Eli-brown live webcams for YOU!


?, ??Happy Monday! Is a good day to enjoy a time to pleasure???

Date: October 4, 2022

10 thoughts on “Eli-brown live webcams for YOU!

  1. u/Ecstatic_Grocery_95, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. u/midnight_sun22, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  3. Honey, she broke up with you. You may be able to be friends someday. Some people can but others can’t. For now though, you especially need to heal and realize that you aren’t together anymore and never will be. The “we’re breaking up but we’re still friends” rarely works unless there’s a specific reason to remain friendly, such as shared children. Otherwise, the hope that the friendship will evolve back into romance won’t go away.

    Also, even though you say you want her to be happy, your presence in her life at this point is probably causing problems. She’s trying to create a life that doesn’t include being OP’s partner and probable future wife. That’s not really possible if you’re still hanging on. Plus, her new guy may be wondering why the two of you are still in contact, if you relationship is truly over.

    Perhaps counseling would help you or find some new hobbies or activities to help keep your mind off her. Get a couple of single friends to hang out with and be your a support group. If you were living together and you’re still living in the same place, move. If you can’t move, rearrange the furniture or get some new stuff, even if it’s only curtains. Get some friends or siblings to come over and help you “un-girlfriend” your space.

    Good luck!

    Please !UpdateMe about how you’re doing.

  4. I think you would have probably lost that friendship if you hadn't paid for the repair. If it had been a more substantial amount of damage then maybe let insurance step in.

  5. Obviously calling you an abuser is just manipulative bullshit. Just as obviously, he's the abuser.

    mad at me for spending time with my (18F) best friend

    MASSIVE red flag ??. Isolating you from your friends is classic abuser tactics. Once you cut your friends out of your life, he's going to start on your family. Once you have no more support network, the real abuse starts. He's already pushing you into sexual things you're uncomfortable with.

    tl;dr: RUN. Gtfo now.

  6. It is time to go NC with Kate & her family and completely move on from your failed relationship with her.

    She is not a compatible potential spouse and sounds too immature & prone to peer pressure to have a healthy adult relationship.

    Either keep the ring and bury it in your back yard in a time capsule or sell it on ebay in 2028 with a summary of its history and the end of the relationship with Kate.

    Good luck and take care of yourself !

  7. I just do not understand this at all. You are being very naive. You are absolutely going to be responsible for this baby. You are not a partner to these people you are their built in nanny and probably wallet.

  8. yeah so was my grandmother, which is why i asked. my mom grew uncomfortable over time while witnessing the dynamic between me and her.

    i think she’s heavily pregnant and her body is instinctually trying to protect her kids from what it and her nervous system perceives as threats. i personally would be okay with reducing 1-on-1 contact between my kid & my mother until she gives birth but that’s just me. I would also have a long and serious conversation about the future of your collective relationship with your mother once she’s given birth and things have calmed down a bit because this seems to be a huge problem to her, rational or not

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