I sense however, that you want to reconcile with her and work things out. Sit her down calmly and explain what happened with her phone but don’t say what you found on the phone, anything other than it hurts you to the point where you may have to break up with her. I explain that the only way you could possibly forgive her is that she comes totally clean about everything. Remember, she probably won’t remember exactly was in those messages so either she’ll lie or she would have to totally come clean. From what she says will determine whether you will want to stay. Good luck.

  11. LMAO thats not true at all. She has no obligation to disclose until she feels like the time is right/safe. A month in sounds fine to me.

  12. I am sorry you’re getting downvoted for an honest question.

    The reality is that many people would not consent to sex with a trans person. We can debate if that’s fair or not, but knowingly concealing information that could affect someone’s consent is unethical.

    It becomes relevant information at the point of intimacy, which is why I say someone should be told beforehand.

    Even when fully transitioned, as amazing and advanced as genital reassignment surgery is, it’s not going to work 100% like the factory original part.

  13. My head knows that you are right but my heart has hopes he will own up to it. I feel like breaking up is the route I will take. Thank you.

  14. You're more right than you even know. Tons of examples of both and my ex had really bad PTSD. I guess that might actually explain a lot with her needing control to feel safe. I never thought of it like that.

  15. Your in what sounds like a safe and stable environment. Don't be foolish and leave tomorrow, but do not plan on staying for long. Start preparing your out. Find somewhere to stay, get your money in order, your job, and an attorney. It doesn't sound like you relationship is going to blow up tomorrow. Spend a few weeks getting ready and get out.

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