Carollina-Fox on-line webcams for YOU!


Hard body [GOAL MET]

Date: January 8, 2023

4 thoughts on “Carollina-Fox on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. I try not thinking about the fact that he might cheat. But the hookup sites are a major issue. But he wants to play it off like it was done before we met which I knew was bullshit. I just don’t want to deal with the heartbreak of it even though I know I should.

  2. Why does it both you? Those pics are a time from his life.

    I wouldn't want to remove them either. FB pics kinda bring me back to the past from time to time and it's nice and nostalgic.

    My gf of a decade has never once mentioned ex gf pics on FB.

    I'm sorry but u sound v insecure

  3. So you've been sponging off him for years with no intent to stop. If you feel so unsafe, gtfo. If you're so disabled you can't work, then get on welfare or go to a shelter. You're practically a professional victim

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