Normally, no you shouldn’t have to pay her back. There’s risks involved in these things. However, you promised her you would pay her back. If you made that promise in an email or text somewhere, she might be able to hold you to it. It is shitty for you to say you would and then change your mind.
No I really can’t
their neglect caused the undeveloped/regressed state of the twins in the first place
Normally, no you shouldn’t have to pay her back. There’s risks involved in these things. However, you promised her you would pay her back. If you made that promise in an email or text somewhere, she might be able to hold you to it. It is shitty for you to say you would and then change your mind.
I think he’s saying she cheated on her ex with him but still goes to church at the ex’s church. Coulda misread it
Everyone needs to stop enabling sisters bad behavior, she'll never stop if people just keep accepting it.