Lanna and Leo | The last Broadcast 13th,Dic 2022., 26 y.o.
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Live! Live Sex Chat rooms Lanna and Leo | The last Broadcast 13th,Dic 2022.
Date: December 5, 2022
Why are you hooking up with such a trashy man? Have some self value, block his ass, and move on. You are not the other woman he's not dating her yet.
First send the items you overlooked before. Second just block her everywhere. Don't communicate at all.
What is there to think about?
It's over. Put it out of your mind and focus on the future.
He also never told you. So he was actively deceiving you and lying by omission. I would stop all things with the strip club, and set clear consequences for spending that amount of money, when he knew you guys didn't have that kinda cash and disrespecting you. I wouldn't tolerate nothing for those actions.
You did the right thing. Taking him outside, making him leave. So you avoided a big fuss and didn't take away from the newlyweds.
The most important thing your boyfriend missed in the video was that the couple agreed!!!! to the proposal, he didn't. He fed up.
About how to proceed: I'd say it depends on how he'll behave now and if he sees the wrong of his actions. Will he realize, understand and accept that he fed up. Will he genuinely apologize to bride and groom? And if he does all that, can you forgive?
Talk to her, and ask her to take it down.
Tell her that while the racy bikini pics make you a little jealous, that is a problem that is solely yours, but the lewd/nearly naked pic was crossing a relationship boundary that you didn’t think she would cross.
Remind her that her picture could end up getting her removed from the athletics team, can damage the relationship she is building with your family, and as a reminder that the internet is for ever, ask her what is she going to do when it impacts her career and job prospects later in life.
And then depending on how she responds, will tell you whether or not you continue the relationship.
Why be with a man who doesn’t care about you? You are seriously I’ll and the only thing he cares about is himself? He sounds awful and abusive
Wait until the pastor is deciding on birth control, when and how many kids etc. …he's drank the kool aid, this is who he is and this is want you are signing up for if you marry him. Don't delude yourself, maybe you are cool with that which is great, but it's as clear as a bell that the pastors opinions are more important than yours in this relationship.
We’ve said before that it wouldn’t be for another 10 years.
We’ve even mentioned children before and both agreed it’s nice to fantasise but obviously must wait until we have a house and a solid long term relationship.
Interesting that you say this yet you're in the r/antinatalism group
I’m 20f he’s 27m
That's why he wants to get married.
I think that’s how guy “cheer”each other up? Not ok that he told you so bluntly and it’s understandable to be hurt but I’d give it time to let the hurt feelings fade. Try to look at the big picture, bf looking at random girls vs the whole context of you relationship.
Please do it
I don't really think it's necessary
Yes- you can do the right thing & still fee bad. It sounds like you got out & it was right. Also you were together such a short time- i am very glad it wasnt years like that. She showed you she wouldny be a good partner to you.
Yeah, sure, judge an entire gender because you chose a nutcase.
Most women i know (can't say all because i haven't talked about it with every one of them) pee in the shower
Buy a camera if you can to record your room, obviously you won't want it on when changing etc, but have it on when sleeping. Also check what alternatives you can have as a backup for locking the door when you are in your room just in case he decides to tamper with your lock. I always do a test when I lock my room door to make sure it won't open.
Speak to someone at school if you can.
Call his bluff…move out…block him….
Don’t do this in front of family. You can do it before the family event and she can share the news/ show off the ring to family, but remember not all women look forward to getting married while pregnant or “because” they’re pregnant. Tell yourself that’s not why, sure. But you know she struggles with insecurity and may feel like you are doing this because you “have to”. She may want to put the ceremony off until she fits in her dream dress. Don’t worry about it. Also congrats. On the baby and the wedding.
He hit you, barely acknowledges it, and goes back to gaming… he’s a childish asshole and that behavior is not a good sign. Leave. If you think this is the worse it can get you’re probably choosing to be naive.
First, contact her family, wherever they are, and ask them to fly out and get the child.
If you need to go to work, you can google “day care” and “drop in”. Some daycares have drop-in service, which is exactly what it sounds like. The kid isn't sent every day, they go when the parent needs them to. Pay for it yourself and ask the family members to pay you back afterwards.
In the meantime, you are in an emergency situation; you don't have to worry about feeding the kid healthy meals and making sure that they learn to read. Go ahead and give them McDonalds and park them in front of the TV. (I say this as a parent who worries about nutrition and screen time. An emergency like this is different.)
Well the problem was what I was trying to explain. I tried to make the problem more obvious by showing a direct comparison to ops gift. Would you have understood the problem if the boyfriend got her a car but ops car outshined his? Or would you have thought that situation was fine too and the boyfriend should just get over himself?
You are racking your brain for what YOU did and what YOU can do for your boyfriend and it’s entirely a HIM issue. Just say “No” or “I can’t do that, this is our living space. I won’t discuss this any further.” and change subject every time it comes up in the future.
Sorry to say but this isn’t probably the long term relationship you thought it would be. Can you imagine having a kid and him expecting you and the kid both to leave the house?
Don't you think they are already being traumatized by you leaving and only planning to see them every 2 weeks?
Dude, move back into your house and ask HER to leave if she wants.
It is fine to have friendships with people you have been with. However, I don’t think that works when the person is actively trying to court them. This in addition to the regular lying makes it seem like a failed relationship unless she is willing to change and you need to set your boundaries clearly and stop giving chances if she continues to break those boundaries. Communication is the foundation of a healthy relationship and lying is not good communication.
You have been told “no,” not just once but a couple of times now. Respect her wishes and back off.
Honestly your acting as if op necessarily is 100% truthful. We only get her side of the story and thus her narrative.
So you are with someone that doesn't want you to be with anyone, but on the other hand, you are quite certain he is seeing other people? How is that a fair expectation?
Anyway, tell him straight up: “I'm at a point where I want to be in a committed relationship, I hope of course that you'd want to give us a try, but I understand if you aren't ready for that”.
Also for your consideration: you are like riiiiggghhhttt on the age of an inappropriate age difference, and what you describe above are possibly manipulation tactics on his part (making you feel special by telling you he doesn't want you seeing anyone else), whether he knows it or not.
So both of them should consider the other's feelings and meet halfway. That kind of indirect communication is difficult for a lot of non-neurotypical people, for example. Why is it on one party to do all the accommodating? Both of them can work to accommodate the other and meet in the middle somewhere.
Time to drop that friend lol. I would get annoyed after a while tbh. So probs to you for not caring.
You did the right thing. The car was in your possession when it happened and yes you were responsible for taking care of the repair.
I hope you don't ever lend those friends who said you shouldn't have paid for all of it anything that you can't afford to 100% replace or repair because they've already shown you they won't take care of things if something happens to it in their care
But you do get to decide when it's socially appropriate?
Your rule #3 in your post completely contradicts the second part of this comment.
why are you letting a random man control your life
What's the confusion. She's just not that into you and this should be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Lawyer up so both of you can be happy.
Leave her.
Have you literally never been to a restaurant before? You can ask for changes outside of a prix fixe menu, or any menu that doesn’t specifically say “no substitutions.” Even then, you can ask for condiments or particular methods (rare, dressing on the side, etc.).
If my girlfriend wanted to talk to their ex id mention that it makes me uncomfortable but she can do as she likes. If she continued clearly hes more important than me at that point.
She can be around who ever she wants. Just because some guy liked her doesn't mean she can never be in the same room again. She's like a whole ass person and not like a lamp that can be “stolen”.
You sound incredibly controlling and immature.
Ok sweetie. Internet mom here. He’s not the one. Actions speak far louder than words. He’s not supportive. He hasn’t spent much time with you. He says what he needs, get sex and becomes distant. The beginning of a relationship should be fun and easy and exciting for both people. It shouldn’t be this much work and stress. I hope you move on and find someone who really wants to make you happy and vice versa.
I did back in November, that’s when he came up while his gf was at work and after she quit her job a few days later he just stopped man
Oh honey, he is sexting another girl. Just because he is doing this ‘in character’ does not make it ok (and don’t let him gas light you to think otherwise). Also… he switched back to talking to her as himself and told her how naked it was? Just imagine what he is doing (to himself) during these conversations when you are not sat next to him. This is cheating.
Talk to him directly. “I am uncomfortable when you grab my arm, so I would appreciate it if you would stop doing it, or other such touches. I know you don't mean anything by it, but I'm sure you aren't trying to make me uncomfortable.”
Let your boss know that you had this talk with him, or HR. You can make clear that you don't expect any action, assuming he listens. But you want an e-mail with a timestamp to show that you made clear this was unwelcome at such-and-such a date.
But what I'm thinking here is what she did to cause him to kick her out like that, she said it was just a small argument but no one react so harshly with just a disagreement thought
You're missing the point of what I said. The poor guy is going to have PTSD over this. There is a lot of research and many studies that have been done about this. When an individual feels powerless about a situation, then the trauma runs even deeper. The only way to handle it is to accept some responsibility, realize they do have power to fix it in the future, and maintain mental control. This is impossible to do if they only shift the blame to other people or factors.
He's so deep in your head that you don't even see how abnormal this is. Sad.
Lol its naked too- i went last year after not going for a decade. I could barely keep my balance without the wall. If i’d fallen i hope someone would help me up lol
So OP (and everyone) should avoid putting themselves in situations that might lead them to want to cheat.
/r/justnomil will probably be a bigger help than we can
You make your own brand new ones move half the money into them and set up all future deposits into the new account. Then change all passwords and pins and log out on all devices where you can with the streaming services and delete his profiles. Any he is on he should do the same. You will want to also look at gaming consoles and take his financial and profiles off your devices.
From there delete his profiles and information. Don't leave any access. Change your credit and debit card numbers if you have to and you think he memorized them. And stop sending the guy money or depending on him to do you favors. The relationship is over, so are most routine favors.
That is such a shame.
It is slang from 1950s US – means someone who is a drag, not cool, no class, etc…
She knows about her weight, obviously. You telling her to buckle down isn't going to offer her a sudden epiphany.
But you sound concerned about her declining health which is the best place to come from regarding intentions. As opposed to appearance, I mean. It's a tough lifestyle to adjust to. Even small changes that are long term are a great first step. I'm fat. But I'm only tackling adding in walls every week. Then once I've established that as a habit that's consistent, then I plan to adjust my portions, and then the meals themselves. It's naked to change habits all at once for me so I need baby steps. Maybe she's similar?
A doctor needs to have a serious talk but based on the info, she has tried and nothing sticks. The want to lose weight isn't enough, it's still a mental battle. You need to decide if you want to watch your gf continue to self destruct. It's not something to feel bad about but your gf may just stay as she is and not care much about her health. Can you accept that? Not everyone can.
Sure there are ways to make it social where you both walk together and couples make it a sort of fun challenge but if she's not concerned, your concern may fall on deaf ears and an ultimatum may not help. I wish you both luck. It sounds like you really care but as a fellow fat woman, it's a tough road and it's understandable if you can't go down it, especially alone.
If YOU consider that cheating and she also felt it was cheating on some level to even tell you, then you use your guidelines of 1 and done.