Mara R. online sex chats for YOU!


heyy you // Flash tits 86 Tks // 2222 to make me happy [Goal Race]

Date: October 4, 2022

32 thoughts on “Mara R. online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Abusive people are not abusive all the time, it’s why victims stay in a relationship for too long because they are confused.

    He’s also financially abusing you, not just emotionally.

    He knows enough about love bombing to keep you confused.

  2. It is a little weird, but honestly, I do it too, I dunno why, even when someone who isn't my girlfriend enters the premises

    At least for me, I think it's more of like a “look! I'm not doing shit, You have my attention”

    If it bothers you that much, just tell him you think it's a little weird and take him up on having him show you ??‍♂️

  3. It's difficult to achieve a clean breakup with someone you still have to see at school. But if you're going to break up and mean it you'll need to find a way to stay away from each other. As long as you maintain contact with one another you're always going to be in this weird state of not together but not quite apart either. Good luck.

  4. You’ve suggested therapy. The most supportive thing you can do is to thank him for sharing and love him well. Therapy with a very well trained therapist can be a godsend but it is not always the way, and would bring short term pain.

  5. Your girlfriend needs care from a home health care professional or she should be placed in an assisted living facility. This is way above your paygrade.

  6. I hope the best for you two.

    When half the video she watchs used the word R-PE, you know it is a question of time.

    this sub is full of redittors who asked or accepted (open.rel/threesome/swinging or simply to talk about past relations) and now regrets it sourly. i try to learn from their errors.

  7. To me, her ex sounds controlling because he did not care to be involved until she had a new man (you) in her life. Why is he suddenly acting concerned about the kid now? What was the case for the last two years?

    Now he seems to be sabotaging your plans to be alone with your girlfriend by refusing to have his son on those dates.

    Of course, it's one thing to know that he's going to be around as a figure in her son's life. But these other commenters don't seem to understand that there's a difference between having a civil relationship with the biological father of your partner's child and him clearly trying to prevent you from being a part of his ex's life.

    If you continue to want to see her, then yes, you'll need to accept that he will be around to see his child. That said, you and your partner need to create boundaries about what is and isn't okay.

    I think it's valid to bring up your concern that he's only showing up now that you are in her life and that he might not have her best interests at heart. I don't know enough about her side of the situation, but what you say about the ex's behavior concerns me.

  8. Thank you for your advice. I agree the timeline was too quick, and I fully agree that I must talk to my gf before any feelings are confessed. However, I did leave out that my gf and I are pretty decent communicators and have had our relationship as an open relationship during the summer when she was away for internships.

    With that in mind, a really good update:

    I just told my gf that I accept the fact that we’re eventually going to break up, and that we may need to go back to a more open relationship again. And then I just told my best friend that my gf and I decided we’ll eventually break up. But that was it. So I think I’ve sorta ripped half the band aid off.

    My gf and I will likely talk again before the new year, and I think this will give me the mental space to hold in my feelings towards my best friend. I think that it will also allow me the time and space to explore these feelings for my friend and truly figure out if it’s what I want.

    Again, thank you for the advice, happy holidays

  9. It sounds like you are spending a ton of energy trying to manage her feelings and telling yourself to be quiet about how you feel so you don't upset her. Is this really fulfilling for you?

  10. I mean I don’t want anyone else taking care of my kids. He’s not willing to stay at home lol, so it gonna be me 🙂 Also, I only have an Arts degree and there’s not much I can do with that. He makes over 200k a year. I do have access to all accounts.

  11. No need for a therapist. Take what you came with, leave, seek an annulment.

    There is nothing here but misery. He owes you nothing. Leave everything. You'll be happier poorer than miserable. Say goodbye to the family and explain why. They likely are aware.

  12. It’s not a question of it being “okay.” Your girlfriend has feelings for her ex. You don’t want to be in a situation like that. You only end up more hurt. Leave. Good luck.

  13. I feel like such an idiot bc I pushed her to be friends with him and am one of the reasons she restarted talking to him. she hasn’t had many close friends recently and I just wanted to be supportive

  14. You have a decision to make. Which do you value more: your girlfriend dressing in a way you, personally, approve of, or your relationship?

    You cannot control how she dresses, and attempts to do so will both be seen to be and be controlling —it's definitely emblematic of a crappy, objectifying “this is my property” attitude to women. All you can control is your own behavior.

    Which means your choice is either make and forever hold your peace with it, or break up because you're incompatible.

    TL;DR: Your GF is a whole-ass Person in her own right. If you don't like what she does, break up. If you want to keep the relationship, learn to deal with what she does.

  15. Look you're young and probably inexperienced with relationship and marriage. V-day is a gimmick. Why should you only prove your love once a year? It should be done daily.

    I understand you are disappointed, but you do realize how expensive roses are on V-day right? It's almost double than any other day of the year.

    Your birthday, anniversary and Christmas should be the only gift giving days of the year that warrant this kind of tantrum.

    Like the one comment said, buy your own flowers.

  16. How can she be friends with someone she “doesn’t care about as a person?”

    She’s probably trying to make her SO jealous or something.

    Ignore that gardening tool and keep it pushing.

  17. When I was in my twenties I was working at a very demanding job 6 days a week for long hours. On my one day off I would NEED to take time for myself to meal prep, do laundry and occasionally just rest because I was so burnt out.

    My gf and I would fight all the time because I never had enough time for her. At the time I thought she was unreasonable but in retrospect I see that I was the unreasonable one.

    You can’t commit to being in a relationship and then not BE in a relationship, OP.

    Don’t do what i did and have your gf dump you being you don’t prioritize her. Either shift your schedule so you have time to devote to your gf or let her go so she can find someone who will.

  18. No. You likely checked out and found something to focus on.

    You don’t go from a happy relationship to looking for escape in a fantasy idolization. (Because it’s a form of relationship fantasy).

    If a fantasy helps depression, then maybe your depression is more unhappiness about relationship and your life decisions?

  19. I'm sorry but I love these posts. person incapable of handling an open relationship initiates having an open relationship hoping to get laid every day, is shocked to see that they hardly ever do and it's not all fun and games. Keep fucking that guy lol your husband reaps what he sows

  20. He said I’m never there to help him through his issues

    He claims she’s not helping him through his issues so I told him we can find him a new doctor. He never takes the initiative to try

    Your husband won't take responsibility for himself, obviously he's not going to care for a baby. This is the kind of man who would leave you if you were sick and depending on him to care for you. This is the kind of man who will cheat on you because he has found another woman who will make him the centre of her attention.

  21. True but if reverse the rolls and most would say that this is at the very least – manipulative. This person is not your true friend.

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