La-Segura1 on-line sex chats for YOU!


Fingers in pussy [Multi Goal]

Date: October 4, 2022

9 thoughts on “La-Segura1 on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. u/FigLumpy7494, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. That's absolutely a good thing.

    This commentor is correct. And I understand your hurt, however you have to remember that it isn't your sister's secret to share. No matter how close two people can be, outing someone could end very badly for a lot of people even as a ripple effect.

    The girlfriend also probably knows of Russian Orthodox origins since it's likely come up with your sister. She may have simply been very cautious and uneasy and asked your sister not to tell. Or your sister respected the choice for her to come out in her own time/own way. If she chose to do so at all.

    It can be an uncomfortable decision, and I absolutely understand your hurt but definitely try not to take it too personally. Queer folk have always had to obfuscate in order to survive, and it's a difficult thing to handle. Especially when you don't know your partners family, AND the partner had a bad experience when they came out.

    Your sister being upset isn't necessarily an okay thing either in the grand scheme. You can't be blamed for not knowing, and she can't hold you accountable for not being able to identify a trans woman at first sight. It may have been a knee jerk reaction. Simply apologize, tell her you didn't know, and give her some time to cool down. She's likely also very defensive of her partner if this is something she's had trauma with in the family.

  3. I agree that she probably has complicated and unresolved feelings about her role as childbearer. Maybe spend some time and energy praising the wonderful mother she is to the children you have. Thank her for all the work she does and the nurturing she provides. Make her feel like her value extends far beyond carrying and birthing children, but in supporting and nourishing their growth and development, which is something she'll always be able to do for her kids. Of course look for other elements of her personality to praise her for as well, she might be feeling that beyond motherhood she doesn't have much to offer (which I'm sure is not the case at all). I'm sure with love and empathy the two of you will work this out.

  4. This was back in 1993 so there wasn’t a World Wide Web quite yet.

    I was friends with a couple; I was an usher at their wedding. At the time I was a lapsed Catholic, while they were more devout.

    They were friends with a girl who was part of a group putting together a singles event. They thought I’d be a good match with this girl and they talked me into attending the event.

    It’s the night of the event and I’m driving there. I realized that when I got there, I wasn’t going to know a soul. I’d spoken to her on the phone but I didn’t even see a picture of her. So I told myself that if nothing happened within one hour I would just head home.

    So I walk into the cafeteria of a Catholic grammar school and the lights are low and people are milling around. There’s a DJ playing music and no one is dancing. I’m standing on the side of the dance floor listening to whatever was playing.

    A lady who reminded me of a young Dr. Ruth stands next to me and starts talking to me. I had no idea who she was but I wasn’t attracted to her so I excused myself and went to the Boys Room.

    When I came out, the DJ was playing The Electric Slide for the first of 5 or so times that night. This lady was standing next to the dance floor watching some people dance. She was cute so I walked up to her and asked if she wanted to dance.

    She replied, “Not to this!”

    We ended up leaving together at midnight. Two days shy of exactly 2 years after the day we met we were married. 2 kids and 27 years later we’re still together.

  5. Just because she owes you money, doesn't mean she needs to be forced into work every single day of her life.

    Shes still a human. leave her alone and let her have a day off and rest if she needs to.

    She doesnt deserve that extra pressure from you, she obviously is already aware of the debt.

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