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55 thoughts on “VannessaJ_live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. If you were best friends her eyes this would have gone down differently brother, sorry. She wouldn’t have been acting coldly to you for starters.

  2. Sounds like the love of your life is a bit of a wet wipe OP. Relationships need balance and equality. You seem to be making up for a lot and over compensating. A lot of women do this. And they end up coming across as needy because of it.

    I also know of quite a few men who would disagree with that sentiment that all men behave this way. The dude you chose is not a representative of the male population. There are worse guys out there. There are also a bunch that would little boy him real quick.

    Your expectations aren't out of this world, but there are wayyyy too many women laying these expectations at the feet of men who quite simply don't have the capacity to deliver.

  3. Be brave and tell him the truth. You will hurt his feelings temporarly but it will ultimately increase trust because he then knows you are not hiding shit from him like the rest.

    Sit him down, tell him “Listen, i think i have a idea about your question but you will not like it and i was too afraid to hurt your feelings to tell you right away.”

    Then tell him exactly what you think, you can still wrap it up in a nice and loving tone.

  4. Ahhh I see now. Never mind what the note says, you’re just looking for an excuse to break up with him. Your post history talks about how you want to date other people and that you don’t love him anymore. Why not just break up?

  5. A 6 year age gap when your 19 is a lot. Then there's the fact that she's your boss. There is a reason why we have that cliche about not dipping your pen in the company ink well. It oftentimes ends badly with the subordinate unemployed. This is when you should be making professional connections with work colleagues. You might need them for recommendations someday. You don't want these people saying that you slept with your boss.

  6. I dated a 25-year-old woman at 19 and it was easily one of the worst decisions that either of us made. Not saying it will be the same but there are definitely going to be differences that you will have to overcome or the relationship will succumb to.

  7. my Wife is also less happy when we are with her family.

    She is likely feeling a “guilt trip” to spend more time with her family – since she apparently feels more comfortable with your family.

    There is not much you can do other than to try to support her and encourage her to make choices that will make HER happy, despite the wishes of her family.

    Unfortunately, if you “demand” that she spend less time with her family then it will likely be perceived as manipulative/controlling and will drive a wedge in your relationship with her.

    Encourage her to seek happiness with the family that she has chosen (you).

  8. I've been in this relationship for 7 years, I'm still very attracted to her, but whenever a problem arises, everything is my fault….

  9. So basically he said “I had a tendency to be self destructive in my relationships but she loved me through that and showed me what love was”……

    You are 1000% overthinking this. You’ve been together over 10 years and unless he’s throwing signs he’s not interested in you anymore, he’s not going anywhere. Relax

  10. In 10 years you're going to look back on your own post and think “what a jerk I was.” You're lucky to be with the woman you're with right now and you should allow her to teach you. If you knew about computers and she didn't you would teach her. In the same way let her teach you. You're not married. Also, like everybody else said, get your ass into therapy. You need to get your head screwed on right.

  11. If he really cared about you, there's no way on earth he'd ever agree to taking a break as he would have to be born on Mars to not realise the risk of doing so: aka losing you to somebody else.

    Furthermore I'd suggest that if you were the one offering a break then it also suggest that subconsciously you too were well aware that he wasn't the best possible partner for you and that there was an upgrade out there for you to get with. Could be looks, personality, profession, weight, height, etc ultimately you can always find an improvement at least in some areas

  12. u/Informal_Speech1726, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  13. Really suspicious boundary and ultimatum time. She is disrespecting you hanging out with someone who doesn’t even want to know you. My partner and I both would never allow a friendship that doesn’t respect the both of us

  14. u/Ok_Fishing579, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  15. Hello /u/haikuzuna,

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  16. Understandable, for sure. I would counter, you drafting those emails did not have any possibility of putting you in a place you could lose your livelihood.

    I'll share this, I got my younger brother a job at a place I used to work. He is very similar to me, depression and anxiety BAD, he just hasn't been able to learn how to handle it as well as I have because I made the uncomfortable leap of working with the public over a decade ago, while he's avoided it. Long story short, he has not done well, and my boss blamed me since I talked him into hiring my brother.

    Now, I know my brother tries really naked. He'd never ON PURPOSE put me in the position I was in. But as you know, mental health is a whole ass bitch. It's kicked his ass hot. And even though I know it's not his fault, it put me in a very shitty situation.

    I say that to say this; It fucking sucked, I hated him for a while because life was hell. But if his house burned down, I'd let him online with me. I'd help him where I could. But I'll never work with him again, or help him get a job, because I legit hated him for putting me in that situation.

    I dunno if sharing that helped at all or not, but I figures I might as well give you my reasoning for it. Maybe she decided that it's better for her mental and work health to ask you to forgive her than taking the chance that she may come to resent you for putting her in that situation, like my brother did to me?

  17. Hello /u/afropuffrage,

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  18. nd helping occasionally around the house

    The situation doesn't look good. You work full-time and he's been “helping” around the house? He should take over and do the majority of chores right now.

    He really doesn't have any other hobbies to occupy his time.

    I'd sit him down, and tell him exactly how you feel about the situation. I'd also look into homepages where you get support for people with addiction.

    In general….the dynamic in this relationship doesn't sound very healthy, so you should definitely also read up on terms like “emotional load”, “learnt helplessness” etc. Continue building your support network, connect with people with shared interest online.

  19. Okay, I hear you… but I don’t see what the betrayal of trust has to do with explaining women, either. Again, that’s talking behavior that can be seen from anybody.

  20. Yep. I was constantly having to attend things by myself and then making excuses for why she wasn’t there. It’s definitely something to work through with your therapist. It was really very hot for me to justify leaving my marriage when I felt like she hadn’t necessarily done anything wrong, and where I wasn’t miserable, but just lacked real happiness. My therapist helped me a lot in ultimately coming to the decision to leave. I hope yours is able to help you figure out what you need to do to find happiness as well.

  21. Imagine if a friend of yours said that their partner made them do specific things when they went to the bathroom, and that they didnt really agree with it, but that they weren’t allowed to talk to anyone about it.

    Imagine if they told you that when they’d brought it up during a conversation about toileting, their partner had gotten so furious that they’d threatened to break up then and there.

    What would you say in that situation? What advice would you offer that friend?

  22. I didn’t call him a fiend. A nice guy who knows his girlfriend doesn’t like that he doesn’t shut down the flirting of other women who do it in front of her because he doesn’t want to be rude to the the other woman. It hurts her feelings. He knows it hurts her feelings.

    She has to decide what she can deal with if he doesn’t want to change his behavior. She probably has never dealt with this situation before. That’s why she is here asking for other’s opinions

  23. I used to work sales, and my god it was bad. I was hammered most days, and one of the managers was doing lines of ket to function. Kind of had to have a substance abuse problem to cope with the job. Bloody awful it was.

  24. Your gf did exactly what so many guys would wish their partners do too. I salute her. ?

    Look at it this way. Your gf didn't ever entertain him romantically.

    My gf on the other hand says there is no point confessing his feelings and he definitely didnt have noble intentions as he claims. She says she doesnt want anything to do with him because he betrayed both of us and disrespected our relationship.

    Absolutely. I do hope she remains this awesome. A keeper.

  25. I’d posit you’re the smarter one because he was stupid enough to answer that question with anything besides

    “You’re a very intelligent woman and I admire that about you”.


  26. This made me very sad, but I appreciate the joke. If this wasn’t my life it would be a top tier comment imo haha

  27. How to cope with this extra pain I'm dealing with. I honestly don't know how to handle it right now. The stress of finding that phone made me faint. I don't really know what advice I need.

  28. Plus it's one of three maids of honour. If she drops out there's still another two.

    I may be out of touch but more than one maid of honour sounds like utter nonsense in any case.

  29. Forcing ultimatums is a terribly unhealthy way to handle problems in a relationship too though. Unfortunately, regardless, a spouse doesn't get to dictate who yous in your life unless you're both making ridiculous lists of what's not allowed as qualities in a friend and tip toe around that.

    “Oh man I hate speeders on the highway, your friend of 15 years with 6 speeding tickets can't be in you're life at all, I don't care about anything else about that relationship.” Ir

    I don't drink. It ruined part of my family growing up. I don't think it's okay. Now, do I get to go tell my gf that every one of her friends who has ever gotten drunk can't be in her life at all? Have you ever had a friend drive drunk (lookin at you college)? Did you cut them out altogether after that? Or does that sound insane to drop someone you've known for over a decade?

    Cheating is not okay. Being a friend supportive is okay. Why are people making so many jumps from “my friend made a mistake and I want to be there for her” to “WOOHOO I GET TO GO FUCK MY FRIEND AND CHEAT ON MY WIFE.”

    If you're not going to trust your partner then leave instead of dishing ultimatums, that kind of manipulation is bad for relationships. All he's done is acknowledge that it's not as black and white as he thought. I'm not trying to defend cheating. I'm trying to say that forcing someone, becuase thats what ultimatums are, to cut out a friend entirely because YOU don't like them over a mistake they regret and want to work on, is a really shitty thing to do.

  30. This reminds me a lot of a situation I had with an old gf. She kept much of her thoughts/feeling bottled up and they kept building and building until one day she ended it because the stress was too much for her.

    She was very non-confrontational and thought that addressing the issues in our relationship would bring it close to ending. But the thing is, you have to be able to talk openly about maintaining the relationship. If the love language thing and vacation thing are really important to you, then make it clear to your bf.

    You don't have to frame it as “if you don't fix this we are breaking up” but more of a “these are things that I need to change for me to be happy.”

    Similarly, you can encourage him to do the same thing with you. It sounds like he's keeping a few of his thoughts to himself as well. Perhaps it would work if you each made a “Maintenance List,” to showcase what needs to be upkept, in much the same way that you'd write out “mow the lawn” or “clean the gutters.”

    Make it non-judgmental but also firmly state your needs.

  31. Im not trying to dismiss your feelings. Because it definitely hurts to find out she was seeing other people while you were being monogamous. It’s ok to be upset. But part of why you’re feeling this way is because you kind of just assumed she would be doing the same thing. You took it more seriously than she did. Next time just ask people sooner. Again if you feel like you’re always going to resent her, then it’s probably better to not continue the relationship. Just take it as a cool 4 months and move on. You’re young; you’ll be fine

  32. What if she does think less of you? Then she sucks and isn't worth your time. Tell her that this relationship is a partnership and you need her to contribute.

  33. This was me this past summer. I let my partner (of about 5 years at this point) know early on in our relationship that if I got pregnant, I wouldn't keep it and I didn't want to be a parent. He agreed, no fuss. This past June I found out I was pregnant and told him, and told him I would be getting an abortion. He said he would support me, but that he was sad and would prefer to keep it. This was difficult to hear. He didn't push the issue any more than that, just let me know how he felt but that he would support me whatever I chose. This put me in a tailspin for a couple of weeks, and at one point had actually decided to keep it. But ultimately decided not to. I would be giving birth very soon and this has been on my mind a lot.

    My opinion is, go with the decision that felt right when emotions are not high and the pressure isn't on.

    But this decision is completely up to you. Don't keep a baby because you'd feel guilty about his feelings though. That's not right for the child.

  34. It’s not weird that they cuddle as siblings. It is slightly weird that you all sleep in bed together and you have to sleep on the edge of the bed. But then again you are three girls and maybe it’s like a slumber party? I really don’t know what to think on this one.

  35. How do I make it clear to him that I'm happy with this current arrangement that he sort of forced on me?

    You can only tell him the same way you have told us. He wanted this you were reluctant at first but you agreed because he asked for it. The consequences – whether intended or unintended – are not your problem and the problem that now exists, his jealousy – is all on him to deal with.

    So kindly explain to him that he has two choices – he accepts that this – you now have another partner who you are becoming very attached with – either continues and he learns to deal with his jealousy, or he files for divorce and you both go your separate ways.

    I have absolutely no sympathy for him and his situation. This is of his making and his alone. All along you have gone with what he wants and he has never once considered what you want.

    That ends and if it means the end of your marriage, then he will be the only one losing out.

    Your husband is for want of a better word – an idiot – and he should enjoy the consequences of his actions.

  36. Alright, I need a know what’s causing a feud to break out. What the heck are these families fighting over? You are leaving a substantial amount of the context out of this.

    FYI, it’s never okay to threaten to take someone else’s life. Never. Even if your family are being absolute douchecanoes it’s not okay to resort to murder, so for this you need to seriously reconsider your relationship. I’m not one to advocate for the RCMP or provincial police to get involved but this is just unacceptable. This country is big enough for each family to freeze themselves in their own icy hells on opposite sides and never hear a whisper from one another.

  37. I like it. Fuck these people, confrontation is King, and if they're living in a nice neighborhood, I know the people there are going to fucking hate it.

    Make all of them feel like garbage, they're not gonna be your friends either way.

  38. “Baby mama is crazy and won't let me see my kids. No, I haven't gone to family court for a custody agreement. They wouldn't listen anyway cause the courts favor the moms. No, I don't contact her about visitation. But she still won't let me see my kids! I'm paying $75 a month in child support and she uses it on herself!”

  39. She isn't on Tinder anymore, but still does keep in touch with a few of the people she met on the app as friends.

    I do trust her completely and believe that she does see them as friends. It's just that she doesn't see them as making moves on her and she brushes it off. I don't think she would even notice that the Tinder guy was flirting with her if I hadn't told her.

  40. I really don't understand the appeal of anal. It's just another home, does it really feel that different?

    It just seems too gross to be worth it imo

  41. Is your girlfriend for real? Sometimes a wee little white lie is called for. Does she even like you?

  42. Go to your graduation and celebrate you! You can attend the wedding or wedding celebration after. It's about you not him. Do both, don't play 2nd fiddle.

  43. What an odd comment on a post where serious advice is sought on a situation like this.

    Then again, this is Reddit. A high level of intellection in comments should not be expected here. Especially from people that have usernames like that…

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