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AnnaCastillo_live sex stripping with hd cam


8 thoughts on “AnnaCastillo_live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I didn’t want to make him uncomfortable trying to invite myself. I was just seeing if he would even offer for me to come and he didn’t. Yes I was upset but bc he had been talking about us going on vacations together for months.. I’ve been in abusive relationships before so I know love bombing very well. I don’t believe that’s what he’s doing, he’s kinda just like a golden retriever puppy who loves everyone and everything. As for me being pick me well obviously I’m biased to say I’m not so that doesn’t really mean much to anyone lol. He’s in his 30s I’m in my mid 20s if that really matters.

  2. Yes. You are me. So much so…I’ve become a social worker. It’s exhausting af. But I have been better at setting boundaries by saying “you know, I don’t have the capacity today.” And usually people are chill!

  3. But she DOES need counseling for her issues. This is a her issue. Her alone. Not the mom. Not that it’s just about the mom. This woman is displaying behaviors that would be detrimental and abusive if she were to point them to her child. Which I have no doubt will happen. Telling someone they need counseling isn’t an insult. It’s the truth.

  4. She needs help. OP didn’t do anything wrong here. Blacking out and going into protection mode is a completely normal thing to do in a life or death situation. Why wait for someone to harm you when you can subdue them first?

  5. You’re only 5 months in and are feeling embarrassed by him. That’s only going to build. No point in dragging it out.

  6. Everyone else is giving you good advice so I just want to bring up something else: The guy he's quoting from Winter Soldier is Nick Fury talking about Alexander Pierce (the guy who rejected the Nobel Peace Prize because “He said Peace wasn't an achievement, it was a responsibility”)… Alexander Pierce turns out to be the VILLAIN of that movie. Spoilers, but Pierce is a Hydra agent (the coded Nazi fascist antagonist organization of the movies) and tries to/ is about to kill MILLIONS of people for the sake of “peace” before being stopped by Captain America. Like your boyfriends apparently a marvel fan, but looks up to the fascist, genocidal, maniac for his life quotes and work ethic? I mean he is sort of destroying himself for the sake of his own ego, while also taking you down with him (falls in line with a lot of marvel villains tbh). Cap isn't the one rejecting the award.

  7. Personally, I believe the age gap is the big red flag here.

    I don’t think what he SAID is wrong either (saying you look cute / attractive in the lingerie)

    It DOES seem obvious though that he may (probably does, imo) have a pregnancy fetish though.

    And that COMBINED with the age gap could be another red flag.

    I don’t think there is anything inherently wrong with a pregnancy fetish, I’m not shaming anyone, and if you’re reading this and you’re into something, you do you

    Its just with the combo of age gap plus this specific fetish, it seems at least semi likely that OP’s bf may have targeted her for grooming purposes and intends to possibly trap her into pregnancy?

    Dunno. Personally I find the combination to be a bit much, even though I don’t normally make any commentary on people’s fetishes etc (I do often comment on age gaps being toxic tho, to be fair)

  8. This is a nice idea, I'll ask him if his flatmates would like to do something like this. We study at two different universities in the same city and I study foreign languages so he can't help much with that. But we do generally offer each other support over things like this. We play live with each other sometimes (we only have once before), but I was thinking more activities we can do when we're actually together. When I'm alone, I text him a bit but generally I need to unwind in my alone time because I have a stressful job and degree.

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