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Lil__purrlive sex stripping with hd cam


22 thoughts on “Lil__purrlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. What the actual fuck? 8 girls?

    I couldn't even read this. Nobody can help you if you won't help yourself

  2. Okay, it's good you done that. I'm against going through someone's phone normally but was actually going to suggest you do it to get rid of any other pics – he doesn't deserve phone privacy under these circumstances.

    There's no valid reason, especially these days, for him to be secretly taking photos of you very hot. The sheer fact it's done in secret shows they know its wrong.

    One of my exs was very abusive and so the next guy I dated seemed great. In comparison, he was, but he still didn't treat me well at all – I just couldn't see it at the time.

    There are men out there who aren't violent, who don't sneak around, who don't believe lying is an art form, who don't disrespect you etc.

    Just know that you deserve to be with someone good and make the right choices for yourself.

  3. You don't, because calling someone a prostitute isn't misogynistic, lol. I am pro prostitute, but only when both parties understand what services are being rendered and for how much. Male prostitutes exist, so there's no reason you could legitimately accuse me of being misogynistic. Therefore, my only conclusion is that you don't know what it means:



    Hatred or mistrust of women.

    Hatred of women.

    Hatred of women. Contrast misandry.**

    Nothing I said would qualify as misogyny. However, he should definitely have mistrust for his girlfriend as evidenced by her lack of communication and trust in him and then her unwillingness to even speak to him herself and rather through a friend blindsiding him.

  4. I’m usually a very forgiving person and not someone who holds grudges, so every time something happened i would brush it off. But this is the first time he has excluded me from a group event, which is probably why everyone knew I was going.

  5. Her asking you what you’re doing tomorrow at the end was her asking to see you again. She’s not going to instantly ask you to take her back cause she wants to go on dates and test the water. If you don’t want to take her back, then don’t worry about it anymore.

  6. Never commit to a relationship for someone that puts requirements on your looks. What would he do if 15 years from now you had a disease that changed your looks that you couldn’t do anything about?

  7. He hasn’t shown any signs of getting physical yet even though we are a month into dating.

    Abusive partners rarely show their demons at the start.

    Amended/reduced just means the state lawyers/prosecutors didn't have enough evidence (he said/she said) to push more charges than the physical evidence. For it to get to the stage of charges means she would have real wounds and a medical record backing it up.

    He could have made a plea deal for lesser charges too. Or the mother of his child didn't want him in jail, so he could keep supporting her, because she had feelings for him, or any other reasons.

  8. age gap red flag number one – the younger and more inexperienced you are the easier it is to mould you into their perfect glrlfriend/mom/maid, by preying on the more you want to impress him because of the stars in your eyes blinding you from his toxic behaviors, and your young more naive ways. If he doesnt like your independent voice and opinions, this is exactly why. you are not performing the way he wants you to.

  9. Dan savage talks about when you’re a boy and come out as gay your parents basically start seeing you “put -male genitals- in your mouth” in their heads every time they talk to you.

    This post kinda feels like that.

    Op have you sought out a therapist to help you work through this? To emotionally digest that your parents aren’t just an in and out drive through?

    I would say it isn’t a great idea to invite them to the wedding. You aren’t ready and it’s a big stressful joyous day for you

    But you could, start working on yourself and your ability to extend an olive branch.

  10. Nah, man. This is like that scene in Terminator 2 when Sarah Connor is dreaming that she's at the chain link fenced playground and then everything is toast.

  11. You are a sick disturbed person. She was raped, sexually assaulted, and you don't seem to give a shit at all. She deserves better, I hope your penis rots off and a dog eats it you freak. There is no coming back from this with humanity. You have zero. Go to hell where you belong.

  12. Does she do drugs at raves? Seems like she doesn't want to be judged or seen as overstepping relationship boundaries when getting mixed up with a bunch of strangers at a rave.

  13. I think ur husband has been watching too much incest porn live – yep it's a thing. Ask him directly what's abnormal about sharing a bed with a sibling/parent if needs must. If his answer is sexual be concerned!

  14. It's going to take a lot more than 3 weeks. I was depressed for months. Years. And I stayed with these people. The only way you'll find yourself is by getting away from them.

    The stress you'll feel daily will make you so tired and physically diminished.

    I can't imagine what it felt like learning 6 years after and before getting married. Then for her to make it about herself and take no accountability.

    “I cheated because it was unhealthy and he was my first and I lied because I didn't want to lose you” is a self serving way of saying “I cheated because I didn't have basic human compassion for you, I only cared about my needs, I did just enough to lock you down, and I didn't respect you enough to be honest and transparent with you.”

    When you love someone, you don't lie to them for 6 years. You want them happy and healthy. With or without you.

  15. I get housing is hot to get, but you must have had an idea she might not like the idea. It’s just you chose to ignore it because you wanted to keep the housing

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