Ianaxo online sex chats for YOU!


2 controls free snap/cum @ goal IG@ianaLittle [GOAL MET]

Date: October 4, 2022

138 thoughts on “Ianaxo online sex chats for YOU!

  1. There are so many red flags here that it could be a parade. He moves in and suddenly loses his job, so you are paying for everything. He has to know where you are at all times and questions your whereabouts for no reason. He goes and drives around for hours, I assume using a lot of gas that you pay for and won't tell you where he's been and yells at you. You think he's visiting a woman who has the hots for him. He talks marriage but won't by a ring or commit. He doesn't care if you go to the gym or get your hair done, etc., because if you're less attractive, you won't kick him to the curb.

    Please choose you! You deserve so much more than this possibly cheating mooch. Is he even looking for a job?

  2. I’m 34F, he’s 43M. Not married, plan to be. Share a business, have a son and have a baby on the way. Considering one more child but haven’t fully decided.

  3. Only attend weddings of people you are happy to be apart of their union. One of the most simple rules in life.

  4. Uh, they kind of are. He’s been propping up this family for years, and his son tried to pass off some interloping stud’s offspring as OP’s grandchild. That is 100% his business.

  5. I got angry my husband didn’t want to be awaiting on my every call or beckon all weekend because of a funeral and call him derpy and oblivious to strangers on the internet, oh man I wonder how I could ever respect my husband more …. Kinda sounds like you’re a dick and think you’re perfect when in reality there’s more than likely plenty that your husband does better and more often. Humble yourself and maybe you won’t come off as disrespectful to your husband and to the population overall.

  6. This is not how you want your child growing up so first, end the relationship. Move into a spare room or into your babies room (if they have their own). Stop having sex with your EX, don't do stuff for him, only for you and your baby. It will help you save money instead of wasting it on him. Ask for money for Christmas, birthdays etc so that you can save quicker and be able to find somewhere to online separate from him. Start looking for rooms for rent or apartments for rent with roommates. This will cut your costs down for you and baby. If possible, get a second job or find another way to make some money, so you can save quicker and save more. Then leave, file for custody and child support and move forward with your life.

  7. Not wanting to be in a relationship anymore is a good enough reason to end it. 5 years in is a while, how long you know the lad ?

    That said I dont read the email the way you do. I get severe depression and pain out of it, not i found someone one else to fuck.

    Ask him in your next email. What he means by “interest is somewhere else”

  8. Yes, but I still hope that this will stop, this is why I haven't done it yet. I really love this girl and breaking up whit her it will destroy me

  9. If honestly sounds like you’re projecting. Her she is behaving is not communicative and open, it’s controlling and disheartening. I have a MASS of insecurities, but that SHOULDNT affect how my partner feels or is around me (in the sense that he can’t be himself). You can say what you want but this will lead to a breakdown of relationship eventually. What is it that’s hurting her, the fact his body is changing and hers isn’t? That is a her issue. OP clearly seems supportive and loving of her, but I definitely not the other way around.

  10. You dont need his permission. Tell him its over. Block on everything. Call the police if he harasses you at home or work. Tell your family and friends.

  11. You have a good sense of what's right and wrong and your boyfriend seems to lack a lot of brains and overall common sense.

  12. Yes, it's true. But we go to different places to eat, hike, watch movies, travel. Its allways different. Today we were at the forest we have never been to and ate at a new place. Then I dont want to drive to the location I'm not familiar with and I'm yelled at?

  13. This is beyond inappropriate. This woman is sexually harassing your boyfriend and it needs to stop. There is no read to maintain contact with her. Maintaining a working relationship is not possible. This woman does not care about your boyfriend’s personal boundaries or your relationship. He should block her immediately and make these texts known to management.

  14. My wife and I did the same, although quite a few years ago now. Still one of the best days of my life and no debt at the end of it

  15. Walk away. You’ll always be the third wheel for whatever codependent shit these two have got going on.

    Until she tells him to fuck off and realises this is not a “friendship” it won’t work with anyone.

  16. You've been cheating on your husband. It started off emotionally and ended up physical. You need to be open and honest with your husband about this. It would probably be in your best interests to block the other guy all together and find a new job.

  17. Break up with him. He's abusive and there is no reason you should subject yourself to that. Being alone through the holidays kinda sucks, but its not the end of the world. Just plan to do something fun that you like to do, whatever that is, and enjoy the holiday abuse free. I promise you that being alone will not be worse than being with an abusive guy that you plan to dump anyway

  18. You aren't marginalized, you coddled ass.

    Quit playing the victim when the entire modern world is set up for your comfort.

    Tell you what, why don't you do what Nors Vincent did and get back to me about how marginalized you are.

    Oh wait, that goes against your “poor is” mentality while claiming facts are discrimination because they hurt your feelings.

  19. Or you could dm me. Or you could just post the answers to the questions here so that everyone can give you good advice.

  20. There’s womens shelters that will give you a safe place to stay & help you get on your own feet. He will do it again , and it will escalate. Educate yourself on the abuse cycle, is addictive and will draw you back in.

  21. Your idea is plenty. I also could suggest getting him a cute date day with you, like getting snacks for a movie and tickets/netflix password, and a little gift card for coffee after.

  22. Thank you for the kind words. I so appreciate hearing that from someone who’s been in this situation before. Glad you made it out the other side.

  23. In relationships there is no right or wrong way to do things; each couple individually sets boundaries between two in the companionship to make sure each of their feelings are considered. Sometimes, you won’t agree, but you need to sacrifice in order to stay healthy in the relationship.

    Instead of validating your sexual habits, accept that she has different beliefs, and neither of you are right or wrong.

    Everyone is allowed to have feelings based off their individual perceptions- don’t make her feel crazy for being honest with her mental health.

    Instead, decided if you are able to sacrifice the porn habit, in order to stay with this girl.

    Sometimes you can’t have it all.. but this is one of those things that destroys many many relationships.

  24. It’s sounds like you got drugged and had a bad trip. Didn’t have to be in the drinks. People can just swipe L on your skin, or you could’ve bumped into someone with liquid L or a research chemical on them. Sorry that happened to you. The way you reacted doesn’t mean anything about you as a person.

  25. I’m curious why she told you everything? Did you post as a fake person and she randomly told you heaps of things or did you message her as yourself and even tho she blocked you on your main acc, she randomly blurted it out to you? Really curious about this!

    Also sorry this is happening to you and you need to report him and leave

  26. I think it’s weird of someone isn’t friends with at least a few of their exes. But I’m LGBT and we work differently in this, I reckon. I’m friends with all my exes, we socialise regularly, I’ve been in one’s wedding party.

  27. I feel that the answer is probably somewhere in the middle. I don’t think that you are overly sensitive because some of your points are valid. The question is though is this enough for you (even forgetting about how over the top he was with his ex. Is there enough passion and commitment for you to be happy. On the surface it sounds like he is crossing a lot of boxes but only you know if this relationship has enough energy.

  28. u/nodopaminewhatsoever, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  29. Okay, so, do you have an HR you can go to? It's one thing to compliment your nails, but the moment he started talking about your legs…. That's not work appropriate.

    You shouldn't leave your dream project over that, though. If you don't think your job will handle it if you reported the creepy behavior, you really have the choice to leave or deal with it yourself. Whether dealing with it us setting that boundary or however that looks for you… I'm sorry you're in this situation.

  30. actually ur more than wrong. the mindset you have is the reason the west is failing their citizens when they’re suffering. charity is so important. equal pay is important. tipping servers is important. ask anyone who is successful and they will say the same.

  31. Threads like these blow my fucking mind.

    My dude, you're being abused. Vacate the property, dump her, and evaluate why you attracted such garbage within close proximity to begin with, much less tolerated it for as long as you have.

    Holy shit.

  32. He was splitting a joint, not open mouth kissing the guy lol I think you’re a little too hung up on the idea of them sharing a joint, there isn’t a whole lot of saliva involved. If you’re getting saliva all over the joint, it makes the paper mushy and difficult to smoke.

  33. Or not interested in a relationship with her. This idea that “she chose you” Is stupid because of it, you have no idea why she ended up with you. Could have easily been the last resort.

  34. For me, it went on for years and was terrible torture. I was miserable, exhausted, and crabby. I almost lost my job. And it turned out to be a litmus test for everything going forward, it was like a microcosm of how narcissistic he really was. He didn't fix his snoring because it didn't affect him. If I slept on the couch then he would accuse me of abandoning him, that his love language was touch, that he was starved for affection. He also turned out to be a cheater. And he tried to blame that on me, too, because I slept on the couch sometimes. Perhaps if you buy a house with this woman you'll somehow be luckier, but I doubt it.

  35. In your other post, you admit to cheating twice. Was it with the same woman or two different women? Additionally, as of 24 hours ago, your partner was unaware that you’d cheated on them!

  36. It’s really tempting each time, it’s worse when I’m on my period then he does it ten times more, like 5 times an hour

  37. Everything I’m telling you is based on what we’ve talked about. I may have been giving the wrong impression, she wants to be a stay at home mom while our kids are still very young but after she wants to go back to working. I’d never tell her not to work or reach her goals

  38. If she's not satisfied, then there needs to be some communication here. She needs to explain what she likes, and you have to try to not take it personally. There's loads of ways you can improve your sex life.

  39. If she's not receptive to you setting a boundary over too much ex talk, it's ok to end things.

    If her ex was so toxic and she's either still hung up on him or she's still dealing with what the ex did to her, she doesn't need a new relationship, she needs a therapist. It really isn't healthy for a significant other to help process out a prior relationship, it's an unfair burden, and it's really inappropriate if she's expecting you to process it out with her.

    I made the mistake of marrying someone who talked about her ex all the time, and it nearly destroyed me. I didn't know any better, I thought it was something I had to put up with, so I did. Up until the point I was having suicidal thoughts and had an emotional breakdown. I'm seeing a counselor now, and saving up money for a divorce.

  40. She is NEVER going to contact me again. I know for sure.

    But I wanted to give a one last try to get her back.

    yeah workplace is not the correct way, but I don't have any other option

  41. I will definitely use your comment as a template for what I tell her. Thanks so much for your advice, and for that reminder of taking care of myself! It does feel bad, but, it’d be worse to not be direct with her/potentially waste her time as well.


  42. It is time to contact the police. He is a menace.

    Why do you not want to throw out this abusive relationship? He is an unemployed drunk who has now threatened to kill you.

  43. You said it yourself, your moms issues were never projected onto you when she was actively in her weight gain and unhealthy eating phase and that you weren’t affected. What makes your wife think it will be a problem now when your mom is actively in her healthy phase? She is being irrational and controlling.

  44. It’s not her job to rebuild the trust you broke. Aside from that, you two sound like a mess. There’s too much water under the bridge. It doesn’t sound like she is able to trust/forgive you and it doesn’t really seem like you are putting much into helping her with that. This isn’t a court of law, “the burden of proof” is on you. You broke her trust although clearly she has too in the past. I don’t see this ever working out.

  45. Good on you! I know it’s not what you wanted, but you later it out and she knows how you feel! You don’t have to online with any regrets!

  46. This is a tough one – as it's easy to make suggestions, but naked to know what might be truly helpful.

    Things that come to mind include going for walks – and walking in nature if it's possible, keeping a diary, and getting a keyboard or guitar, and playing or writing sad songs.

    It's also possible that what you do has some value as an effective way to cope with your past, and maybe it's okay for now to just do some other writing – instead of texting.

  47. Get your son tested and then present the proof and remind him. That he is not an expert on biology or genetics. CONSTANTLY REMIND HIM!

    If he ever expresses an opinion on the subject again. Tell him if he has an opinion. You will tell him what it is!

  48. honestly this post does not give a lot of information and she’s too early in the relationship for him to atart testing the waters with abusive tendencies, if he were to do that thing. im absolutely going to go with the opinion of the trustworthy experienced adult in this scenario, which is her mom. if mom is catching creepi vibes from this dude, i’m going with her gut bc i dont know him.

  49. I wonder if his younger children think it’s fair he helps pay her bills as a grown ass woman? Are we ignoring that? She’s enjoying the fruits of his labor by getting her damn rent paid. That’s a whole hell of a lot more than a trip to Disney. And rent comes due every month…

    Nope. This ain’t it.

  50. She is 25 years old. It’s time to cut the cord. You need to stop financially supporting her. Clearly, it’s stunting her growing into an adult based on her actions. She’ll never figure her self out, if she thinks she can whine and pout to you to get her way.

  51. It sounds like you are a supportive parent financially.

    You bought her a car, helped with living expenses, trips with her friends, paid for school. BTW a $2000 Christmas gift is very generous. You don’t mention what your relationship was like before you younger kids came along but it seems like she resents no longer being the one and only at home and that she was dethroned or feels replaced. You daughter sounds entitled and immature. The car situation shows this as an example. She chose to not go to work and lose her job instead of taking the bus. She may not appreciate the material things you give her because to her that’s not what matters to her. It sounds like She wants her dad’s attention. To Me it seems like she wants to see you take away from the siblings to give to her. Clearly that’s not going o happen and she shouldn’t have these expectations. Our feelings are what they are and don’t always make sense. To her, Her dad has 2 other kids and she may feel she doesn’t matter to you. Do you tell her you love her? Are proud of her? Do you tell her you Appreciate the young woman she has grown up to be? What’s her relationship with your wife?

    Have you thought about going to family counseling? I know you have little ones but try to improve your relationship with her. Do you spend time with her? Or do you feel you spend money on her so you are fulfilling your responsibilities? She’s still finding her way in the world and your relationship with her will affect her forever.

  52. Everyone is allowed to make their own decisions. They're just not immune to the consequences of those decisions.

  53. Honestly this seems like pretty typical behaviour for twins, my mom is an identical twin and her and her sister are very similar, they also had other siblings both older and younger.

    As much as it's unfair and nothing you did, but they spent more time before you were born just the two of them, they shared a womb, they had ample opportunity to form a close and connected bond and attachment that they still clearly appreciate and foster. The attachment piece is especially important and helps form a basis for our lifespan and development, it's not surprising they would continue this strong of a relationship. There will always be unique differences in their relationship from yours that has absolutely nothing to do with anything you've done or said.

    I would personally recommend looking into some therapy for yourself, to process this, decide what you want out of your relationships with your siblings and how to move forward as this clearly seems to be something that is bothersome for you and something you struggle with.

  54. She has a lot of growing up to do, how does she think parents take care of their disabled children who can't afford a caretaker? You have to clean the genitals as well.

  55. 6 years and this hasn't happened before… also, even if he cut his nails nearby, the odds of a clipping going into her drink, and then having it happen multiple times? She said “every time,” so there's no way he's cutting his nails that often and also having them “randomly” flip in her drink.

  56. Holy shit, you’ve been having BAD sex for three years with a grown man who doesn’t have the emotional intelligence to do the one thing you’re asking—and you STILL haven’t put up any boundaries?? Girl. Stop having sex with him the moment he asks that stupid question. I don’t blame you for being turned off by it. Just by him asking—firstly, most women aren’t going to orgasm after one minute, and secondly, he knows you don’t understand your own orgasm—proves that he doesn’t care for your feelings as much as you think he does. Really think naked about why you’re letting this man have sex with you who doesn’t bother to take your feelings into consideration.

  57. You really did not make that clear. As that doesn't seem like it was a deal breaker for you it means what exactly?

    However, before that, my main question would be do they practice what they preach? Or Are they making these comments as jokes and have openly made this comments with their diverse community? Or are they in fact racist and xenophobic?….

    I also find it funny that people would stop shaming you when you bring up the racist perspective, that would just mean shame on both of you.

  58. First of all you need to stop worrying about how other people see you outside of your kids and close family. Their opinions and observations are irrelevant and fleeting and a distraction from what matters.

    Do YOU feel better? Are you functioning in productive ways? Can you be present with your children? These are the measures you should be focused on.

    If your brain has had this release for decades then it needs time to adjust. Your needs may vary. A lot. And it might be a while before you find your happy medium.. Just because you quit doesn't mean you are over the finish line yet.

    Explore what makes you feel better. Find a new way to release- music, yoga, a rousing game of hide and seek? Short term meds for depression? Is it anxiety? Lifting weights? If you find a spark, feed it.

  59. Oh, sweetheart. What a frightening and infuriating ordeal. What kind of asshole would judge you for that? That said, I will judge him. You’ve been together for only a year and he’s already demonstrated several times that he does not care about how you feel and has no interest in behaving like a responsible adult. He is not a person to compromise with because he never actually does, whatever he whines in his defensive, patronizing taradiddles.

  60. Well I agree on the advice to break up. I don’t agree that all of this is purely some elitist conjecture on her part. I online in both worlds and I see it as a simple culture clash. Ialso understand wanting to help someone see past some of their problematic views instead of just cutting them off, so I’m not judging her for sticking around despite being aware of their feelings in certain topics.

  61. When I see absurd scenarios like these I always assume trolling. Come on now OP this is just…wtf lmao you complain about an absurd double standard but stuck around anyway? Huh????

  62. A man that’s willing to throw down WHEN YOU ARE IN DANGER is fine.

    A man that provokes strangers is a danger to you. A man that is so angry after not being able to fight a person for no reason and ruins the night is a great way to ruin your life. Run

  63. Look, again I'm not trying to be harsh, but it appears I have to be blunt. You are not getting it. As a woman, it's really frustrating to continually have to repeat the same things over and over and you're still justifying sending this “tease snap.”

    Nothing about the way you approached sending an unsolicited dick pic was okay. Unsolicited dick pics are never okay, because they're unsolicited. It doesn't matter what the lighting was like, or how much of your dick you covered. It doesn't matter that you said you had to get on with your day or that you said she could ignore it.

    What matters is that you failed to ask for consent before you sent a photo of your genitals.

    To be abundantly clear: do not ever send a photo of your genitals without asking to someone you are not sexually, romantically, or intimately engaged with and whom has never expressed their desire to receive such from you. That's it. Period.

    I'm going to bow out here, because I've run out of additional ways to rephrase “do not send unsolicited dick pics.” Have a nice evening or day.

  64. No, she knows how you feel about her so she should understand if you explain. She might even encourage you. She might be sad, but she will deal with that if she cares about you.

    If she gets arsey and clingy and doesn't let you go, that to me would be a red flag that she was being selfish and doesn't respect your feelings.

  65. Everyone's got baggage. But if she needs a freight car to move it around, its a problem.

    End the relationship. She has problems beyond your ability to fix or adapt to. Being in a relationship with someone who could go off unexpectedly due to some past trauma is NOT easy. Or fun. Or rewarding.

    Additionally, she does not appreciate your style of self-expression. In fact, she can't. She seems to think it means you are a repressed, depressed, closeted homosexual. This is NOT the girl for you.

    As someone who also never fit the masculine stereotype, I understand your confusion. Despite being a veteran and a WAR veteran to boot, I was on occasion questioned about my masculinity. It happens. Just move on to someone who can appreciate you. At the end of the day, you have to be you, no matter what.

  66. Yup. I shower every THIRD day, and wash my hair every time I shower. I cat-bath in between; it’s no problem.

    But! Not everyone can do this. I can’t do this if I’m on my period, or I went out drinking a couple nights in a row, or I work out, etc. And my husband CANNOT shower less than very other day or he smells like a farmhouse.

    Like everyone says, you should tell her. Gently. You could do some type of plot, like get her some nice soap or take a shower together and sweetly wash her, but I kinda think just gently telling her is the best way.

  67. I'm so confused, sounds like you just didn't want a child to watch a sex scene….why would they jump to you being homophobic. I don't understand why you were immediately embarrassed either, help me understand

  68. (OP is a trans man and uses M in the title, so let’s be careful with the pronouns here eh?)

    Didn't even see the M so let's be careful with the insinuations, eh?

  69. Women are taught that men always want it, that men are always up for sex.

    You have to tell her explicitly that it’s a myth.

  70. OP, don’t be gulity, you are allowed to leave for any reason , talk to an lawyer about the money tho bc he might be able to sue you for it.

  71. You need to arrange a safe way to leave, ripe in your friends or family to be ready to help you move out in the quickest way possible. Maybe wait till hes sober and going out for the day/to work/to friends or something and leave asap- don't leave anything behind or leave things behind knowing you'll never get them back, even ask his mother to help you.

  72. He doesn't need a 'real' reason. No is No, just as if you don't want to have sex with someone you get to say No.

  73. I asked her that and she completely ignored it. Then she called me and she couldn't breathe. I decided to give her a minute to catch her breath, but then she hung up because I didn't try to calm her down

  74. What do you actually want from Reddit? Clearly you're not wanting to listen to any comments. How is your husband supporting you? Answer that and maybe you'll answer your own question.

  75. This is so sad. You're going to need to apologize. Deeply. Sincerely. Do you even know why the place was a mess? It sounds very unusual, so maybe she was having an awful day, too. I could imagine she was looking for an important document or terrified of a wild animal that got into the house.

    You should sit down with her and ask her what happened that day. You shouldn't ignore her fears; rather acknowledge them. You sound like you understand you were in the wrong. I hope everything works out.

  76. I know this is stupid but I decided to look past in the moment because I didn’t want it to become “a thing.” My thought process is that if I overlooked it than I wouldn’t have to deal with the issues that could arise of not looking over it if that makes sense.

    No, it really does not 🙁 But the good part is that you are aware, you instincts were working at least and I can tell you that it is ok!!! We all make mistakes, no matter the age.

    The only task you have left now is to learn from it. Don't do that ever again. It is your body, your decision and you should reflect on why and how you put yourself in a position with a man who will not simply respect your wishes – and probably stop doing what you are doing.

  77. Are you with his mom? Are you with a woman? Are you happy? I know this isn't about you but as a dad of young kids my mind says set an example.

    I have read comments here so I know you are on the right path. I just wanted to ask you those questions

  78. Such a waste of time even posting this. It's really important to know if he broke the law like MLK or broke the law like BTK.

  79. That's fair, and I'm not saying this can't be fake. Just that there's a lot of nut jobs out there. I'm thinking that at least some of the stories about women freaking out about their men masturbating or watching porn have to be fake. I've just seen so many of them lately. Tbh a lot if this subreddit is really repetitive.

  80. well then it’s like, does she want control of the situation or does she trust you enough to make the plans yourself? it can’t be both ways. if for the past couple years you’ve been good about planning for this holiday then why would she be so worried about this year? honestly if you can both sit down and unpack all this stuff and come to an agreement before v day then that’s probably the best option. i know that being told what she said out of left field would completely ruin my excitement for the plans, but i hope that doesn’t happen for you.

    the expectations and fantasy of the perfect romantic valentine’s day really gets to a lot of people. so like if it doesn’t happen the way they envision, it’s basically ruined. i don’t get it, but maybe that’s how she feels?

  81. Same! At 34 I am so much more confident in myself and comfortable in my skin. My 23-year-old self would have been excited to know that in the future she would look and feel this good

  82. He said he thought maybe if he went over there to try to reason with her it would work since doing that over the phone wasn’t. They’re also going to get a divorce so he thought it might help. He hasn’t called the police since he thinks he’s let the threatening messages go on for too long to prove he actual feels like he’s in danger.

  83. Jesus, I’ve said like 10 million times that I haven’t had my elbows chafed, women have. I’ve explained the exact position. Are you just ignoring what I’m writing?

    And I’m not saying it’s proof of cheating, I’ve said numerous times that it’s obvious she’s lying, but who knows what it’s about. It could definitely be cheating. I’ve explained how women I’ve had sex with chafe their elbows, yet people are here telling me I’m lying.

  84. Dude it doesn't sound like you are very compatible at all. I am 42 and married, my wife doesn't take part in a lot of my hobbies and I don't take part in hers but we have mutual respect for each other.

    If I am honest, you GF wants to break up with you and is trying to give it a reason, but the reason is your just not the one. You're both kids. Break up and find someone more compatible for you.

  85. There is nothing to be ashamed of. You were curious, you tried it, you know now you don’t want it. At the same time, hookups aren’t making you happy. Get off the hookup apps if not apps all together. Find the more serious dating apps and don’t hook up right away. Get to know your dates.

  86. Did you read the OP? He sweats. It's twice a day: once for his colleagues, once for the person he shares a bed with.

  87. If you could give him more and ask less of him, he would take it without a second thought.

    He’s looking for a mom, not to be a partner.

  88. As everyone has said, your husband has some serious misconceptions about what a bed is primarily used for and why 2 people don’t need to have sexual contact just by laying in one. This is the logical view by western cultures.

    However in Asian and Middle Eastern cultures your husband’s view may be more common.

  89. Go ask your dad who your high school teacher was …

    Now go ask your mum ….

    Who plans the meals in a traditional household? Who ensures everyone has everything they need? ….

    All that unpaid work usually falls on the mother, so now they are separated he can either DO IT or compensate someone else to do it.

    It’s cheaper for him to pay Mum.

  90. As everyone has said, your husband has some serious misconceptions about what a bed is primarily used for and why 2 people don’t need to have sexual contact just by laying in one. This is the logical view by western cultures.

    However in Asian and Middle Eastern cultures your husband’s view may be more common.

  91. €47 I believe the ticket was, but since I paid for it in 2019 I don't notice that the money is gone now

  92. Oh yeah, when I was finally old enough to figure out that my mum was 19 and my father 32 when I was born, I was FURIOUS with him.

    Still am, actually

  93. No of course it doesn’t. But you never know who’s nuts until they’ve already exposed it. I’m not saying they should immediately go to the cops. I am saying they shouldn’t just delete it. I even agreed they shouldn’t read it. I mention it because it’s helped me specifically twice. And when escalation happened I had that paper trail. If there’s nothing further obviously don’t escalate it.

  94. very weird that you don’t think surprise boudoir photo sets are given as gifts often, and surprise implies that this happens without asking for a SO’s opinion first. generally, I don’t know any secure men who would have a problem with this. If you are insecure, just say that, then jump into therapy my friend.

    “almost any couple” is a blanket statement that does not apply.

  95. Nvm I checked his profile and he's some pathetic wanker … I really should stop commenting on reddit

  96. Yeah true. Just make sure your kids get all your husbands money and fuck that other kid. Hope your husband knows your feelings on this.

    Nobody is telling OPs wife to raise another kid. She made vows to OP and is now ready to break them and take his kids across the country because she feels inadequate.

    Her kids will grow up and realize just how shitty their mom is.

  97. Ugh this is a rough situation. You really like him, but as a relationship partner, the two of you aren’t on the same page. These are some really big issues, too.

    It sounds like you’ve tried to talk it through and the issue is getting worse instead of better. It’s painful to end a relationship, but it sounds like this one is already coming to a close. You deserve to have your needs met, and it doesn’t sound like he’s the person who can do that for you.

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