DaphneUwulive sex stripping with hd cam


8 thoughts on “DaphneUwulive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. It kinda isn't a big deal though. Keep in mind that it is her body and it was her miscarriage. Literally none of that is about you. The fact that you seem to think it is speaks volumes as to why you were not her confidant. Not talking about it may well be her coping mechanism for dealing with it. You might want to ask her, and be willing to accept an honest answer, as to why she didn't prefer to mention it to you.

  2. Start sexting him. Build anticipation. Tell him you have some photos for him. When he asks for them, share the screenshots. I did this and had quite a laugh before I went back to crying.

  3. I understand, but for some people even the thought of standing up for themself makes them nervous. Myself included. It’s the fear of if we do stand up for ourselves, what’s gonna happen after, is it going to make it worse and lead to a fight? Again, normally a trauma issue. Trauma can only be resolved through therapy in my experience.

    I’m sure he understands he needs to stand up for himself. I don’t think we need to tell him that. I think telling him how he can do it, or get to that point, would be more beneficial than just being frank.

  4. Op, the only thing you need is a prenup, you need to protect your investment. The red flag is bright on this one. From the sounds of it, you are able live off the investment. Deal with her if you choose to stay, future investment properties are shared assests. But the two you own are yours.

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