AnnHortlive sex stripping with hd cam


7 thoughts on “AnnHortlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Seems that way. If there is nothing much you two share in common, it can get quite difficult to enjoy quality time together. Especially if you don't even go out on dates or just travel around together to do whatever.

    In the end the question really falls back to you. Is this what you wanted in a relationship and are you satisfied with it? Or are you just lingering around because of commitment or loyalty?

  2. Does he not work? “I’m not leaving the house until I reach 2000 MMR on DoTA” is such a heinous thing to say and follow through when you’re a 26 year old man with a fiancé lol.

    You need to tell him get up and do something with you and his life because you can’t possibly be living a happy n’ healthy lifestyle with a man who literally won’t leave the house for you over a video game..

  3. Talk to a lawyer first but it sounds like this is over and truthfully you never should have been with this person let alone marry them and I think you know that

  4. Touching story. Rarely I see a post and the answer is clearly to break up. Crowds always cheer for break ups and I rarely ever agree on it, even in cheating situations.

    But. You understand and accept each other.

    Considering you accepted her polyamorous thing. You can’t take it back.

    But considering the basic in 101 romantics you are asking for, she OWES that to you. To do with you what she does with the others. Loving and dirty stuff both equally. Non negotiable.

    Just dont take away the poly thing…

  5. GL…I don't know EVERY couple that's given into this stuff, but EVERY couple that has (five) has had horrible long term results. One hung on to a loveless marriage for 20 years, with repeat infidelity on both sides…but hey, just know that you will find yourself in the marriage you created, and therefore deserve… go get em tiger….rawr….

  6. Going off to pout after not being allowed to convince her to have sex, is manipulative.

    Where did she say he was pouting? It sounds like he disengaged from the encounter out of embarrassment, given how the subsequent conversation with her went. He wasn't accusatory or mean-spirited. He just said he misinterpreted signals.

    The dude definitely needs to internalize some lessons here, but he's not some irredeemable piece of shit like so many in this thread are making him out to be. If this sort of thing were to happen again, then we can pull out the “coercion” and “manipulation” cards.

  7. Either approach her as a friend or not at all. Being approached at the gym feels so uncomfortable. We are just there to exercise, not to get a date.

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