Dannarivers online sex cams for YOU!


dannarivers chat

Date: October 4, 2022

12 thoughts on “Dannarivers online sex cams for YOU!

  1. It's like you don't actually read what I have to say. First of all I went after the words you used because they weren't true and you used them to paint me as a porn addict. Like saying I'm having withdrawals. Second when you Google porn addiction it only really shows you the extreme cases. The people that don't do their day to day responsibilities. People that would rather watch porn than have sex with their partner. This isn't me. So I wanted to hear people's situation that are more similar to mine. I don't watch porn everyday and it doesn't dictate my life. I'm not going to say I'm not addicted because I'm not a doctor. But I'm not going to jump to that conclusion without trying to solve the issue with me and my wife.

  2. Yeah i get that as well, and I didnt go full out i just gave him something for his house nothing too big.. as i said i didnt expect anything big or any at all but everyone was giving gifts to their s/o and im that type of person who gets excited when receive a mug ?? but yes you might be right

  3. Part of the issue is that husband plays down MIL behaviors as “just the way she is” and “she isn't going to change” and allows them because “she is the only grandparent our kids have left” (his Dad died suddenly 6 years ago, my Dad died in an accident 19 years ago). I would love to cut them out, but I would never make my husband choose between his family and me. I will leave him before that ever happens.

  4. thank you so much i really appreciate it! he’s already blocked me everywhere but i do have some of his belongings that i’ll just throw away

  5. Never feel guilty about speaking the truth. She has some ownership of why things aren’t working out. Focus more on the relief you will feel after it’s done. Prolonging the breakup makes you inauthentic to her, yourself and your relationship .

  6. So she’s emotionally abusive and thinks that because she bought material items for her children, it makes up for everything else she did while they were growing up? It sounds like she’s trying to play the role of perfect mom to your son because she lost her own kids and is desperate.

    Please look into Love Bombing and Trauma Bonding; it sounds like she exhibits both patterns.

  7. The following assumes you live in the US, but if not, try to find similar agencies in your country.

    Once she is not married to you, she will qualify for SSI and probably SSDI, since autism is a lifelong condition that was no doubt present even in childhood. Most likely she will not qualify today based on your income.

    You could contact Adult Protective Services to see if they can guide you. You have also been a victim of domestic violence as a result of that punch she landed, so you “need protection” yourself!

    I understand how stuck you feel in this situation. However, your wife is not capable of being in an adult relationship. I think divorce is completely justified. It will be painful to both of you, but you will reclaim your life. You have so much justified resentment. Good luck.

  8. She's not innocent in a way that she slept with her boss.

    Other than that – he's a “nice guy”.

    Re-read his post – she told she's not ready and to see where it goes. It's not a label. She owed him nothing. Especially not her fidelity.

    And she was not okay with his gift and told him so.

    What did he do?

    He told it's okay, he just does it from his heart, no strings attached. All while waiting for the coochie. And pretending to be her “friend”.

  9. Unforgivable. Dump him immediately, issue a takedown notice at the porn site. Actually, before you dump him, you grab every one of his devices and make sure it’s deleted from all of them—folders including “deleted items.” Dump him AFTER you do this.

    His “insecurities” are no fucking excuse, and damn, am I tired of seeing so much abuse called iNsEcURiTy.

  10. Please reconsider and get the authorities involved in this. He's going to do this again to who knows how many more girls if he isn't stopped or facing serious consequences for his actions.

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