On another sub I saw women saying their partners were taking videos and images of their sisters or relatives/friends. And they decide to stay.. maybe I’ll see her on the subreddit eventually. Sigh.
About two years ago I was in a similar spot to your bf, including the passing of my grandfather and I attempted suicide a few months later. It was a mix of my own terrible mental health (now massively improved) and the loss of my grandfather really impacted me massively.
He is going to feel an extreme, almost beyond belief, amount of regret and guilt for his actions. The absolute low a human faces when they make a full attempt to kill themselves is mind boggling.
All you can do, is be there for him and simply listen to him. You will get angry, you will get annoyed and that is all natural. Try to be patient and understand that he was not in his normal mind. Depression and the spiral down is a truly awful thing.
We live in a social media age. I’m sorry that you’re upset that these photos from seven years ago are bothering you, but don’t look. Clearly they are old and from an old relationship.
You have no right to expect somebody erase their entire Facebook page and all the social media postings prior to you coming into their life.
Was it right to call you a name? No. Was right for him to be angry that you want to erase his life before he met you? Yeah.
there’s no reason to exclude your father. if you do feel close to your step dad and YOU want him involved, you could do half the dance with bio and half with step, just have bio goes first. otherwise, its perfectly acceptable to just have bio involved if thats okay too. it would, however, be very cruel to exclude your bio dad, considering the fact that he wanted to be involved, he didn’t leave you. your mom left him and took you with
Bet they didn't wear masks either
Oh now they’re claiming it was a swinging situation?
I'm sorry but are you alright mate?
On another sub I saw women saying their partners were taking videos and images of their sisters or relatives/friends. And they decide to stay.. maybe I’ll see her on the subreddit eventually. Sigh.
Hi OP,
About two years ago I was in a similar spot to your bf, including the passing of my grandfather and I attempted suicide a few months later. It was a mix of my own terrible mental health (now massively improved) and the loss of my grandfather really impacted me massively.
He is going to feel an extreme, almost beyond belief, amount of regret and guilt for his actions. The absolute low a human faces when they make a full attempt to kill themselves is mind boggling.
All you can do, is be there for him and simply listen to him. You will get angry, you will get annoyed and that is all natural. Try to be patient and understand that he was not in his normal mind. Depression and the spiral down is a truly awful thing.
We live in a social media age. I’m sorry that you’re upset that these photos from seven years ago are bothering you, but don’t look. Clearly they are old and from an old relationship.
You have no right to expect somebody erase their entire Facebook page and all the social media postings prior to you coming into their life.
Was it right to call you a name? No. Was right for him to be angry that you want to erase his life before he met you? Yeah.
there’s no reason to exclude your father. if you do feel close to your step dad and YOU want him involved, you could do half the dance with bio and half with step, just have bio goes first. otherwise, its perfectly acceptable to just have bio involved if thats okay too. it would, however, be very cruel to exclude your bio dad, considering the fact that he wanted to be involved, he didn’t leave you. your mom left him and took you with