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latikamaralalive sex stripping with hd cam


29 thoughts on “latikamaralalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Please please go to the emergency room. You may have an infection or something serious. It may be a medical emergency.

    Incidentally, Aborted babies are not “returned to you” when you are ready. It’s not like sending an order back to Amazon. Each person is unique. You may have other children someday but it’s not the same person. Did someone tell you that your kids will be returned to you? Not judging or debating abortion. I’m just wondering where you got this idea.

  2. So saying that, him planting seeds, it can make anxiety try to burst through the door saying:

    “Hey! Since you generally trust him and have been with him for years, he must be right!” SO my brain is fighting my anxiety telling my anxiety is wrong and the doctors are right. Is what I meant by the doubt. The doubt is the anxiety speaking up. I know my anxiety is wrong and my doctor's are right.

  3. Holy crap, ummm, you cheated on your husband, now you just want it to go away and you think that is even an option. He will find out, it will happen, and then what?

  4. Dude. Do not be a FWB with someone you have feelings for- you'll just get hurt. You need to break up and put distance between you both. Exercise a bunch to help maintain your mood. And, in a few months when your x is cleared from you system, find someone else.

  5. There is no standard “drive” for men. Stop perpetuating this myth. Sex drive doesn't even exist, but if it did, there's a huge range between genders and identities.

  6. Hello /u/ThrowRA8901234,

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  7. Hello /u/unknownman652,

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  8. How do I look dumb when I’m playing the mother role when I’m there? She even called her own mother my name. Be serious. Even if this was my own child. His best friend and wife are currently go through a divorce because they stopped catering to their individual relationship and started putting more time into the kids, which is fine. There just should be a balance, even if these were my own kids. He’s obviously always going to be there for his daughter, but he wants his relationship with me to last as well, it needs to be nurtured as well.

  9. Nothing he’s done is vulnerability. Vulnerability would be him admitting he’s afraid of losing you, or him admitting that he has trouble trusting that you care about him, or him asking for reassurance that you care about him. But him expecting loyalty before you were in a relationship, and then feeling better only when you berate yourself, that’s not vulnerability, that’s him trying to use guilt and obligation to control you rather than him admit his insecurities and deal with them. Yikes, this dudes not healthy to be in a relationship at all. Please break up as this type of manipulation only gets worse over time.

  10. It’s not confusing. I’ve been on the planet a long time. He is sexually assaulting you. Please don’t see him. You asked for advice and you are with an abuser. They are nice just often enough so that you stay. Don’t stay with him. He’s going to hurt you worse

  11. Having drunkenly done push ups to collapse in a drinking game, it is absolutely possible to scrape your elbows, especially if you were doing it on a sidewalk or something

  12. If it bothers you that much, i guess dump him. I can't imagine doing something so shallow but then again i can't imagine writing this post. Your issue with your husband's body is your issue, and not his. If it was a big issue to him he'd do something about it. Shaming his body is only going to make both of your unhappy. If he wants to make changes he will, but nagging and shaming him might work for a few weeks, max. My ex has a 6 pack when we got together and a pot belly when he dumped me (my body never changed) and i didn't even notice until his mom pointed it out. The more i loved him the less physical attraction mattered at all. I don't relate or sympathize to you in this story. Obviously everyone has limits but “touching stomachs” is a high bar.

  13. Don't waste her time. All you have to do is say, “no thank you.” Other than providing a courteous and unambiguous refusal, you can't do anything to manage her feelings about it. This is life. We all get rejected sometimes. It's not fun, but we survive. She'll be fine.

  14. Your wife sounds more like a lazy problem than anything else. She could have depression bit that's not an excuse to not take care of the children or be much of a help. That's an excuse to get psychiatric help, which she won't do. Depression affects millions of people world wide, and each week, most of those same millions of people wake up, go to work, and tend to their children. Many have no choice, they'd be out on the street. She has a choice and is choosing to suck the life out of you, having you take on work, financial stress, household stress, cooking, cleaning and tending to children while she sits and plays with the internet, using de pression as her excuse.

  15. So he had to get the phone out of his pocket… unlock it… Open instagram let the stripper enter her username and tap on follow.

    Yeah I don't buy that. Most people when blacked out either sleep or are trying not to puke their guts out and they don't remember a thing next morning. You ex remembers quite a lot.

  16. The reason is to make you feel bad, ruin your self-esteem, and get you to stop wearing your hair in ways he doesn't approve of.

  17. The friends reaction to the word is somewhat suspicious.. I'd be tempted to get a paternity test on this newest child amd I'd be laying some boundaries down with the wife. If she scoffs and laughs at them then there's a large problem.

  18. No, we're saying she shouldn't take the risk that he hasn't. Especially as he is still excusing his behaviour instead of taking responsibility for it.

    As a previous victim of DV, there's just no circumstances under which I would take the risk. We are able to request information on partners from the police to see if they have a history of perpetrating abuse because people like that very rarely actually change.

  19. He told me that if I wouldn’t have caught him, he wouldn’t have told me about it because he didn’t want to hurt me. The first thing he said to me was “if it makes you feel any better, I didn't get a lap dance.”

    Yeah your immediate response should be, “that doesn't make me feel better because now I know you are willing to lie to get what you want no matter what I'd feel about it.”

    He's lied so much about everything else, I can't believe him.

    He has already well proven he has no hesitation to lie to you. That means between the two of you the truth no longer matters. It doesn't matter what really happened. You know whatever it is, he won't ever be honest with you about it. Do you really want to live the rest of your life with someone you can count on to always be withholding the truth “so as to not hurt you”? You must be aware that means he wants to continue to do whatever he wants to without you having any say at all, right? He doesn't care what you want. All he cares is for what he can get, when he can get it.

    Get tested. Leave. If you stay you are only going to get more hurt.

  20. It’s only been two months lmao just leave, like you say you’re planning on breaking up so just do that. Ppl need to stop being in shitty relationships just because they’re afraid of being alone

  21. My main thought here is why do you need to bring the kids for this initial meeting? Your dad is going to be overwhelmed by just getting out of prison and he is a literal stranger to the kids. I think it would be better to pick him up by yourself as meeting your overwhelmed grandparent in a car really isn’t the best for any of them. It just seems you’re pushing for an immediate relationship when this should be something that should be gradually introduced

  22. Please tell her, she deserves to know. I was very grateful when a few women exposed my cheating ex. If you were in her position, wouldn't you want to know?

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