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latuabirbalive sex stripping with hd cam


21 thoughts on “latuabirbalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. It when he try getting physical that concerns me. I love him but at the same time I could easily throw him halfway across my yard

  2. It when he try getting physical that concerns me. I love him but at the same time I could easily throw him halfway across my yard

  3. Girl…the signs were there. This is why I will never put my money let alone all of it into a joint account for NO MAN. Make a plan and gtfo. Your fiancé is abusive.

  4. What's wrong with any of that? Sounded like fun to have. Not everything has to be bland and boring to be an adult.

  5. You may be able to see that your message is delivered but he might not even know that he has been sent a message, just because it says it was delivered it doesn’t mean that he knows he has received one.

    There could be loads of reasons like, he dropped his phone that day and it cracked the screen so he can’t see anything on his phone display. He might not have notifications enabled for SC but he does for other apps, his phone could be on do not disturb, he might have lost his phone, forgot his login details and can’t reset them and there’s 100s and 100s of more possible legitimate reasons.

    It’s no different to you sending me a tracked letter to my house, just because you can see on the postal service website that the letter has been delivered it doesn’t mean that I know it’s there or I have seen it as I could be miles away in work, so just the same thing it is telling you your message has been delivered AND THATS ALL.

  6. Is he the owner of the tag? Is he the only other person with access to the car?

    I’m not saying it’s not him, it’s just wise to consider all the possibilities. Do either of you carshare in the car to work etc?

  7. When he asks you to go to lunch you don't need an excuse, just say “not today, but thanks for asking!”

    When he asks if you have a minute say “I don't actually, I've got to get going” if you're leaving work and “I don't actually, I've got to get to work!”

  8. Loose the weight by dumping his arse.

    Find someone who will show you the love and respect you deserve, and go live your best life

  9. Abusers very very rarely actually correct themselves and change. Most often, they just move on to the next victim and play nice while their partner still has some ability to easily leave them. The mask comes off when more serious commitment starts happening and they think their partner is “trapped” with them.

    Unless you've seen him in a “dark place” already and know he doesn't behave that way anymore, unless he's got receipts for anger management and therapy, unless he completely owns his behavior without excuse, there is no change or trust here.

    He has made himself dangerous to women, and you should listen to the warnings of others.

  10. My advice, cut contact for the next three days, after those three days are up jerk one out. Then search how you feel during the “post nut clarity” if you still like her then go for another shot.

    You are both young, add alcohol and dumb things can happen. I’m not going to tell you to give it another go, you do you. But don’t listen to the 900 people here to plainly cut contact either. They say that shit on 3/4ths of the posts here.

  11. That's a pretty intense situation you're in, but you gotta stay strong, you know? I can't even imagine what it feels like to have your dad and your mother-in-law hooking up like that. That's not cool. It's like, “What do you think you're doing?!” But at the same time, you gotta try to see where they're coming from. Maybe they were just feeling lonely or something, you know? Still, I totally get why you're disgusted by it all. You might wanna consider talking to them and telling them how you feel. Maybe they'll come to their senses and realize how messed up this whole thing is. And don't worry about your job, man. You shouldn't have to quit just because of their mistakes.

  12. Except that she's right. If the kid was spending weekends with her and they ended up getting married, he is a parent. Parents don't get weekends off (unless they get a sitter) because they need alone time. That's not how parenting works. If you're dating a single mom. You are dating her kids too. If they aren't living together, he can enjoy his time alone but if they live together and eventually get married, he becomes step dad and weekend long breaks are non existent unless the kid goes to sads house. It's a reality. Patents/step parents don't get weekend long alone times…'s unrealistic. If he really can't handle being a parent, then yes, end the relationship. Eventually he would lose the option to leave and have alone time

  13. Yes, not first date, but more like 3rd date. People for whom it would be a deal breaker need not waste their time

  14. Arguing and disagreements at least once a month in only the first year of dating doesn't scream “happy and healthy” relationship.

    If you have to ask how often is TOO OFTEN, it's probably too often.

  15. You could frame it differently in your head. Its not useless or a waste of time if it makes your wife happy. I get where you're coming from. I know this isn't the best solution, but if you shift your point of view then it makes some crap more tolerable.

    Example lots of people find flowers stupid cause they're pretty meaningless and die in a few days … but for $10 you can light up someone's whole day. Whats frustrating to you might be an important way she bonds with you and you should seek some middle ground.

    Also sit down with wife and explain how you feel over dinner or some time wheb she's NOT asking you to do this. Come up with an idea that meets her need but also doesnt leave you feeling frustrated.

  16. I know it's shocking and inconceivable, but your partner has met and spoken to women before. It's even more shocking to learn he's not fucked all of them. I know it's going to come as a bigger surprise, but he can also remember them.

    I know these are DEVASTATING times for you. I hope you can recover.

  17. Cheating is wrong regardless. End the marriage, go separate ways whatever, and do whatever tf you want but don't cheat.

    I would never want to be friends with a cheater. They will throw anyone under the bus, they are cowards, lie, and are the most selfish people because they do not think of anyone but themselves.

    I know how you feel and I'd be uncomfortable too.

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