ImHannalive sex stripping with hd cam


8 thoughts on “ImHannalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Forget the mom what did your gf do when this took place? The words that should have come out of her mouth should have been something like “excuse my mom but I have a boyfriend” if nothing remotely close to this came out of your gf’s mouth then I would question my relationship with her.

  2. He’s been watching too much porn hub I guess he thought your head was going to get stuck in the dishwasher and your brother was going to cream you

  3. Why is he controlling you? You are allowing it.

    Just tell him you have a spa day planned with a friend and go. You don't need his permission. You are a grown ass woman. Don't ask him, tell him.

  4. Nobody, no matter what they have done wrong; wants to keep having to talk about, be punished over, or constantly rehash the past. If you stay together that IS what will happen. You won't intend to think about it and she won't intend to say or do something that triggers memories, thoughts and emotions. But it will happen, repeatedly, maybe forever.

    My ex cheated on me early on in the relationship. I tried to get over it and move past my insecurities. I stopped telling her what I felt because it was like beating a dead horse. But if she was 30 minutes late in the back of my mind I always wondered if she might be cheating. If she had to be away overnight I almost assumed I'd be cheated on and there would be no way for me to ever know or catch her. I wasted years with her, and I truly don't think she ever cheated again.

    BUT, there was never going to come a day when I genuinely trusted her again. I couldn't ever tell myself, “I know with 100% certainty she'd never cheat on me”, because she already had. Hoping a cheater won't cheat again is a sucker's bet. many things in this world are worth fighting for. A cheater is not one of those things.

  5. How can you be blindsided by something you never discussed? You are placing a lot of blame on your partner and you seem to resent them and where they came from. You are just as at fault for not having the conversation. And the only person being manipulative here is you.

    You should probably seek therapy before you get married.

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