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weed227live sex stripping with hd cam


23 thoughts on “weed227live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Her behavior is that of someone who may not be actually enjoying the sex as much as you.

    Do she even get off?

    Or does has she just been letting you use her body to get off all this time?

  2. It is not fair to take away someone’s decision in a situation like this. I would love to see what people would say if a man was forcing such thing on a woman

  3. What I meant to say was any house I’d buy would be one I could afford on my own. Sorry if I worded that confusingly. But I feel if I’m sharing a place with a girlfriend or even just a friend, the costs should be split. I know a few people who have bought a 4 bedroom house and rented the rooms to friends, and that rent money went toward paying the mortgage. I don’t see charging my gf rent as that different.

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  5. You can also choose Brit Shalom and many consider them Jewish. Last time I visit a synagogue no one wanted to look in my pants.

  6. Your comment is the most fair till now.

    Most people are pending on religious opinions or sexist issues.

    The guy was sincere and direct that he is not religious and didn't think marriage is important. So his belief that he is not obligated to spend money in something that is purely a one-sided wish, is VALID.

    And he even put a condition to compromise. If it was an impossible condition, then he would be considered the one at fault for not compromising for a solution that can satisfy both of them.

    It's not the case.

  7. I've looked through some of the/your other comments and I'm more on your side than I was. I will say that trying to 'fix' or 'change' someone rarely works and often makes them resent you, and you'd probably be better off seeking someone else who is capable of doing the things you need.

  8. I left out a lot of details because I didn't want this to be a long post.

    The first time he beat her he did it because he thought she was cheating on him with me. Because my ex's brother and mom ask me to come over to their house. So I did. My ex ended up going with me.

    We took a group picture but nothing happened. He always snoops through her phone so he saw the pic.

    He beat her, then he used her to lure me into meeting him. He then tried beating me up but got he got beat up. My ex still went back though. Then he beat her again later that day…

  9. Hmmm I’m getting married next year so financial planning is at the centre of my world now. I’ve taken out an insurance policy which pays out to my partner if I die and everything else goes to my kids. If he does first then it’s not an issue but if I go first then I want to make sure my kids get the money I currently and will continue to work for.

  10. they also keep guilt tripping him into hurting me.

    I'm sorry but when there's a friend problem if they cannot stand up for you towards their friends, there's not really going to be a relationship unless you're fine with the constant disrespect towards you from his friends OR You're fine with you being the one that has to stand up to his friends.

  11. Rent might be the same, but she will have little time to come up with additional deposits, etc.

    You are also willfully blind to the burden your sister will be on your partner. There are many solutions that don't involve cohabitation with your sister. Why do you see all of them as untenable?

  12. My husband used to believe abortion was wrong, way he was raised (Christian house), but as he got older, he more understand that it’s none of his business what a woman does. People can grow, but he seems pretty stuck. Up to you if you feel you can on-line with it knowing what he believes and what he would do if you got pregnant and you chose to abort. That could be a deal breaker. Have you asked him that?

  13. Not an overreaction. You keep minimizing it to “one issue”. It's weird. Stop it. This one issue overshadows all else. He won't trust you with where he lives, that's so basic nothing else you 2 are “working on” even matters tbh

    You don't know where your spouse lives and he refuses to tell you. There's no future or anything salvageable until that changes.

  14. I know a lot of kids who were raised in a loveless, trustless (idk the word) and abusive marriage with parents staying together because they think it’s best for their children. It’s not. It messes the child up. You’re setting your daughter up to believe that all men will treat her like your husband is treating you. That it’s ok to kick you out the house because your hurt and pregnant. This man doesn’t love you, he doesn’t care about you and you’re telling you daughter that that’s ok

  15. I wasn’t in contact with anyone till I saw him on tinder. This isn’t keeping it up. The family asked me to tell them something, I asked on-line if I should then the responses annoyed me so I did. Now they have to deal with knowing he is fucking randoms while dating their sister that he said he is dating for money while I continue on and meet others online.

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