FoxyDancelive sex stripping with hd cam


11 thoughts on “FoxyDancelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Your husband is a huge asshole. He's manipulative and abusive. He either needs counselling, or you need to leave

  2. Why are you with someone who is so quick to make fun of you instead of offering you help? The sooner you get away from him the better off your life will be

  3. It doesn't sound like this relationship could be saved, but having only heard one side, I don't think we should assume she didn't even put “bare minimum efforts” into their relationship. I'd be willing to bet if we read her side of things instead of his, we'd be hearing she bent over backwards to make him comfortable. That's the way it is–we all see things from our own point of view, and rarely understand much about the efforts and compromise others are making.

  4. My love, this is not okay, but you need to start digging around, without him knowing, and make sure he isn’t up to anything else.

  5. You’re still missing the crux of the issue: he WANTS to continue his close friendship with the racist homophobe who has lied to each of you about the other. You shouldn’t be in the position of telling your bf that Kade isn’t a good friend. Brian should be sufficiently bothered by Kade’s behavior (if nothing else, the blatant lying) that he naturally distances himself from Kade. That he doesn’t means that he’s unbothered by Kade’s behavior. He doesn’t see a problem with Kade telling lies about you. He’s ok with Kade trying to break you up. He supports Kade’s political views. All of that is a problem – and the problem is with Brian. Maybe he’s not quite who you think he is?

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