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7 thoughts on “420onlinelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. This example is… well ridiculous. And yet very telling. This should be a non-issue. It happens. The fact that she’s pouting over it and whatever you do is not good enough should have all your alarms go off at the same time.

    Fair, she has some traumatic past. Ok. You can’t fix her past and you can’t be responsible for guessing which approach would be to her highness liking. If she needs to work through her past with her therapist, she should. It’s nice if you support her along the way but don’t sign yourself up for the fixer role and don’t volunteer to tiptoe around every single non-issue because “she has a past”.

  2. Then stop playing with her. I don't know what else to say. You can only control yourself. You cant make her change any more than we can here on reddit. If you dont like the way she treats you when you do this activity together, then stop doing this activity together.

    When she demands to know why then explain (again) the way she treats you hurts your feelings and you dont want to be treated that way, so you arent going to do this activity together anymore. Its called setting a healthy boundary and sticking to it.

  3. I agree with you, and I’m also imagining what my Siri would say if I summoned it and farted ?.

  4. You wouldn't even go to the therapist once? I feel like I owe 1 visit to the therapist, for our kids.

  5. The question is whether you are her first choice now, not years ago.

    In any case, this is a good example why someone should never tell all to their SO. It just leads to unnecessary pain.

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