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❤️ ??? ❤️ https://onlyfans.com/emilyorozco online sex chat

Date: October 6, 2022

99 thoughts on “❤️ ??? ❤️ https://onlyfans.com/emilyorozco the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. OK personally I can kind of relate to this. I use to have a problem with not being able to cum from blowjobs too but honestly it's all about conditioning. Ask yourself questions. Are you thinking about something else when you're masturbating? Does the vagina feel weird and different than your hand? You need to condition yourself accordingly. Once you have that down, you'll be able to nut. I went from not being able to nut from blowjobs to being able to nut 3 times with a drop in intensity after every nut during a blowjob. So best of luck.

  2. How should my sister deal with this person? Should she confront her or ignore her?

    I remember when a (female) friend of mine was called ugly by a boy, she confronted him angrily over text and he apologise + retracted everything, and also left her alone afterwards.

    However, when I've ignored people who've upset me it's not gone so well, they just continued to talk behind my back bully me.

    But I am open to your perspective.

  3. This is why I posted. I don't know if I'm being gaslit because of my extremely sheltered upbringing or what… I WANT to accept whatever is the truth but I'm also in shock?? I can't seem to accept this could be happening or is happening

  4. If I lie, it’s about innocuous things like when a stranger asks me how I am, and I say “fine thanks,” because it’s a social convention and they don’t really care. I don’t lie about important things. I definitely don’t lie then blame the other person.

  5. Break up with her, this way you leave her with that feeling of dread from a break up and instill in her that you know what is going on even if you only think you know

  6. She won't change. She is who she is. The more you try to change her, the more she'll resist. You either need to accept a life of financial abuse or break it off.

  7. When seeking advice, you don't get to choose what is correct advice and not. Your problems don't stem from you having a girlfriend who may or may not be drugging you. Your problems originate at drinking. Stop drinking, especially at your age.

  8. Well I feel like her boyfriend means, if he goes to India he should be better married by then as his family is expecting him to be married by then.

    So maybe he meant if this relationship works out both of you will go together as a married couple.

  9. That’s not the case at all trust me because he’s willing to move past it but he does feel bad because she’s a long term friend

  10. Yeah, it can be real daunting how deep they can get. Maybe that’s something I also need to look into. Thank you for making me feel less alienated about this! I’ll definitely take mental notes with this.

  11. A threesome will not save a marriage. This man has burned you a few to many times & will continue. I’d plan an exit, get yourself situated & leave.

  12. Tell him the hair on your body is normal, or else it wouldn't grow there. Stop shaving to please him.

    He either accepts or you move on to someone who loves you as you are.

  13. u/what_the_hell_99, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  14. ahahaha can’t date the friend.

    honestly- emotional support. that’s it. he has helped me a lot with my anxiety, also with my cardiophobia. but that was in the first days of dating. also, my life was very boring when we met and he made it more exciting in a way. but that was also in the beginning. now, he brings nothing to the table. but i feel kinda bad because i feel like maybe i want way too much from a relationship. he has less money than me and i don’t want it to seem like i want to be covered in gifts. but he just never does anything to make me feel like i’m the woman in this relationship. i’m the provider in a lot of ways and i feel like i’m losing my feminine energy.

  15. I guess it comes down to if you want a relationship with your dad. If you don’t then don’t talk to him and if you do then have a sit down face to face conversation with all your points laid out and say exactly how you feel.

    You shouldn’t have to have this conversation because it is so odd to name someone the same name as another child. It’s like George Forman naming all his children George Forman.

  16. So sad. What are her parents doing? No one can tell her what to do but personally I wouldn't show for the wedding, I wouldn't agree with their union so why be there and pretend?

  17. If he lets you go over his porn addiction its honestly a win for you, coz you would have stood up for yourself and be single to find someone better..

  18. u/ax989, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  19. Why would you ask this question? You are acting insecure and jealous. If she is tolerating this behavior and line of questioning from you we already know she has low standards.

  20. Good point re STDs, who knows what else he has been doing.

    OP, undetected STDs can mess up your health and fertility, do some just in case.

  21. It can easily become a habit to do when he walks into his home after a night out.

    He did text her when he got home, at 4am.

    She was pestering him as from 10pm.

    The problem is with her, because what buddies are gonna be tucked up in bed by 10pm on a guys night out?

  22. To me it sounds like this relationship is moving way too fast and there's a possibility this person is mirroring your personality. I wouldn't necessarily say any of this is grounds for breaking up but proceed with caution.

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  26. I'm not certain how old your son is, but he will understand the unhealthy dynamic. Worse, he will think it is normal. Have you ever considered that you are passing on traits of your mother to your child? That would be my biggest concern. Repeating the cycle.

    It's very easy to do that. Coming back to that home, applying that pressure to yourself, that can bubble up. You already mentioned how anxious and triggered you get from the mere sight of her and her body. Your child sees and feels your anxiety. I'm not saying this to be cruel or give you a guilt trip. I'm saying this to point out how easily you have fallen back into line.

    I understand that your finances may have deem it necessary for you to make sacrifices. However, call your sister, call someone, go anywhere else if you can, but do not stay there for very long. The longer you stay, the harder it will be to leave, and the more comfortable you will get with the dysfunction.

  27. He needs to start learning to not care so much what people think. So what if you don't carry a conversation? You aren't rude, you are answering questions. If people are uncomfortable by silence, that's their problem.

    I would try to work with him for a bit like you have been. Say “I don't want to make your dad uncomfortable. Let's call him up to talk about it and see what he says.” Also less justifying to him, and more “okay duly noted. I'll work on it.” If he says he isn't trying to change you, then he should let it go after you say that.

  28. OP, you deserve so much better! Keep that door closed, and when you’re ready, try to find a partner who is honest, kind, and well….the opposite of how your wife treated you and her children. I can’t believe she bribed her daughter to not tell you. No words! 🙁

  29. Maybe I'm vindictive but if my partner pulled this on me he'd be getting the results back along with divorce papers.

  30. A LOT of comments are completely dismissing their MARRIAGE. When you say your vows many will include a promise to be faithful to each other. Why are so many people forgetting that…

    She has already said and done her part to prove and promise faithfulness to this man!!

    But is he upholding HIS vows of marriage to honour her?

    Why the actual eff does she need to prove her faithfulness AGAIN to this man when she says herself that he’s convinced only because she refused.

  31. Know it alls are really annoying. The reason why is because they never know it all but act like they do. You need to be more humble. You do not know everything and yes, sometimes that means keeping your mouth shut.

  32. Maybe your sister intentionally got into a different school than you because your parents' expectations were too restrictive. Maybe you should talk to her and find out her reasoning and it will help you figure out what to say to your parents.

  33. You have an honest conversation in the direction of her insecurity, since she's feeling the way that she does, respectfully and politely. You can set healthy boundaries, if needed, so both feel comfortable.

    Down the line, if both of you agree, you could even include it in your love play.

  34. Lame excuses from your wife

    She loved the whole situation

    Your wife is fucked up. She needs to see a Psychiatrist

    Get a lawyer for her now

  35. Almost everyone in my family on both sides have curls and I came out with mostly straight (semi wavy if I put a lot of product in) hair

  36. because of that stupid old thought that brown eyes are dominant to blue eyes blah, blah

    Dominant doesn't mean it is a guarantee. If it was, blue eyes would recess with every generation until eventually we'd have a world of dark eyed people only ever. This isn't just stupid, it is willfully stupid.

  37. you can try to reconnect with those close friends you let go of because of him. i lost friends because of a relationship at some point and after we broke up i apologized to my old friends and tried to make things right again. all of them understood my situation and we started talking again. it wasnt 2 years however but idk i guess its still worth a shot.

    although honestly friends should be the last on ur priority list. don't be afraid to be alone.

  38. Yeah you're so right.. It's like this dilemma inside me, I know what he did was horrible and I don't deserve this nightmare. But I also love him still.

  39. It’s kind of close minded not to experience talented chefs’ creations and assume spicier and his own ideas are better. Especially before even trying the food.

    It’s not just a matter of etiquette. It’s about letting go of the ego to take in an experience that’s been carefully designed by culinary experts. I wonder how he’d feel if his clients questioned and redid his work every single time.

    Unless he cares about what you and others think, you may have an uphill battle. My stbx loudly plows through food and can’t maintain a conversation during a meal. After a few gentle discussions that were met with resistance, I just accepted it. He rightly said he’s an adult who doesn’t need to be told how to eat. But yeah, others definitely noticed.

    You might try asking him just once to let the dish be served without modifications. It will be interesting to see if it’s an ego thing or just a really different palate.

    Also YouTube some etiquette videos to watch together.

  40. Staying friends with the ex is just gonna end up complicating your life and you're future. And it does seem he has trouble letting go of the “romance” part of it

  41. The issue isn’t that you are dating a woman who sleeps around (good for her), the issue is that you’re dating someone who is a liar and a cheater. Honestly, I wouldn’t even give this any more of my energy. Half a year? You’re fine to just send a quick “take care, I’m out” by text.

  42. Well my opinion he's trying to manipulate you into a threesome and he definitely didn't use a good tactic. The fact that he's still trying after you said no shows he doesn't have respect for your opinion. Secondly though, to openly tell you he used to have sex either her before you as some stupid way to try and convince you then is worse.

    I would tell him one last time that you already gave him your answer. He needs to respect the fact that you are not that type of woman and drop it and that telling you his prior sexual escapades with her did not win him any points

  43. Also adding to all the divorce comments, make sure you have all evidence of him involved with the other person. Online as normally as you can and workout everything with the attorney first. Then once everything is done, give him the papers in public or in a safe space for you. This is better for your children than them looking at their parents living like roommates.

  44. Well… that was an absolutely horrible thing to say to you. Openness with your SO is one thing. This was just her basically going headlong into the idea of, “How can I kill off my marriage in as few words as possible?”

    There's not much to say except either do some counseling, or just end the marriage and find someone new when you're ready. This is a tough betrayal to get passed, but with a good counselor, they might be able to help you put that mental image aside and heal from the repeated mental cheating she was doing (and yes, this was cheating). But that's one hell of a big “might” considering how long this has potentially been going on. Still, if you're willing to try it and have the finances, go for it.

    I can't even imagine the thoughts running through your head right now. Your wife was basically having herself little mental emotional affairs over and over. Imagining that it was someone else with her, while she was being intimate with you, is such an big emotional blow. Yeah, she wasn't actually hopping into bed with someone else, but in her mind, she was basically doing exactly that. She's so hung up on those exes for whatever reason, that she let's herself drift off into mental la la land with them, instead of focusing her desires and thoughts on you. That's devastating to find out, without a doubt.

    So take some time and decide what you want to do. You won't get over this on your own, and no apologies or show of affection is going to allow her to wipe it away either. Without help, it'll eat away at you. So look into counseling if you can while hoping for the best. And if it's just not doable, then you may have to find yourself a lawyer and look into your options when it comes to divorcing your wife.

  45. Wtf?

    I bet they were just nice to him but his ego made him think it’s something more.

    I’m a cute woman and I bet there’s dudes in my life who probably would wanna have sex with me or whatever. I however don’t think about it too much unless it actually becomes a problem. Why? Because i have firm boundaries and I don’t wanna create drama where there is non. I also assume that “random coworker who thinks I’m cute” is a grown man who won’t bother me.

    I would also NEVER go to a new partner and say “so these dudes here had a crush on me.”. That would only make them worried and jealous. I’d rather just focus on my new partner and show them that they are the only person in my life. I don’t cheat and I have no intention to, and I want a guy who is calm and secure with our relationship.

    I honestly think this dude is insecure or just wanting you to feel insecure. Red flag in my book.

  46. shes small and pretty so i dont think anyone thinks its bad but my guy friend was like “ya she just likes touching people i dont like her like that” but he seemed unbothered

  47. I would just not go. I would not risk my mental health, Tell your sister you can come another day when your mother isn't there.

  48. So there are certain states and countries where one person moving out is considered “abandoning the marital home” and can have impact on who is entitled to the property – I’m not sure if this applies in your location if you’re not married, but it’s something to look into and might be informing your therapist’s advice here.

  49. IIRC her and her friend wrote a letter/email that her friends partner sent to some rep at the venue about the situation and never heard back.

  50. It didn't happen so hard that it unhappened things that did happen. Now glarks no longer evolved, and we're stuck forever on a glark-free planet.

  51. I’ve always been curious about what someone who posts something like this expects to get as feedback.

    Guy here. Went out with a bunch of women, some great and some not so great, before my wife and if any of them reached out to me I wouldn’t even reply except to tell them to leave me alone, to say nothing of “meeting up”.

    OP it’s obvious that you need to reflect on exactly why you are motivated to see you ex-bf. The fact you brought this up with your husband means you’ve already planted the seed of your demise (or at least your marriage). You should really reflect on whether you are happy, truly happy because I’m not sure someone who is that would even consider what you’ve already done.

    Maybe counselling, individual or couples, and then if there is something missing maybe you need to level with your husband.

  52. I will make sure to do that then.

    Not sure why I feel bad about it when I didn’t cause it but I’ll need to get over it.

  53. Stop.

    You are trying to perpetuate a horrible relationship with this malarkey about trying to life coach her. That is extremely unhealthy behavior on your part. Break up quickly and simply, then do not have any contact with her.

  54. Yeah but it still kinda sucks to think there’s information getting lost, you know? Makes you second guess yourself

  55. You might not want to call it that, but having sex without consent is rape and that's what he did. If you want to stay with him that's your choice, but in my opinion you need to talk to him about it so he never does it again, possibly even go to therapy together to deal with it

  56. I watched some very interesting YouTube videos about toxic jealousy. You should look them up. I absolutely agree you shouldn’t have to delete any pictures that are part of YOUR history. The nudes though, yeah, I don’t believe you didn’t know they weee there.

  57. Basically you are throwing all kinds of red flags and get mad at your girlfriend for trying to figure them out. I hope you just get dumped already so you can quit being a giant walking red flag to her.

  58. Also legally, a threesome relationship isn’t recognized. So the wife and boyfriend will be parents of the child, but if the wife and OP are actually married, the wife has substantial claim to OPs assets which will be used on the child. Just a total mess.

  59. Forgive the directness of my comment, but there has been no mention of love. His uncertainty at his age is a major issue. The objective of a relationship is to achieve a state in which each person is more concerned with the welfare of the other person than they are about themselves. It seems that the two of you aren't even close to beginning a journey that will lead to the kind of relationship you deserve. Maybe you might want to consider leaving him now. Let him find out for himself if he prefers being alone by being alone. No amount of discussion is going to help find the answer. Seriously, after 6 months of being together and countless hours of discussing this issue with no mention of love it seems like there's really very little chance that you are doing anything to improve your life. Just my thoughts offered for your consideration. Do what you think is best for you. Be happy.

  60. Also legally, a threesome relationship isn’t recognized. So the wife and boyfriend will be parents of the child, but if the wife and OP are actually married, the wife has substantial claim to OPs assets which will be used on the child. Just a total mess.

  61. What you described is not a man who is perfect in every way and who loves you. You just described a selfish asshole who uses your mouth to masturbate in everyday. You are the living fleshlight he feel entitled to every single day regardless if you are in pain and are in the mood. This is not the behaviour of a man who loves, cares and respects you. This is the behaviour of a self absorbed, selfish asshole who only cares about his dick. Why would someone this selfish and entitled who has little respect for you be someone you think is perfect in every way? You have a rotten boyfriend problem. You don’t have to stay with someone who uses you to masturbate in daily.

  62. Maybe listen to some podcasts together and discuss. Gimlet media puts out some amazing stories. I could recommend some if your interested.

  63. He's taking the 'fake it til you make it' approach to the nth level – just pretending it's their 1 year anniversary so hard that he's manifesting it into reality.

  64. She does invite other friends but she doesn’t have a lot of friends here. On the other hand, she is nowhere near as touchy with them as she is with him.

    As for why I put up with it, I know she’s not physically cheating because we online together and I’m always around when they hang out. Plus it is genuinely a great relationship and I’m not going to throw it away because I’m not sure about her relationship with her best friend. We still get plenty of time alone because we on-line together and she doesn’t have a lot of friends. It’s just that whenever we do something outside of the house, he’s invited.

  65. i think so too, I'm just worried this will ruin whatever civility we have built since our separation

  66. Maybe your kids are picking up on the fact that you have no remorse what so ever for what you did. That selfish attitude probably shows in more ways than you are willing to admit and your kids see you clearly now.

    Your ex was a person not just a means to an end. I am curious, how did you end up marrying him? Did he make the first move? How did you meet? Were you at least attracted to him or was it all about the money from the start?

  67. Its not always about doing something wrong. Sometimes it's just about not being calibrated enough to meet needs for each other. And that's fixable. But it sounds like the friend has a way he validates that involves things the fiancees normal process doesn't have yet.

  68. My partner was letting him talk but also sticking up for us. My alarm went off while they visited last week.

  69. Well Greg at least your wife is being forthright and sharing the texts and information. She would have grounds for sexual harassment I would think if it keeps up. That guy needs to stick to business and do his job and quit trying to let his little head do his thinking. Yeah I wouldn't let her be alone with him because things could get out of hand pretty quick. I would make sure that the boundaries are respected between that guy and your wife. That guy reminds me of a song by Ray Stevens where he sings better stick to business Mr businessman. I hope things go well Greg and that you continue loving your wife and you too can communicate keep communicating well and this guy knows his place.

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