Little-foxxie on-line webcams for YOU!


hello! this is my 1st day here i would love to have fun with you, ♥ pvt open [GOAL MET]

Date: November 24, 2022

48 thoughts on “Little-foxxie on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. I read your comments about how he shows you love in other ways. Yet he destroys a part of you and your family's history.

    I genuinely do not understand the rationale.. “oh he loves me! but spews out hateful remarks! but dont worry! he apologizes at the end but still does it again!”

  2. I never took my bra off to breastfeed. You move it to the side. It’s too much work to take it on and off for such a simple task. I have, however, taken off my bra when I was nude in a car with another man. This is a boldfaced lie by someone who doesn’t know what he’s talking about and cheating on you

  3. I know you didn't ask, you imbecile. I told you to show that you are not the moral arbiter for how people should feel or what determines truth. The fact that you continue to hurl personal insults with no basis is honestly just sad and shows that you are truly incapable of using logic at all or that you are seriously delusional. He admitted to nothing because we do not have the relevant facts of what happened after she mentioned it. There is a whole suite of responses she could have given that would have re-established consent that we are not aware of right now because of the details given.

    The way you are responding honestly sounds like victim blaming to me and confirms how dangerous you and people like you are to society. Literally, all that can be said of the situation as is “You may have raped her. We need more info.” That is it. If you think more can be established than that, you are truly delusional.

  4. Neither my husband or I were in debt at the time of our marriage and didn’t want to be. We had a courthouse wedding and spent probably 3k on a backyard party with a tent and catering and booze. I think if you both WANT a large event that compromising on the amount is reasonable. All of marriage is compromise and unfortunately compromise usually means nobody is happy. I think it’s probably safe to look at this situation as a good example of how conflict will go from here on. Maybe some pre-marriage counseling wouldn’t hurt?

  5. Contact Adult Foster Care/check her into a hospital and maybe let them figure it out for her if AFC won't take her. Call adult protective services about her if nothing else.

  6. What did expect from Reddit? This place has no room for diversity of thought, just Leftism.

    Listen to what Reddit has to say will dehumanize your wife for having conservative political views. If you want to end your marriage based on teenage internet strangers, go ahead, but maybe you should discuss things with her and get some real advice.

  7. Been married for 24 years and husband has never done it. In laws have been married almost 50 and fil never pees outside with the dogs

  8. I think she is not well matured so she is not understanding your bgg days. Or may be she wanted to breakup with you and she got the reason.?

  9. Are you serious? You sound horrible, immature, and petty. It's embarrassing that you even think you are right.

    You should break up and go home to mommy and daddy. Don't date again until you are an adult.

    In fact don't date. That isn't fair to the guys you prey on.

    People have pasts. That is life. You are being petty and exhausting.

  10. Maybe you should go live with your dad since you can’t handle living there.

    You are not giving this corny dad a chance if won’t even try to be part of the family. You are an adult and you should be telling your stepdad about how you don’t like it when he is touchy. Wanting your mom to do the work for you will get you nowhere besides causing all this tension that you are going through. Stop relying on mom to do what needs to be done. But really think about moving in with your father since you can’t seem to actually online with your mom and stepdad.

  11. This was not an accident. It’s an accident to spill wine on your shirt or drive over a red light because you were distracted by people in the backseat. Receiving oral and then having sex, even when drunk, is a mistake for sure but no accident. He should’ve known he was crossing your boundaries with the drinking alone.

  12. Hello /u/MtRamenSummit,

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  13. Thanks for your response. I have been thinking long and nude and I just simply do not know how to handle things when I’m upset. My first instinct is to escape the situation. I have contacted all the therapist in my area hopefully someone will be able to give me more tools in order to not react poorly.

  14. Why? Why would you say this? Why isn’t it ok that they love each other but feel there is a part of life they missed out on because they met their person so early? Why would you encourage them to end that?

    It’s cruel, and you are wrong.

  15. I would definitely be done with her. 7 months is usually still the honeymoon phase where people are on their best behavior. So if this is her at her best? I'd hate to see her worst. Definitely not normal or ok to talk about a work crush in front of you, while in a relationship and extra bad she has pics! I'm sorry she did that to you. You deserve better Op.

  16. Tampering with condoms is awful, he literally wants to impregnate you against your will.

    Don't salvage this, he is not worth keeping.

  17. Yea or shes the side peace and blew him a kiss as a joke they have between themselves about his infidelity and this time they happened to get caught.

  18. Simple. Block him and move on with your life. 100% no contact. You said yourself the relationship was toxic from the start; he's never apologizing since he doesn't see anything as his fault. There is no fixing it. Read that again: there is no fixing it. Don't waste any more of your time.

  19. Its call being a good person, the ick is your minds way of saying that that is not the right way to treat others. Its there to help you learn to be a better person everyday

  20. Does your doctor recommend this self regulation of medication? Ask if you can switch and try a different med with similar but lesser effects but self medicating isn't working for you as is.

  21. You seem to expect an awful lot from your boyfriend and I'm not sure what exactly you are bringing to the table to justify it? He is 100% financially supporting you and has been for some time. That is extremely stressful. On top of that you expect him to bear the burden of your emotional discomfort? So he is supposed to play the role of both breadwinner and bear the brunt of the emotional burden in the relationship as well? A relationship where the emotional burden is more complicated no less. You also want him to engage in confrontation with roomates he has known 8x as long as he has known you over things that sound like merely minor irritants to him?

    My initial reaction reading through your post is I'm exhausted for your boyfriend. Where is the man's peace? I'd be frayed at the nerves in this situation. This isn't to say all of your complaints are without grounds, but it seems to me that may be a legitimate compatability issue.

    He seems to have made it pretty clear he isn't going to confront your roomates in any serious way about these things. That's who he is. You can accept that, or change your situation, but it's kind of shitty to knowingly stay there because you need his financial support, take that financial support, and then make his life more difficult by constantly nagging him about something he has been pretty clear he is not going to ever address to your satisfaction. You seem to be at a point of “take it or leave it,” and should make peace with one of those two options instead of going with “take it and keep complaining about it,” which is no good for anyone and wreaks of emotional immaturity and parasitism.

  22. If your kid can’t hack it in coach, with other kids, while they go on an expensive trip, your kid is a spoiled brat.

  23. This guy's laundry list just keeps growing doesn't it.

    Of course your thoughts are all over the place, this is really nude stuff to deal with and to go through.

  24. also op’s fiancé is already pretty much has his whole body out the door & only has his hand in this marriage because his ex wife doesn’t feel the same. what if the ex thinks they can have another chance, fiancé will be out the door in no time.

    op is only at 2nd choice at best & every big moment he has had with op was after declaring his feelings for the ex & the ex not reciprocating in kind. it’s like the fiancé is say oh well he tried so i guess 2nd choice will have me kind of thing. that’s just awful.

    op, you do not want this & to have this fear that soon to be husband will leave if/when ex wife changes her mind about him.

  25. There is something wrong with your gf if she really can't see the difference between caregivers and a sexual relationship. It's not on you that she has a sick association between all forms of nudity and sex. I'll also note that as an American, I've noticed this is more common in our country than it should be. In many other cultures, family, and caring for family is paramount. In America, many families put disabled or elderly family members in permanent care homes, so the thought of changing an adult family member's diaper is foreign to them. You're just helping your family. You shouldn't feel bad about that!

  26. Personally I’d end the relationship just off the fact that he shows he cares more about his ex wife than he ever will with you and if you have kids of your own. If he wanted to just get rid of the house and sell it and give half the money to his ex that would be one thing but to just give it to her while your newly family would possibly be struggling would be a big nope for me. He’s living in a fairy tale when he thinks love will get you through nude times and I can assure you it won’t feed your family when your starving or put a roof over your head if you cannot afford one. He gave everything he owned to her because of his guilt and he hid it from you.

  27. Tell him. This is so unimportant to guys (at least to me). And if he's mature, he'll understand why you lied, as for men, being a virgin at a later age is also “embarrassing” in that moment. He should be glad you came clean (which is a sign of trust).

    It also gives you peace of mind. + if he reacts wonderful to it, it gives you the confidence & reassurance you can tell him anything and he'll react properly as well, which is good for your relationship.

  28. If their family usually speaks Spanish in their home, they will continue to do so unless you're specifically in the conversation. That's just how it is.

    When I visit my wife's family, it's the same way with everyone speaking Vietnamese even though I only know a small number of words. When they want to include me in the conversation, they switch to English, but they are used to speaking Vietnamese together so they switch back as soon as possible.

  29. If their family usually speaks Spanish in their home, they will continue to do so unless you're specifically in the conversation. That's just how it is.

    When I visit my wife's family, it's the same way with everyone speaking Vietnamese even though I only know a small number of words. When they want to include me in the conversation, they switch to English, but they are used to speaking Vietnamese together so they switch back as soon as possible.

  30. If their family usually speaks Spanish in their home, they will continue to do so unless you're specifically in the conversation. That's just how it is.

    When I visit my wife's family, it's the same way with everyone speaking Vietnamese even though I only know a small number of words. When they want to include me in the conversation, they switch to English, but they are used to speaking Vietnamese together so they switch back as soon as possible.

  31. YOUR initial reaction to this is all about you, and has nothing to do with the reason she didn't tell him. You mind goes to a certain conclusion because of your biases and past experiences.

  32. Your mom is delusional and you don't own her a dime for raising you. Do Not give into this financial abuse. She is exploiting you simply due to being your mom.

    Call the police and report this abuse. she can't screw up your credit. She is legally not allowed to charge you for services rendered. Fiole a police report for fraud and her putting her false charges on your credit. What she's doing is illegal and you need a lawyer.

    Dispute every charge she claims on your credit report with the credit beru and file a police report against it. It will stop any calls and they can delete the fraudulent “bills” from your mom. She doesn't have any services rendered and under 18 you can't be legally charged for your own care.

    You'll want to do this quickly. Don't let this issue longer in limbo. Act in it and protect your credit. She can go to jail for this behavior

  33. I don't mean to sound condescending, but I can't really help it here. Calm down, you're 22 and it's been 6 months. I found my wife when I was 30. Chill. There are literally billions of men you haven't met yet.

  34. I don't mean to sound condescending, but I can't really help it here. Calm down, you're 22 and it's been 6 months. I found my wife when I was 30. Chill. There are literally billions of men you haven't met yet.

  35. Sit and talk with him. Jesus. Don't have a kid if it's just to help you feel better or appease your boyfriend. Have a kid because both of you want to have a kid and want to raise it for the next 20 years and want to support a child and guide it through life to be the most successful that it can be. Don't have a child for selfish reasons.

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