Sophia-bosch online sex chats for YOU!


7 thoughts on “Sophia-bosch online sex chats for YOU!

  1. People in toxic relationships normally continue to seek them out. Red flags for sure, do her a favor and let her find another one. You should not be disrespected by someone that is suppose to love you.

  2. does he need to be up? can he just sleep until 11? and why does he need to be up an hour before work, if he can do it in 5 minutes does it matter?

    my boyfriend wakes up about 30 minutes before work, he basically half snoozes and cuddles for the next 27.5 minutes and then flies out of the bed when his rides at the end of the street and brushes his teeth while putting on pants, grabs his lunch, sometimes sprinkle in BABE WHERE IS MY WALLET as he heads out the door lol

    is it ideal? probably not to most! but it doesn't really hurt anyone, he'd rather have the extra hour at night than in the morning

  3. I doubt he wanted you to have sex with other men. Most likely, he only wanted him to have sex with other women while he left you at home with your kids. You are barely postpartum if one of your kids in ONE.

    Is he helping at home and with the kids? Because it sounds like you have less free time and are more tired than he is.

  4. My husband is similar in the sense that he's not an alpha type. So much so my friends who are very assertive often see him as precious or platonically cute. I'm the same but with the opposite gender. Absolutely horrible relationships with women, fantastic with men.

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