Ammy_Dreamms29live sex stripping with hd cam


38 thoughts on “Ammy_Dreamms29live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Hey girl, as a dancer myself I’m sorry to hear this happened to you. I want you to know that men like this never change. Men like this are addicted to the strip club. They are miserable IRL so they come in and blow their money without a second thought. From a dancers perspective I hope at least this will make you feel better. We are disgusted by our customers, we only want their money. They come in, bitch about everyone in their life expecting us to be their god damn therapists. I can’t tell you how many times a married man has complained about his wife to me. I can’t tell you how many times bachelor parties ask us to go back to their airbnbs/hotels w them because the bachelor thinks he will get some pussy. It’s fucking foul how men act. Most of us girls in the club don’t trust any men because we see how they act and talk at the club. I hope you dump his ass for not putting your family first and for him being so fucking selfish. Please do not trust him if he says he won’t do it again because I’m damn sure he will. I’m disgusted for you but unfortunately not surprised as many men do this WEEKLY (Spending money they don’t have on a fantasy). Sending my deepest condolences.

  2. Can you clarify what you mean by ‘baggage from the past’? Thank you for your response, just wondering if I’m blind to something.

  3. How long has he worked there? Does he have social anxiety… Do you? He may just have been nervous about being the only one to bring a partner and having to socially babysit for the night instead of chatting/networking. I think a lot of the responses here are very worst case scenario but the comment about being too pretty for the roommate is definitely a red flag.

    Have a frank chat about why he didn't invite you and maybe say it's a shame you didn't get to meet his colleagues. See if they ever do drinks/lunches that might be partner appropriate and that you want to meet them. In particular, see if you can meet the girl in question because you'll gauge a lot from how they interact.

    Also, casually mention it to the roommate and see how he responds. He'll know if his friend was playing single or acting inappropriately so you might be able to sniff out the situation from there.

    Tbh if he is lying to you, play your cards close to your chest because otherwise he might just get better at covering his tracks.

  4. I’ve always wanted to take a nice boudoir photo and put it up somewhere. Bedroom or master bath might be a good spot. Your post definitely inspires me.

  5. It's not that it's important that he's there, it's a decent sized house and would take me around a full day to clean it properly, so you would except it to take him the same amount of time, but he's slow so it takes him alot longer. If we had both taken another job we would rarely have seen one another, as he works a days and then nights pattern on his 4 on. With the strain that's already on our relationship I don't want us to not see one another.

  6. Hello /u/Remarkable-Fee-8017,

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  7. Just be prepared for the massive fallout. Possibly even sonfar as your parents not letting you see your brother anymore.

  8. I had a blood clot in my leg break off and go into both of my lungs. When I was moved from the gurney to the mri my heart stopped and had a cracked rib from the 30 compressions they did on my chest. Guess what my husband didn’t stay the night. I told him to go home and go to bed. He was taking care of our daughter. You’re selfish.

  9. Why do her parents cover her grocery and car expenses at her age? It doesn't sound like she's hurting for money. Now that kinda puts the Subway thing in more context because it sounds like she could afford more but doesn't like spending her own money?

    Why does she still online with her parents? I can understand if she was in her twenties or if there is some kind of hardship but that doesnt seem to be the case. No offense, but to be together for 12 years is a long time and it's a little unusual to not take steps towards committing with living together. If she never lived on her own then that could be an issue for her to learn to on-line on her own.

  10. He was in the room when I smelled it, so of course I asked him first… It’s not like my mom would know, she physically can’t get up to this floor, since she can’t use stairs, and my sons were in at home when I smelled this… So really, who else would I have asked at that moment?

  11. Who pays the bills in your lives? You work one day and can't get out of bed for 3 days. Spend your tips on weed. He's playing video games all day. How do two nearly 30 year old full grown adults who behave this way get by?

  12. It doesn't seem like you would enjoy a non-exclusive relationship. She may have matured since her cheating days, but my advice would be to proceed with care.

  13. OP, it sounds like she has issues both with active listening, as well as with emotional maturity. It sounds like the only thing she heard you say was “sister, genitals, I saw them”. She completely ignored the fact that your sister is entirely disabled, unable to clean herself, and would have suffered or even gotten a horrible infection if you didn't selflessly care for her, Not only didn't your girlfriend listen to you, but then in her jealousy actually accused you of harming her, as well as accusing your father. It sounds like she didn't even take a moment to say, “OMG, is your grandpa OK!” She is overlooking the tragedy of someone breaking their back, as well as the real risks to your sister, to act out on her misplaced jealousy by making a serious accusation, which, if it became public, could destroy your life and reputation. This is beyond just being an ignorant viewpoint, this is a blatant red flag, and her statements lack both compassion and logic entirely. OP, you sounds like a sweet guy! You can do so so much better! Please leave her before her insane reactions cause you real harm.

  14. I misspoke and edited it to distressed. I understand panic attacks. I get them myself.

    You weren't having a panic attack when you snapped at him about your safety. If you were well enough to make verbal jabs, were you not well enough to ask him to walk with you?

    In your own words, the “panic” didn't start until after he didn't magically assume what you were thinking and feeling and somehow know that he was supposed to walk with you. Also, if you started having a severe panic attack in the car, why would you start driving? Why would you not call or text him, since he was right down the sidewalk? It seems dangerous to be driving when you are that emotionally unstable.

    Perhaps, this is a good learning lesson for you.

  15. It's super annoying to me when people on here are always just saying “omg break up!” to everyone.

    But situations like yours… I mean… Is this even a relationship? You don't see each other. She's clearly not meeting your needs physically and emotionally since you guys barely talk. Obviously she might get a new job soon, but I don't see anything in your post that really shows that the job she has now is any more or less tiring than whatever job she might get in the future.

    On a side note, I will say that your post does sound like she might be going through some anxiety/depression type of things… so maybe that's something to think about. Maybe some therapy or similar would be good for her.

  16. That's some poppycock. I'm married, and while I am so so thankful I am not on his family's group chat, and just have to deal with the constant my own family group chat— it's The fact that they left her out.

    We don't know, And neither does she the quality of her BF families group chat. They might not be as annoying and stupid as you say your own family group chat is. It's the fact they left her out.

    Just as if everyone of your friend group was invited to a party except for you. People are allowed to invite whoever they want and we are all owed NOTHING. But to act like you wouldn't feel bad being singled out, come on man you would be irked by it

  17. Exactly! She didn’t answer the phone after telling him a guy was driving her home and he immediately jumped to cheating instead of her possibly being in danger?? If she wanted to cheat, why would she tell the boyfriend that a guy is driving her home? Op lacks some critical thinking skills getting in the car with a stranger by herself in another country, but the boyfriend isn’t the sharpest crayon in the box.

  18. Unfortunately I am 50, I understand full well the ‘concept of gender and heterosexuality’, I just choose to not differentiate human beings by this and what is between their legs!! I am friends with people because I like them; not because they are the same sex as me.

  19. A female trainer isn’t an option for several reasons. 1. I am training in a specific sport and there are only so many gyms within a reasonable distance 2. The most accessible gym and the one I’ve been doing training at has no female trainers. I’ve definitely given it thought but it’s not feasible.

  20. Fuck dude. That's bad. What you said at the end. I guess I should just move on. I'm sorry if I've offered anyone with this post but I really needed some clarity. I don't want to ruine anyone's lives here.

  21. I am not sure it is reasonable.

    If OP would be a homebody, it would definitely be reasonable. But OP is out almost all the time: job, sports, activities, bars. The Sundays afternoon is the time when she wants to rest. Just like the most of us, before starting a new week.

    It is much more reasonable for a gf to plan a visit when OP is out – after all op plays basketball at least twice a week at the same time. Or, if Sundays are non negotiable, gf should to her friend's place.

    It is gf desire and entertainment to meet with friends, it is what gf needs, so it is up to her to make some sacrifices.

  22. “I don’t know how to bring it up in a way that will not make her feel bad.”

    To be honest, she fucked up REAL bad. She deserves to feel bad ( not you punishing her, but her realizing how fucked up is what she has done ). Plus I would REALLY reconsider my frienship with such a guy.

  23. It shows he isn't ready for marriage or children. He is too emotionally immature and stunted if this was his reaction.

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