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Date: October 4, 2022

5 thoughts on “the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Don’t forget that here we know his perspective and his point of view. You might change demeanor if the gf was typing explaining what happened for two whole years etc.

  2. There is no adult way to make your girlfriend drop a friendship. She's been very clear, repeatedly it sounds like, that this friendship is important to her. You've been very clear here that you completely trust your girlfriend, there is zero fear of infidelity, and you just have hurt feelings that she has a friend you don't approve of. If you want to be an adult, either get a therapist to deal with your insecurities or end the relationship because you aren't comfortable dating someone who is friends with someone they used to fuck. Those are your only two adult options.

    Also of note: you are 27. The older you get, the more and more likely it becomes that the age appropriate women you date will have a past that includes sex. I want to strongly suggest the therapy route, so that you aren't back in this same situation again in the future.

  3. It doesn't sound like he even likes you, OP.

    Loving partners do NOT treat each other like he's treating you. Sex is supposed to be fun for both people.

    If you decide to stay with him, take it completely off of the table for at least 6 months to see if it's partially the pressure surrounding the issue. Then go from there.

    Good luck.

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