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Candy_Sensuallive sex stripping with hd cam


10 thoughts on “Candy_Sensuallive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Work your shit out with her or break up. At best you’ll be emotionally cheating and it’ll lead to the inevitable break up anyway. Literally wasting your time and energy.

  2. Do 1/4 and a ninth step. You are the problem you were the one that needs to make amends not them. Get a 12 and 1212 traditions 12 steps and do the fourth step first and then the ninth step.

  3. The first thing to remember is that you've been living in an eight year state of being aware of something that's brand new to her. It takes time to get to know someone well enough to know if you want to date them. So while her insistence on personality tests and such is loony, it's her way of figuring out if you're worth taking a shot with. She doesn't have the benefit of having been obsessed with you for eight years. But:

    You're not a therapist and if she tells you she can't get past her past then the appropriate thing to do is suggest she speak with a counselor. This isn't something you can do for her. All you can do is wait for her to decide if she wants to date you. You also need to be able to accept it gracefully if the answer is no. You stop pursuing her when either she tells you to or it becomes obvious that she's never going to date you. This is something that requires honesty on your part. You have to be able to gain enough distance to know if this is futile.

    TBH, you may have too much built up in your mind at this point to ever have a normal relationship with her. Unless you can back off and approach this as a non obsessed person would any new potential relationship you're probably going to slip at some point. Meaning that if she ever finds out about the depth of your obsession she's going to be terrified. You could benefit from some counseling as well. Good luck

  4. If you need an “excuse” to live! with your parents but won't let them live! their lives “because it wakes you up” … then out you go.


  5. I’d start by making sure you have access to all of the accounts/money.

    Pay down debt as quickly as you can. Cut out any extras, buy cheaper food. No need to keep this a secret…many couples decide to focus in laying down debt.

    Then save. A penny here. A dollar there.

    Then talk with an attorney so you know what to expect. They’ll also have advice for you.

    Emotionally, one day at a time. Try not to look too far forward.

  6. But then he stopped being her “friend” once his gf/wife said stop. If he really was her friend he probably would have fought for the friendship.

  7. Can you explain to me why guys do this ????

    sure they all do it for exactly the same reason all women do it too….we are generalizing right? So the reason is that he has syphiis and regrets giving it to you and the shame he has brought.He cant look you in your soon to be pock covered face due to his shame…pretty sure that is the reason….now why dont you ask the guy and find out? Sure his reason is the same as EVERY guy out there but its best to hear it from him. other wise it is just guess work, although I am 99.7% sure my answer is correct.

  8. This sounds like a troll post, especially after she called him a mouth breather. If I am mistaken, OP you have my sincerest condolences that you had to endure such rudeness.

    If a man wiped a girl down with Chlorox wipes she would have called the cops and reported it as an assault.

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