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5 thoughts on “starchloelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. When somebody tells you who they are, believe them. Therapy isn’t going to change his attitude. In the beginning he may have had these feelings but knew they were “wrong”. Now he is thinking he was always right because of idiots on the internet. You are not wrong to be who you are, you can’t fake your way through this. Cut him loose.

  2. Yes. It's better for the child's future to have two parents earning money and investing in their child than only having one do it. In the long term, the child benefits.

  3. You definitely don’t talk to the sexual interest before your spouse. But unless your spouse is already open to a more open or poly lifestyle then it is a giant risk to ever bring it up. You go in know you can blow up your relationship.

  4. For all the reasons you gave about avoiding past bf's meeting your parents and current bf needing to impress your father. At 35 years old he should be able to hold his own against someone just a few years older.

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