Nike4hottlive sex stripping with hd cam


9 thoughts on “Nike4hottlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. yea honestly the nature ofnthe lienoffends just as much as the cheating and the lying does. False rape accusations hurt everyone. It hurts the falsely accused and it hurts real victims. It pisses me off.

  2. You met him a week ago and he’s mad that you’re tired and won’t help him satisfy his sexual urges.

    He should be trying-to-impress mode this early.

    Are you impressed?

  3. His approach is manipulative and self-centered.

    If you want to continue this relationship, ask him to buy and bring home dinner 2 or 3 nights a week. Maybe one of those healthy meals-to-go places. He may truly be exhausted from his work combined with disliking cooking. If he's not willing to do this, I hope you put him in the rear-view mirror.

  4. I’m not saying you SHOULD…. But you could remind her that grand babies get to visit supportive family. If she’s cussing out daddy then any babies that come along won’t visit.

  5. So you think eating boogers and fingering your asshole and then smelling it, in front of your wife, is just fine and normal? Well, I feel sorry for whoever ends up marrying you.

    OP, I'm not sure what to advise to be honest, other than to say I wouldn't be thrilled about my partner doing some of this stuff either. Maybe try talking to him again and really emphasise that this behaviour is killing the spark for you, and if he continues he only has himself to blame when the spark disappears entirely. I'm sure he didn't do this at the start of the relationship because he probably knew it would put you off, it's a recent development, so there's no reason he can't go back to showing the same consideration he showed before he got comfortable enough to start digging in his ass and smelling it.

  6. who even gets their second tattoo on their hand?? everyone is going to ask about it and OP is gonna have to keep hearing him explain about how much he loves his bestie. also it sounds like they didn't even get the agreed upon love you, ff xoxo which means he was just lying to her. i would not be cool with this at all.

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