Bella_Inkedlive sex stripping with hd cam


11 thoughts on “Bella_Inkedlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. You posted this exact same thing a few days ago and got real shitty with everyone that commented, myself included. You told me you “hope my baby dies of cancer.”

    I stand by my previous comment of you are lucky anyone ever lets you anywhere near their vagina.

  2. I can smell a smoker from a while away. The smoke carries, it's genuinely shit. The worst thing is, since i know ppl who smoke, i can smell the brand as well (rough idea, like cheap or expensive one which most can do)

  3. If you aren’t going to listen to him, let us tell you what your husband is saying. You are not his priority. That means your desire to have children isn’t his priority and likely never will be.

    Of course it will hurt but you will save yourself so much pain and potential regret if you leave now. One day you will be past your child bearing years, too old / tired for kids or an unsuitable candidate for adoption because of your husband’s responsibilities. Chances are good that you won’t even be able to say that you have a great relationship and are fulfilled because your husband has made it clear that he doesn’t consider your needs equal to his own.

    You should be his priority! Even now he has the means to give his siblings the best of care and still be in a committed partnership with you but he says he can’t. He is telling you he loves you, but not enough. He is putting what he wants first, not what’s best for you as a couple.

    I’m sorry, this is an awful situation for you. Please think on this, maybe take some time away or apart. Think about whether you are prepared to always be second fiddle because it’s not a great life.

  4. OP, I'd advise you to accept his decision gracefully, and find a roommate to help you share expenses for the remainder of this year's lease. You can keep the communications lines open with your partner and keep planning for him to move in, but I think it will mean a lot to him to see that you can respect his feelings without taking personal offense.

    You say you tend to be more “emotionally driven” and if that means you attack your partner verbally sometimes when you fight, that is something I think you should work on during 2023 with your therapist. Part of his desire to live separately may be the feeling that he needs a safe retreat to get away from your angry outbursts. Even if you are able to have calm, rational discussions with him most of the time, you may need to practice remaining calm and rational when you feel pushed to your limits of your patience. Good luck, I hope everything works out for you!

  5. Girl this sounds more like he told Jack that he will calm you down and pretend to stop talking, so you relent until, they could keep hanging out

  6. Why don’t you date during your marriage? And quit over analyzing it and go with it. You guys know how to hate each other and since you’re married for life you’re stuck there anyway, so why don’t you make it a good journey a happy journey, a sexual journey, romantic journey.

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