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25 thoughts on “anezzlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Crazy how you left your house, bud. You should have kicked her ass out, she doesn’t get to do that and dictate what she wants with the house. She isn’t a teenager, call her on her shitty attitude and kick her out.

  2. Have you ever thought of backing off for a bit and giving your wife the space she needs to manage her nausea and fatigue instead of forcing her to continually push you away? How about giving her what she needs right now instead of making it all about you?

  3. Hello /u/fugu694,

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  4. I’m so sorry she said that to you and I imagine the last thing you want to do is get intimate with her because you don’t feel safe.

    I think the best thing for you to do is get your self confidence back. Love yourself in whatever shape that makes YOU feel comfortable. And then carry it with confidence. Don’t do it for you, or look the way she wants you to. Do it for you and just start feeling good about yourself. And when you feel good about yourself, it’s important to sit down with your wife and explain how what she said made you feel . Be open and communicative about it.

    I am on team dad bod all the way!

  5. I'm sorry but this is who your mother is. She creates conflict and is willing to set fire to relationship.

    Only difference now is that she is putting you in the middle.

    Personally I wouldnt talk to her or give her a chance. I would tell her that her relationship with your wife and kid are done, that you won't expose anyone to thus.

    This is who she is, she isnt going to change.

  6. Well when she’s not there to get the brunt of that, who’s on deck.

    Abusers like this just lash out.

    Using resources very available, gives her siblings a shot to not be beat to shit when the next one gets their turn to take that abuse.

    I can’t blame someone for wanting to run away, I’m not sure I could let my siblings face that when I have the tools and ability to make sure it doesn’t.

    Not protecting her siblings would not be her fault. I just don’t know how I could live with myself not doing that because no one there is going to do that for them.

  7. in that case, don’t ask her this till she’s almost back, looks v try hard trying to make such plans weeks in advance

  8. My parents don't really want me to befriend any guys that they don't know, I can't have a sleepover if there are any guys, it's not very strict but I'm quite sad that they want me to only talk to girls. I have dated before but I didn't tell my parents about them either and those relationships were awful sadly. I have a sister who also never dated so I sadly don't know what their reaction would be. My parents are in no way too strict but sometimes I would have to leave out some information in order to have a sleepover with some friends that included some of our male friends. So far, I think that my parents won't hate anything about my boyfriend since he is so good to me and he has the same hobbies as my dad

  9. I informed friends, family and the manager of the place she lives in. She told me that this was wrong and that I should have never done it?!

  10. You have to love both parents equally? Maybe you are speaking only in the context of this situation, and I misunderstood you, but if you had a dad who beat your mom throughout their marriage, you are not compared to love that guy equally to your mother. And if you do, I'm not sure what more can be said. So, yes, regardless of this particular situation, there are times when the moral thing to do is absolutely take a side.

  11. For what it’s worth, because I haven’t seen it explicitly yet and you seem likely to be obsessed with men and their sexual desires being a way to take advantage of women, sex is sex.

    Unless you’re asexual if he didn’t want to sleep with you that would be a problem.

    If you don’t want to have sex don’t have sex.

    But my point is that a lot of people get really obsessed with having had sex and then the relationship doesn’t work out and for some reason they blame it on “the guy getting what he wanted” (which is a weird way some people openly admit they want to leverage a sunk-cost fallacy on their boyfriends until they stick around.)

    Some relationships fail without the sex though, especially early on.

    And a lot of the times people have sex and then the relationship doesn’t work out…

    Well it wouldn’t have worked out regardless of whether they had sex or not.

    So don’t have it if you don’t want to but it’s not some relationship destroying entity.

    If you’re not compatible you’re not compatible.

  12. You're probably not going to get a very positive response because Reddit, on the whole, is misogynist. Your husband is a misogynist, let's be real. He deliberately derails conversations about female issues by tossing out 'well men experience abuse, men this and that'. This is a classic misogynist tactic, to make your issues seem less significant and to try and force guilt upon you. You say you are you want your daughter to have to deal with a father who thinks women should just stop 'complaining' about certain issues ? Or if you are having a son, your husband will try to teach and reinforce these ideas that women are equal and you have to put them in their place if they complain. Really think about if you want this man to influence your child's life in that manner.

  13. Never send nudes to anyone. Not even someone you’re married to. If you can’t resist for some reason, send pics that do not include your head.

  14. Your baby calling him dadda isn't weird. Google it. Toddlers don't understand fully. My kid called every man dadda cuz she thought that's that men were, dadda.

    But the rest of it is utterly insane. Get that dude the hell outta your house! Soooo disrespectful him being there with you gone.

  15. Frankly that’s not necessarily visible with half Asian/Caucasian kids.

    I know a few who look full Asians while others just have dark hair and no their particular features.

  16. It’s an analogy

    What I meant is that your analogy is like a pigeon swimming through a sea of pineapples. It makes no sense whatsoever.

    Something that you did in your past that has zero baring on who you are now and is basically meaningless

    Great, amnesty for everyone! /s

    Please, if you're going to speak in motivational quotes, check them for sanity first. And to the thing at hand: wanting to be the first for your romantic partner is a valid desire.

  17. Thanks, that's one of the reasons the situation makes me feel so shitty. He's the only one who seems to care

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