Annabellrio live! sex chats for YOU!


6 thoughts on “Annabellrio live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Just never talk to him again. Let him work it out for himself. Never drink that much again? What a fuckin joke. He would have to completely stop going to bars if there is any hope of him not drinking that much again, not gonna happen anytime soon. He was so excited to get drunk that he couldn't even wait for you to join the party. Then he “got lost” because his friends were the priority, not you.

    I have a brother that gets black out drunk (angry drunk) and starts fights, taking care of a train wreck like that is terrifying. I had a friend that would get black out drunk (reckless drunk) and would run from the cops and lose all rationality. Just don't. You aren't even super serious with him, move on to better people than that. Drinking releases his rage, jealousy, competition, domination. It feels good while it's happening and then the next day he loses memory of it anyways, he's not going to change for a casual girlfriend.

  2. You had a previous EA with this person and this relationship was extremely toxic. Full stop, abusive and toxic. No girl, find someone better then him. He sounds extremely manipulative and can easily turn on and off the charm, don’t be fooled. You deserve better.

  3. We seek comfort and dopamine. It's addicting. Your boyfriend has an addiction to the porn and the climax and he needs to make actual steps to fix it.

    Does HE want to fix it? Or do you want him to? Is it you nagging? What's the dynamic here? If you're the one pushing this idea he needs to stop, sorry to tell you, it's not going to work. If its him, what actions are being taken to change? Is he seeing a therapist? Has he removed apps from his phone?

    Ultimately, I can tell you I absolutely have never had to beg a guy to stop masterbating. There's lots of non porn addicted fish in the sea. Determine if it's you or him. If it's just you that cares I would walk away. If it's him he needs therapy and accountability and that might look like you stepping away to allow him the space to work on things.

  4. girl LEAVE HIM. you do not want to spend the rest of your life miserable with someone like that. life is too short to waste it away on someone that can’t reciprocate the love and sacrifices you went through with his alcoholism and abuse. your looks should not matter to whether or not he loves you and respects you. find someone that is in love with your soul because neither of you are going to be looking hot at 85 so if physical attraction is all that’s holding it together for him, he is shallow and selfish. it is NEVER too late to move on and find what you deserve. and this? you deserve so much better babes

  5. I'm asexual too, so I guess I would question that what exactly are your needs, and what is your girlfriend willing to do to meet those needs?

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