honda the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


honda, 18 y.o.

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honda live! sex chat

Date: December 11, 2022

10 thoughts on “honda the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Sweetie, I’m gonna be your older sister for a second, so come on over here and have a seat with me.

    pats couch

    What are doing with your life. If I read the post and your comments right, you’ve been with him since you were a minor and he was an adult, he lied about his age, he already has three kids, and he’s cheated on you?

    What do you love about him? And don’t say because he’s nice sometimes and he makes you laugh. That ain’t nothing but bare minimum in a relationship. What about this relationship makes all this pain worth it? And don’t say anything about you know it’s real because it hurts. Stop. Relationships are not supposed to be this much drama/pain/work. Honest to God. They take effort, but, like, “learning how to communicate in a disagreement” level of effort, not “lied to you about his age” level of effort.

    Sweetheart, you probably feel like you’ve put a lot of time into this relationship and now you gotta make it work until the bitter end. Hell no. Look up “sunk cost fallacy.” You’ve spent 3 years making this mistake. You wanna waste another 30 years doing the same thing?

    You are so young. You have your whole life ahead of you. Don’t waste it on this man. You are worthy of respect and love that doesn’t leave you questioning yourself. Just go. He won’t miss you. And you won’t miss him either, I promise. Maybe at first. But once you feel your life and opportunities open up, the only memories you’ll have of him will feel like a bad dream. Go on, baby, you can do it.

  2. u/Bright-Victory1139, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  3. He's not trying to quit.

    He's only trying to find ways to hide it better.

    You've given him 6 YEARS to chooae a healthier lifestyle with you.

    He prefers to lie to you… to stop the complaints. Think about that. He isn't trying to stop the smoking. He is trying to stop you from complaining about it.

    I don't date ashtrays so I don't know how you've lasted 6 years.

    Where I live people talk about how we hold our breath when we have to walk by a smoker outside. We complain about coworkers that smoke. We are nice to them but leave their area… and smell… as quick as we can.

  4. Yes, #5 is dealbreaker. OP, I very wanted kids and even with that mindset, there are many days that I question why I had them. I cannot imagine how a parent, who did not want kids in the first place, deals with this. Do yourself and any potential future kids a favor and move on from this guy. That or start working on process of getting your tubes tied ( I know it’s a long process that can take years unfortunately)

  5. It is worsening it. It's not his fault, but I don't actually think you can safely stay with someone doing IF. And yes, with purging behaviors, it is a matter of safety. He could be totally perfect and the most amazing boyfriend in the world, but if what you are saying is true, and the behavior is consistent and persistent, then this is something highly susceptible to triggers, feelings of competition with an s/o, etc. You may need to put romantic relationships in general on pause, and work with your future therapist about when it may be appropriate to date again.

    I am only saying this because eating disorders are some of the deadliest mental illnesses, and the permanent effects they can have on the body can start accumulating fast — just imagine the state you'd be in if you were still doing this at 25. I really do think you should break up, no blame or hot feelings, tell him you've realized you have a serious problem and that you need to be alone to work on it (true).

    If you don't break up, I think you still need to tell him what's been going on and let him know about your plan for treatment, and that staying with you will likely involve some major behavioral changes on his part and that your relationship may need to look very different. I can't remember off the top of my head how long you've been together, but implicit in this is that if you weren't considering it a very serious relationship, it now becomes one by default. If either of you aren't ready for that, that is another reason why you may need to part ways.

    I hope this doesn't come off as too preachy. It's just my opinion, after all. But please make sure that sny therapist you find is experienced in treating eating disorders specifically, and please tell them upfront about this relationship if you choose to stay in it, because there is going to be a lot of navigating to do. If you are in the US and have insurance, it is likely that they will be able to have him sit in on a couple sessions and bill that so it's covered just like anything else. This is not couples counseling or to mediate conflict — it's to explain your condition and your support needs, and to answer questions, and hopefully have all of you come up with a plan together to make sure you stay on track to being healthy again.

    Good luck.

  6. He is a rapist. There is no grey area here. So yes, call him what he is. A rapist. Do not continue this relationship, please stay away from him.

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