Kendall Zans online webcams for YOU!


6 thoughts on “Kendall Zans online webcams for YOU!

  1. Hello /u/PalpitationFar4027,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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    include details about the involved parties including ages, genders, and length of relationship, and

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  2. There is something in this whole story that just doesn't mesh.

    I don't believe to be wrong: I would bet he cheated on her.

  3. This is driving me bananas. Every other comment here seems to be some version of “cheating is never ok and she should have left” but that isn’t the issue/topic.

    OP’s dilemma is: should his wife get to control who OP is friends with? Why can’t his wife mentally separate the friend’s actions from his actions? That’s supposed to be the focus.

    Though I suppose there’s another implied question: are we morally obliged to end friendships with people who did something we wouldn’t do?

  4. Thank you so much for the congrats! I honestly didn’t want to miss my nephew’s birthday either, but my boyfriend convinced me to go with him by saying that next year I can attend my nephew’s next birthday party.

  5. Most people think that their duty to their spouse supersedes their duty to their parents, when these come into conflict. However, it might be possible to work out a compromise solution, to spend some time in Mexico and some time with your parents while they are still alive.

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