Hot Baby the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Nude Baby, 20 y.o.


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Hot Baby live! sex chat

Date: November 20, 2022

36 thoughts on “Hot Baby the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. He needs to learn how to handle an autistic child. I believe There should be classes for this. Also that's way too soon for him to introduce his child to someone new.

  2. I dated a guy when I was 18 for 3 months, then we broke up because he cheated on me with his ex. They were together for a couple of months again, then broke up, and she moved on to a different guy for a few months before tragically passing away in a drunk driving accident.

    I had 0 contact with him for over 18 months but when this happened, a switch flipped for him or something. He was obsessed with HIMYM and in his head he was Ted, she was Tracy, and I was supposed to be Robin. Aka the other woman, the close second, the one that could’ve been if only a little bit was different. And because his Tracy died, I was supposed to just magically be his again, like Robin likely wound up with Ted again. This all came out of the blue and I was actually in another country when she died and my phone first blew up with his literal proposal to get married or at least move in with him and “try again” we weren’t even close to this serious before and I’d basically forgotten about him.

    When I returned to the US, he sat in all of my college classes, they were large theatre seating classes so he got away undetected at first. He also sat in the restaurant I worked at for hours at least once a week. He also drove by my house several times a day.

    Nobody did anything on any level. Campus was public, he could technically be there. He didn’t disrupt anything at work, so at best I was allowed to do what I could in the back with food prep to be out of view until I just quit and found something else. He never came on my property so police could do nothing. All I was ever told was to be more selective with my future relationships.

    It doesn’t compare to what others deal with physically. But the way that a person is just allowed to sit down and observe your whole world is beyond disturbed

  3. Trying to establish WHY you believe something is not attacking you.

    I haven't said the idea was forced upon you. It's a common idea. I'd just like you to consider why you think it's a good one. So far you haven't come up with any reasons, good, bad, or indifferent, only the statement that you believe it to be a positive idea.

  4. For one don't be passive aggressive about it, your “hints” are doing what you want them to.

    Every day, either Ryan or I have prepared every breakfast, lunch and dinner for the three of us.

    Why are you doing this every day? Wouldn't sharing dinner be easiest and the rest of the time it would be fend for yourselves?

    It would seem that way to me. I wouldn't cook/ make a guest 3x meals a day. But would make it known that they can pull anything from the kitchen as long as they cleaned up after themselves.

  5. Do you know having sex is like everything else you can learn to do it better. You can also learn to get kinky with pegging. You can learn to do all that stuff if you want to that’s got to be the thing is you gotta want to

  6. What will make her happy in this scenario? Sleeping with the exact number you did? Will that end it?

    Maybe talk to her and say that while she was only with one person while you were separated that hurt even more than your hook ups bc you know she was giving him love and affection as well as sex, whereas you only had anonymous, meaningless sex. Would she want you to get emotionally involved with someone during that two weeks? Would that make things truly 'even'?

    Tell her relationships aren't transactional like that and you two either need to move past what occurred during your separation together or break up for good.

  7. i appreciate it, it’s just that i have always struggled with my self image and it has recently gotten worse. it’s nothing that he’s done, it’s what i’ve done. it’s just what my mind is telling me. he always reassures me but honestly last night he was sort of weird, he didn’t really message me much and normally he does. i left him on read so who am i to complain.

  8. When you say “money has been tight”, what exactly do you mean? Are you struggling to pay your bills? Not paying down debt? Not saving as much as you'd like?

    To me, this sounds less like a dispute over the technicality of a gift, and more about your overall financial partnership. If I were your spouse and stressed about money, I would be frustrated that you are prioritizing your hobby over our fiscal security.

    Have you two discussed financial priorities (i.e. where money goes first, second, etc)? If not, I think it would be helpful.

    You said exact what I was planning to say.

    OP, if you’re struggling to pay bills or are in serious debt, sell your unwanted items and use the money for practical things.

    You’ve already said that your hobby is pricey. That might be an extravagance in the first place.

    You should put your wants second to your needs.

  9. You need to report this to the police immediately. Tell them you believe he's threatening you. That you have evidence he's been secretly recording you. That he's now spreading lies about you. If they won't help go to a lawyer and get a cease and desist letter drafted.

    The thing is that this is never going to go away on its own. Even if he stops now he might get upset next year and start all this shit again. He might release what you've said out of context which may upset people. Who knows at this point what he's capable of.

    You need to make it very clear that you are pursuing both a civil and criminal case against him and then do it. Its the only way to ensure he stops and leaves you alone

  10. Ehh, I'm 100% a cat woman and even I feel for you. You are legit going above and beyond. Yes, my cats are my children and I would choose them over people 98% of the time. That said, I would never stay in a relationship or ask my SO to suffer because of my love for cats.

    When it comes down to it, thats her family. Kiki could on-line for YEARS still. I would really suggest walking away. Resentment on either side is highly probable. Her for the constant need of cleaning and stressing out her cat. You for the allergies and misery that comes from them.

    IMHO it's time for a mutual break-up or at minimum living alone again. Have you ever asked if once her baby passes on if she would/could live! animal free afterwards. Animal people usually will always have some kind of pet. Just make sure you guys are talking about this from every angle. It'd suck to make all these sacrifices believing it'll have an end someday, only to realize it won't.

    Gl op. Also eww at people finding you irl. That sucks, and sorry for that experience. Peeps be too much sometimes ??

  11. It's been only 5 months. At 5 months there really shouldn't be any significant issues to work on. You dotn really know a person after 5 months much less 5 weeks so telling anyone yo love them after only 5 weeks is crazy cakes. Sounds like communication is pretty lousy. You're conveniently leaving out what the issues might be but ultimately I guess it doesn't matter. If she's not feeling it anymore for whatever reason why try to fight for it after only 5 months. If you we were married it would be different but not a relthats still in its infancy. Likely has nothign to do with her age (because why?) and everything with the fact you're still getting to know each other. And for whatever reason she's not feeling it and obviously doesn't care enough to want to address it. Doesn't really matter what the reason is becaue it won't change anything. Chances are it's mostly her unless you're leaving out what your issues are. Nude to say since you gave very little denials. Either way the relationship is over so best to move on

  12. He doesn’t need to understand. You don’t need to make him understand. Find a safe place to go and block him on everything. He can contact you through a lawyer if it has anything to do with your child.

  13. sWaP tHe GeNdErS.

    My response would be the same if OP was a man who got violently attacked by his girlfriend for an incredibly minor thing.

    It's a horrifically disproportionate response and gender is irrelevant.

  14. I should really stop rubbing my fiancé’s back now and then. I’m marrying the guy sure but there’s absolutely no implied consent for us two who love each other and want to marry each other. That makes perfect sense I agree.

  15. Did she go to the doctor before cut off the medication? Usually you can find something to take that won’t harm the baby or stop it slowly. She should see a doctor asap. If she gets pregnant in this state, things definitely won’t be better due the pregnancy hormones.

    That said, mental illness isn’t a excuse to be a piece of shit, but I can understand that she needs help as I suppose before this she was a good partner and this change is bcuz her brain isn’t functioning well.

  16. That is what I have been thinking. She and I really love each other though so I keep getting drawn back into the relationship. It has been hot to let go, especially since she wants to stay together. Now I am thinking our love (on my end anyway) is more platonic than romantic, like a close friend or sister of some kind. She is still clinging to the relationship and really loves me romantically, and we still care about each other similar to each of our views on the relationship.

  17. do I lose the additional 260 lbs

    Oh honey, that's going to be the quickest weight you'll ever drop – get rid!!

    Also.. can we just talk about how your current weight is sti less than his weight? What's his problem

  18. Don’t pay. If half the mortgage is being paid on your back, you deserve equity. If he wants a partnership, he should act like it. Propose that you are willing to pay a reasonable rent amount.

  19. Acid parties get weird. As long as he promises to never go to an acid party again, only you can decide. Until you decide, don't tell anyone what happened because then you can't put the genie back in the bottle.

  20. What I meant by “I don’t want any excuses…” is that I already know the fact that boys looking at hot girls are normal, so I don’t need to hear it. I have already tried to think that looking at hard girls is normal for boys even though they have a girlfriend and I should accept it, but it is still heartbreaking for me to think that he looks at very hot girls, and this is my boundary. Every one has different boundaries, and my boyfriend already knew that I would be sad, but he still decided to look at them. If you say that looking at nudes is normal, so boys can just do it even if that makes their girlfriend sad, then one might say “I’m stressed and it’s a normal thing for a human, so I can just say whatever I want to say for releasing my stress even though it’s hurting someone.” It’s just MY boundary, so men being visual creatures doesn’t solve anything for me. That’s why I said “I don’t want any excuses” in advance. I just want advice for trusting my boyfriend and dealing with these emotions. Also, I’m not a native English speaker, so I might word things weirdly and that made it sound arrogant, but I don’t meant to be rude to anyone at all.

  21. Just saying that you picked a movie about a time period where it’s center around only whites.

    Why not pick Hidden Figures for example instead? You do indeed need to branch out.

  22. She should go for it. With or without your permission because you're in no place to even give it. Since the dude is his own person and you do not have a claim on him

    Especially if you have no relationship with this guy but casual sex.

    This shit always surprises me. In what world do you think it's okay to dictatr someone else's love life because of some casual sex you had with someone?

  23. Classic weaponized incompetence. You are his mommy and it's all downhill from here. Find a partner, not a child.

  24. Oh, shut up. You're a grown ass adult. Stop pretending you don't know what's going on.

    This is stupid. To the point I think it's a shit post.

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