Do not pay more than what you would pay if you were single. Like if you would chose to live somewhere that charges 500 a month if you were single, don’t agree to pay more than that just because he wants a more expensive place. If he wants something more expensive, he pays the difference.
Do not do more than half the chores, cooking and shopping if you both work equal hours. If one person works less hours, then they do more chores. Regardless of income.
Do not put your own career and earning potential on hold for someone who doesn’t consider his money your money
If he won’t pay for your tampons then you need to make sure you are financially independent of him 100%
That you never need his money or support.
This is not a good man. Please do NOT move in with him, marry him, or have his babies.
Keep the pillow, get rid of the insecurity blanket…I mean gf
Do not pay more than what you would pay if you were single. Like if you would chose to live somewhere that charges 500 a month if you were single, don’t agree to pay more than that just because he wants a more expensive place. If he wants something more expensive, he pays the difference.
Do not do more than half the chores, cooking and shopping if you both work equal hours. If one person works less hours, then they do more chores. Regardless of income.
Do not put your own career and earning potential on hold for someone who doesn’t consider his money your money
If he won’t pay for your tampons then you need to make sure you are financially independent of him 100%
That you never need his money or support.
This is not a good man. Please do NOT move in with him, marry him, or have his babies.
Timeline needs one more entry. Moved out and broke up in March.
No, how is she taking advantage of his naïveté?