Emmy-Bryan on-line webcams for YOU!


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Date: December 8, 2022

8 thoughts on “Emmy-Bryan on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Yes – still if it is alcohol as well – take a look at AA for future references – and of cause medical doctors.

    If you were living together you could work on the diet yourself.


    Seems like a serious situariom

  2. Why is she carrying a tactical knife? Unless she used to be in the military or has a practical (non-violent) use for the knife, I would consider this a bit of a red flag.

    Consider that a knife is a really bad choice for self-defense, if that's her reason for carrying it. Mace, tasers and even guns are a better choice. Most of the time, you want to stun the attacker, giving you enough time to get away. With a handgun, you can hold off an attacker from a distance. But brandishing a knife, even a scary one, does not guarantee your attacker stops approaching. The knife is useless at a distance. Even if you stab them with it, that may not stop them from attacking. And if they manage to get the knife out of your hands, there's a significant risk that the knife could be used against you.

    What knives are good for is sneak attacks, not self-defense. This doesn't rule out the possibility that she keeps it around as a kind of psychological safety blanket. She might have previously been raped or the victim of domestic abuse, and sometimes people just need something to feel safer even if it doesn't actually make them safer.

    I still consider it a red flag because there are so many other better rational choices for self-defense.

    On the other hand, if she just carries knives around because she thinks they're cool, then I would also consider that a red flag. It's just not a normal hobby for women to be into stuff like that.

    And while her being eccentric in this way doesn't prove she's dangerous, is it worth rolling the dice? There are a lot of crazy people out there, and crazy + knife is a bad combo. Plus you haven't known her for that long.

    However, I will say this. Many women will assume when you invite them back to your place, that it's for sex. It might be better to avoid that if you want to take things slow rather than hooking up, so as to not give false expectations. I understand that it's probably difficult will a kid in the house, because you'd have to find a babysitter.

    As for this particular woman, I don't fault her for being disappointed or making a bad joke. I do question why she keeps a knife around like that to begin with, and it weirds me out that she wanted to show it off.

    If you want to keep seeing her, I would only do so in public places until you get to know what she's really like. It's unfortunate that she already knows where you live. Another reason why you shouldn't have invited her to your place so soon.

  3. When he's in a relatively better mood, suggest doing meditation together. If done consistently, it will improve his mood and help him be more deliberate about what he focuses on. This will allow him to choose to focus on more positive things.

    Find a regular time you can both do it every day even if it's only 5 minutes at first. You don't need to be good at totally blanking out your mind, just constantly bringing the focus back to your breath is enough to get the benefits.

  4. As others have said that relationship is over. As you've said it was really over at least 7 months ago. Perfect example of why one shouldn't get financially entangled with romantic partners. You need to talk to the least company for the car and your apartment, explain that the person you were on the lease with has fled the country. Hopefully they can work something out with you. Meanwhile you sell her stuff on craigslist, or go donate it to Goodwill. Don't give her anything to come back to when / if this doesn't work out. Unfortunately nothing any of us can say is going to make you feel any better. You were wronged in every way shape and form. That's going to take time to get over. So in the future when you're ready and you get into a new relationship do your best to keep money totally separate from it. Split the checks when you go out. Don't pay for elaborate vacations or huge gifts like that. She took massive advantage of you and that breach of trust will take time to move past. You have my condolences

  5. Without knowing much about your situation, it sounds like it's a problem with this girl. If all his exes were jealous, and you feel the same way, then it sounds like this girl is the common denominator.

    It doesn't seem appropriate for this girl to call your boyfriend to come to her rescue every time she has an issue, and especially you said she has done this while having a boyfriend of her own. It's not appropriate for your boyfriend to dump you and your date nights in order to go run off into the night and save her either.

    I think there's not much you can do in this situation. Maybe your boyfriend is wearing rose tinted glasses. All you can really do is try to have a calm discussion about the situation and how it makes you feel. There's a good chance he can't see the situation rationally, so I would be very surprised if you're able to talk some sense into him.

    Try a conversation. If it doesn't work, then I think you will have to just accept this situation as it is and all the drama and stress it entails, or otherwise you'll have to split up with him.

    Don't worry about being “another jealous ex”. It's pretty clear to anyone that this girl has an inappropriate relationship with your boyfriend, and your boyfriend is enabling her behavior.

    Good luck OP.

  6. He has a reason, he just doesn't want to tell you. Could be he prefers a work/home separation. Could be he doesn't want to be around you all day. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

    The man prefers to go into the office and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, don't create a problem that doesn't exist.

  7. Just message him.. I don't get why you haven't yet? So what of the ball is in his court. Ask of he's okay, ask if his dog is still okay..

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