the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Date: October 5, 2022

15 thoughts on “ the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. It's the right thing to do, just tell her you want to stay anonymous. Maybe give her some proof so she can believe what you said is true. Your friend also need a life lesson of this. Good luck.

  2. Exactly. Weight fluctuation is common for women. Our hormones are so complicated. Especially if OP ever has kids in the future, he should understand his partner’s body will (probably likely) never look the same. And we all age. My husband had a six pack when I first met him. Now he’s put on a few lbs and his job demands too much of his time to workout consistently. I still love him more all the time. I don’t understand feelings changing over something like that, but I’m the type to be attracted to the mind. Which to me… is real love.

    It bothers me that OP seems to have 0 concern about her behavioral changes. She clearly seems depressed.

  3. Until he wants to do the work to get better, he won't get better. It's not your job to force him into therapy, or to bear the brunt of how emotional issues.

  4. Hello /u/the-sling-king,

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  5. Really doesn’t matter if he comes or not. You should still divorce. It would save you a lot of heartache, and as a previous commenter said, you both live as you are single anyway. Keep any evidence needed and fight to ensure you get joint custody. She cant use your child as a weapon if you have a court order, because she will be in contempt and jeopardize her custody.

  6. Nah. Its crazy. To think you and i might be bored or need to kill time to we open IG Tiktok or Reddit. Your boyfriend opens PornHub not to masturbate. Thats not normal.

    Your so new in this relationship and its a huge lifelong issue. If its as bad on your mental health think about it if you marry or have kids.

  7. You know what, you're right. Dad shouldn't be lying about this. He should tell his wife to fuck off, and if the son is going to act like his dad is a monster for this, the sad should tell him to fuck off too.

    The only thing the dad did wrong here is lie. Anyone who wants to act like he's a piece of shit for wanting to support and meet his biological child who wants a relationship with him too is insane. His wife should be told, and hopefully she does him a favor and gets lost if she's angry about this.

  8. First of all, I’m worried for you that you don’t feel safe to tell your husband you’re on the pill. Second, your anxiety around pregnancy should be discussed with a therapist. So you can address the underlying issue and so you can find a way to communicate those anxieties to your husband. He should be the one person who understands and supports you while you’re struggling. Third, there are other options besides the pill. There are implants, diaphragms, and IUD’s. But the real issue is that you aren’t ready to have a child and you can’t share your fears around it with your husband. I’m sorry you are experiencing this but please seek secular help for it.

  9. Unfortunately changing the hair color on a picture is easily done by any a mature these days. The photo may not be authentic at all and you have some weird person doing their damnest to break you up.

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