Seriously. I lived with my ex until our lease ended (so like 3 months after we broke up) and it was absolute torture. Neither of us were dating other people (as far as I know) but like obviously exs wouldn't continue to live! together if you wanted to ever have a new relationship. She has feelings for him that he knows about and he's just trying to keep it platonic while he lives with her? Sounds miserable for all parties and not something that anyone would ever do on purpose.
Also OP — A 31 year old who has enough in common with a 22 year old to carry out a relationship is not a person worth dating. I say this as a 31 year old woman.
The next step is to have the conversation. Sit down and work out what you both want and need in the relationship. Remember that the solution cannot be one-sided. If you demand that he calls X times a week, but you change nothing on your end, he'll get resentful. If he demands that you leave him alone X days of the week, your anxiety will kick you into overthinking and you'll get upset. Remember that a problem in a relationship isn't “me vs him”, it's “us vs the problem”. Solutions are multi-faceted and involve compromise from everyone!
It's completely normal, Your only 22, if you want to experience more in life before settling down, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
The only thing is that you need to have this discussion with your partner. If you are not ready for a serious commitment, just be honest and tell him.
Seriously. I lived with my ex until our lease ended (so like 3 months after we broke up) and it was absolute torture. Neither of us were dating other people (as far as I know) but like obviously exs wouldn't continue to live! together if you wanted to ever have a new relationship. She has feelings for him that he knows about and he's just trying to keep it platonic while he lives with her? Sounds miserable for all parties and not something that anyone would ever do on purpose.
Also OP — A 31 year old who has enough in common with a 22 year old to carry out a relationship is not a person worth dating. I say this as a 31 year old woman.
Erased? What good would that do? The sister already received the dick pick, she was going to tel her sister it happened. Erasing does nothing.
The next step is to have the conversation. Sit down and work out what you both want and need in the relationship. Remember that the solution cannot be one-sided. If you demand that he calls X times a week, but you change nothing on your end, he'll get resentful. If he demands that you leave him alone X days of the week, your anxiety will kick you into overthinking and you'll get upset. Remember that a problem in a relationship isn't “me vs him”, it's “us vs the problem”. Solutions are multi-faceted and involve compromise from everyone!