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8 thoughts on “edenasialive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Draw a line in the grime. Tell him that you aren't going to nag him about his lack of hygiene. If he doesn't bathe daily you will end the relationship.

  2. It’s probably not something that’s going to be discussed at a restaurant etc but at the end of the night, if you are kissing and there is chemistry, it will need to be addressed. You can’t just walk away if things are getting hot and heavy. Now would be the time to say “I want you to know I really like you, but would like to take things slow”

    Unless you get someone equally as inexperienced, which could be ideal really.

  3. When I was dating, I had a rule that I wouldn’t kiss on a first date, and I’d announce that. Took a lot of pressure off everyone. Anyway, without the kiss, it sounds like it went well.

    I don’t think any hot and fast game plan is gonna work, you just have to go by feel. If uncertain, you can always say, “I would really like to kiss you.” A lot of women respect men who look for a verbal okay, though some don’t. Those who don’t aren’t worth your time in my opinion.

    So a good moment is when it feels right.

  4. His condoms are likely too small. Check the base of his cock after he takes it off and look to see of there’s an indented red ring around his dick. It happened to me and turned out I can only use Magnums or custom made ones. There are quite a few companies out there that can make them for him. He’ll have to take some measurements and submit that info. They aren’t cheap, but definitely worth it.

  5. I have zero issues with you showing up only to find her alone with her ex in her car. The entire situation from the very start of the night to when you found her was inappropriate. She was not being, at a minimum, emotionally honest and true to you. I would not trust her after that.

  6. It definitely feels like a safety issue since OP is clearly a predator…

    The fact that this grown ass man only goes for teenagers is telling.

  7. You do realize “going to the cops” is going to be a waste of time because most of these scams are run outside the country the crime is being committed in. Even if it wasn’t, the police don’t have the resources or technology to track these things down.

    Not to mention that most extortion scams are not going to follow through with the threat. They just need someone stupid enough to send them something they can threaten them with and those are usually the same people who are going to fall for paying the off.

    OP is in no way an idiot here.

  8. Yea Bob got what he deserved. And instead of eating it and mending fences he chose drama. You don't have to do anything else with Bob. Guarantee he'll try to make a big deal out of this. Tell your friends you're open to Bob burying the hatchet and you tried but you've no time for amateur dramatics, the focus is the couple and the wedding. Not Bob, he shouldn't try to make this about himself. You're over it, you don't want to even think about him and move on immediately to a nicer more cheerful topic.

    If Bob is the weasel he seems to be, he will try just that. When he does put it down to “more drama, here he does again, making it about himself, is there nothing he won't do for attention”. Frame every reaction as Bob being manipulative and trying to keep this beef going.. “Pretty shitty that he would miss your wedding because he was asked to be polite, which no one should have to even request”.

    Hopefully Bob won't go to the wedding. But make it clear that's very much Bob's decision, nothing to do with you. If he does you can just stay clear of him and frame his reactions as hysterical. If you control the narrative with this guy you can use that as a boundary.

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