Lala-cam1 online webcams for YOU!


lala-cam1 Public Chat Channel

Date: December 7, 2022

7 thoughts on “Lala-cam1 online webcams for YOU!

  1. Stay out if it … but also … if he chose to forgive than he has an obligation to control himself and act accordingly.

  2. He is mentally Ill and I’ve tried to talk him into counselling in the past. We’re not compatible and I accept that I deserve better. I don’t want to tolerate that anymore. Forgot to mention he is blocked

  3. Mind you, OP brought the dog into the situation…she got the dog as a gift for this abusive POS

  4. One: You should never let anyone tell you what should or should not upset you. Your feelings are always valid. What you do with it is what matters.

    Two: Kudos for using those heartbreaking words to turn your life and health around. Not everyone would respond as calmly and as rationally as you did. I salute you for that.

    Three: Do some introspection. Why did those words hurt you as it did? What happened? What did it affect? Your ego? Your trust on her? Your confidence? Take your time. There is no right or wrong answer.

    Four: Time for another serious conversation. Think of what you really want. Do you want things to get better between the two of you? Do you want her to apologize? Can you move on from what she said?

  5. He is trying to force you. You get to choose if you want to stay in a relationship dependent on you abdicating personal choice.

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