Samanthaoconner live sex cams for YOU!


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Date: November 25, 2022

7 thoughts on “Samanthaoconner live sex cams for YOU!

  1. We have the personality types in my reletionship.

    If you're going to allow something like this generate fights, you two are incompatible.

    You say this:

    my boyfriend is more social than i am and it makes me feel alone

    By resolving your end, he would be removing himself from something he's enjoying. Shifting the negative off you, and placing it on him. In order for me to feel less alone, he must be alone from his friends.

    Do you see the dilemma it creates? Playing hot potatoe, on whose going to carry the burden?

    For that reason, you need to recognize this is a difference in your personalities. We can fight over it or accept each-other.

    How do you accept each-other?

    You don't get mad at the times he does stay out later than you. You give it to him free of charge. You display no negative feelings towards it and you support it 100% and sometimes you stay later with him.

    How does he show it in return?

    He goes home with you on the nights that he said he would. He keeps his word on it. He knows you enjoy the company at home, spend a little time together before the night ends as a cherry on top. And he does not pout about leaving early. He WANTs to go home with you.

    A good step would be to maybe stop defining a time to head home. So you don't have these disappointments.

    You both need to be flexible on this matter. Its a two way street, otherwise you two will not work if your personality differences are creating fights.

  2. Well, medical schools have had a major shortage of cadavers to use for training medical students. Maybe she's planning to kill and disect you.

  3. Good for her.

    Just because you recognize the issue, doesn’t mean you have overcome anything especially when you’re trying to “make her understand” instead of working on coping with your irrational thoughts which directly impact your behavior. She doesn’t need to understand, she needs to not have to walk on eggs shells for your sake.

    Get it together, leave her and all women alone in the meantime.

  4. If you don’t want that and he refuses to change, all you can do is leave and go find what you need.

  5. I’m here to make it work.

    It takes two people to make a relationship work. Right now you’re the only one trying to make this work.

    Why would you want to continue a relationship with someone who treats you so poorly?

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