Ayshel-a live! sex cams for YOU!



Date: November 24, 2022

6 thoughts on “Ayshel-a live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. There's a reason men like this can't find dates within their age bracket and purposefully seek out younger, more impressionable women with less dating experience.

    Also, with that career choice, just know he could end up a POW and/or beheaded at literally any moment. I personally like my friends & partner to be alive and stay alive for as long as feasibly possible.

  2. Oh no she blocked them and it took years for her name to fix things. It’s just what I’m trying to do. I support her. I love everything about her it’s just I feel like on my end and I’m not good enough.

  3. Look, if you can’t get him to change please, please get rid of him while you still can. In all our years married by ex husband never ONCE cooked a meal, did the grocery shopping, did a load of laundry, vacuumed the floor…..you get the idea. He did NOTHING. He wouldn’t even put the clothes he expected ME to wash in the laundry hamper and would just leave them scattered around the house. Since I divorced him, my new partner either does things with me, or, I’ll come home and things are just already done. I can never thank him enough (we’ve been together 6 years now but I can’t seem to get used to it). He looks at me kinda weird and goes ‘babe, we’re both adults that live in this house. Why are you thanking me? It’s not like it’s just your job’ Look for that. DONT marry my ex husband. Please. I can’t tell you the depths of misery living with someone like that for years will bring you. Oh, and now that we’re divorced and he’s on his own? He does it all. His house is cleaner than mine. So all that ‘I can’t, I don’t know how’ really was just ‘I don’t want to, don’t you understand? I got married so I would have a slave, why would I do anything myself? If you had a dog, are you gonna bark at passers-by??’

  4. Hey there, thanks for your reply. Things have calmed down a lot now. Very long story short, I ended up telling him everything (*everything*) and he didn't judge me and just strongly encouraged me to get professional help (as you did), so I had my first therapy appointment this week and I'll be seeing a therapist weekly at least for a while. He and I talked about possibly starting couple's therapy because he's never met someone who had these issues that he knows of, and he's very worried he's going to do something that sets me off and has a bunch of other worries, but I think once I settle down a bit everything is going to be okay. We're taking it one day at a time, but things are already looking up just a little bit.

    I hear what you were saying about the age gap and the fact that he used to be my supervisor, but I'm personally not worried about that aspect of our relationship because I've done some research on what abusive relationships look like (after being in a few myself I came to my senses a bit and realized I need to protect myself in the future), and I don't honestly believe this is one of them. I also find it difficult to connect with people closer to my age due to things I've experienced in the past, my therapist mentioned this is common among chronic abuse survivors for there to be a gap in “emotional maturity” when compared to people of similar ages which makes forming meaningful relationships around people whose brains haven't completely matured yet (i.e. anyone below age 24 or so according to research). Thank you for your concern though because I was able to bring it up to the therapist and talk about it to soothe that insecurity.

    Just wanted to give an update since you replied. Thanks for taking the time to reply, I really appreciate it 🙂

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