Bobbiiprice online sex cams for YOU!


9 thoughts on “Bobbiiprice online sex cams for YOU!

  1. You aren’t sex crazed, or a sex addict, or abnormal or wrong.

    You two are not sexually compatible.

    You’re at the point where the relationship is causing you anxiety, so you’re just forcing it and hoping the problem will go away.

    The rule of you not initiating can be problematic. That’s a fine step to take pressure off the low libido partner to reset your sex life to where you can both initiate and not feel pressure to say yes no matter what. Unfortunately it seems like a way for the problem to go away for her and you shut up and stop bothering her.

    At this point, you should go your separate ways. Relationships and dating are for finding someone you’re compatible and comfortable with, you’re 0 for 2 at this point. There are plenty of women out there who love sex and would love to have a fulfilling sex life after the honeymoon phase.

  2. buddy, we all idealize the high school relationship that got away. It's not as glamorous as you think it is from those rose colored lenses.

  3. You are a lesbian, your wife got a boyfriend. You weren’t ready for kids, your wife and her boyfriend decided to get pregnant without consulting you. Your wife’s boyfriend doesn’t want to get a job.

    They do not consider you an equal partner. They are trying to baby trap you in some weird unorthodox way. It sounds to me like they want to keep you around to pay their bills. They certainly don’t respect you. A baby is a huge life-altering decision, and they decided without you.

    This sounds more like your wife convinced you that it was okay for her to cheat on you, than a polyamorous relationship.

    Abuse can be more subtle than being beat or r*ped. Regardless of whether the relationship is abusive or not, it is not a healthy situation for you. You deserve a partner who respects and loves you. This ain’t it.

  4. Ok, neglect or not. She CHEATED, with someone that was supposed to be a friend. You will wonder, and send yourself max every time you’re away from her. It’s not worth it. Move on and find a loyal woman that won’t send tit pics to your friend ?‍♀️?‍♀️ sorry OP, but you need to know your worth. If you were loyal and didn’t cheat on her, then you did not deserve that from her.

  5. Right, but it doesn’t show up on a phone bill like SMS. You’d have to access through the cloud.

  6. I think your BF has every right to express himself through his rap and you have every right to not like it. All you can do is express to him what you don't like and what makes you feel uncomfortable. He isn't obligated to change for you, and if him not changing for you is a deal breaker, you have every right to leave.

    Sometimes in a relationship we come to see a new side of our partner, and that can be something we like or something we dislike. We naturally categorize people in boxes and when they show themselves to exist outside of that box it can be unnerving. It's up to you if you will come to appreciate this new side of this guy or not, and there's no right or wrong answer.

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