Sinfull42ERuxylive sex stripping with hd cam


9 thoughts on “Sinfull42ERuxylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. First off I just wanna say, Susan knew, she saw signs and ignored them because “love”.

    As far your issue, I'd leave her. After 6 years. And now she wants proof you're not an abusive person? Have ever abused her? Also therapy? For what, you didn't do anything but open your home to an abuse victim, and you're the one who needs therapy?

    Your gf is nuts and needs to reflect on the last 6 years. Honestly though, I'd be out.

  2. Damn… my scholarship is paying for uni but he’s paying for my place. I didn’t even thought about financial problems of all this…

  3. Then she CLEARLY hasn’t changed one bit in the last 7 years, except now she’s brought a defenseless child into her dysfunction smh.

  4. Only propose if you are sure that’s what you want for the rest of your life.

    Your girlfriend is putting a lot of pressure on you by asking almost daily. You need to communicate with her about how this makes you feel. Maybe tell her that the pressure is making it harder for you to make a decision.

  5. I feel like you made a good decision. I do also think though that you seem to put too much emphasis on the relationship/other person bringing you happiness. That comes from within. Take in the new place, be open, get engaged in hobbies and stop that negative thinking!

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