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5 thoughts on “jessykat94live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Her time of the month?? Do you usually push her feelings to the side like that as if they don't matter? I agree that she's being childish for wanting to cancel dinner over a game.

    I've played with people who take games too seriously and stopped playing with them because it's not fun.

  2. “I'm afraid to bring up an open marriage or hall pass ideas to her”

    Are you new here?

    Bringing poly into an established mono relationship doesn't work very often, if at all. It comes across as a rejection of the partner which it absolutely is. If she's not in the mood or feeling sexy (common after a child is born) then telling her that you want to start sleeping with other women will lead to divorce.

    You need to speak with her. Arrange babysitting and and ask what she feels. Don't make it all about you. What does she think, how does she feel, what does she want.

    What do you do to show that you love her, love her post-pregnancy body?

  3. He doesn't care because he's doesn't care about you. He just cares about himself.

    My ex husband had all sorts of ridiculous ideas about how stuff I did meant that I was cheating on him.

    You can never reason with people like this and they will never change because they feel completely justified in their actions.

    You have two choices here: you can either accept his abusive behaviour and prepare for things to get worse and worse or you can break things off now and be free.

  4. You’re talking so much about how much it will hurt to lose him. You’ll be losing a man that doesn’t respect you, your feelings, or your relationship. Someone who does, wouldn’t still be friends with someone that has not only come onto them, but also trash talks their partner. Someone who respects you wouldn’t be going on a vacation with someone who has tried to have sex with them, when in a relationship. Someone who respects you will listen to your feelings and concerns about the entire situation and not just keep saying he won’t cheat and not actually listening to the words you are saying. That’s not a good boyfriend.

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