Freya-sanders online sex cams for YOU!


freya-sanders chat

Date: November 20, 2022

35 thoughts on “Freya-sanders online sex cams for YOU!

  1. She says honesty and open communication are important to her but I don't see that in the conversation you shared. That didnt sound like a partner trying to be mature or reasonable. I see her accusing you over a situation that doesn't need accusations in the first place. Why is this even an issue for her? You say you are always open and honest with her yet she has always treats you like you're lying anyways? You deserve better. And I think you're right that you two shouldn't be on snapchat in the first place. She uses it as an excuse to be immature and for you, it just seems to add uncessary stress

  2. Exactly. If your partner can’t do the work to make you COMFORTABLE during intimacy, they do not deserve getting off from that.

  3. although shes never cheated on me and dont really think she would, the trust is just completely gone

    This doesn't make much sense, but it seems you don't trust her. What makes even less sense is being with someone you don't trust.

    I'm curious to know why she keeps engaging with this guy. I'm sure you're curious too. It doesn't really matter though, does it? The bottom line is that she's making you anxious, not happy.

  4. What. The. Fuck.

    First of, that is abuse, that is assault and plain and simple, disgusting and vile. Honestly, save yourself the “from this point forward no more” talk and move straight out.

    What a disgusting POS.

  5. Hello /u/CardiologistMain7237,

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  6. THEN TAKE HER OUT SOMEWHERE SHE SHOULDNT BE IN PAJAMAS Jesus, I literally just said it above. In the appropriate location she will more than likely not wear her pajamas.

  7. A guy followed me home when I was 18 and would not take any form of no until I said I would get my dad out if he didn't leave. He didn't care that I had a boyfriend, “well you'll be broken up by the end of the summer anyway”. There is no magic combination of words that will make men who don't respect women respect her telling them no.

  8. Have read your comments and since you don't want to leave him when you clearly should but want to tell him to quit acting the way he is the way is simple. You tell him to stop and everytime he starts you hang up or walk away. Although I get impression that he wouldn't let you walk away and that sweetheart is a sign you should leave.

    26 may be young to us older 1s but you aren't a child and you seem to have been raised by a man who loves you and cares so why be with someone like your husband? Go ahead and ruin your life but I feel sorry for your dad, poor man. Good luck OP but I fear once your husband is home your life will be more fucked than it seems to be.

  9. Exactly. She's an abuser – clear as day. But because she's a woman who was cheated on – she will be forgiven anything by Reddit.

  10. Also this argument makes the girl a rapist. How can someone consent to sex if they are too drunk to remember they give their phone number?

    well how could the girl consent then?

  11. OP this is so adorable, you seem so sweet! Making movie tickets and all of the effort you put in, just for him to shoot you down. I'm sorry, the little details you described made me smile. He really sucked all of the joy out of the room by being bratty and ungrateful, there's so many men out there who would be thrilled to have so much time and effort spent in trying to make them happy.

    I remember buying my partner a gift for Christmas and I was really excited to give it to him. We both love trivia games, quiz's and guiz games (who wants to be a millionaire/the chase etc) and we watched them often but games available for consoles weren't very good. I found Who wants to be a millionaire, a brand game for the PS5 and it had multilayer and co-op to play against other people, it seemed perfect, just the kind of thing he likes! It would be great too for family night which is his favourite day of the week. When I gave it to him he shot me down and all he said was “is this a present for me or for you?” And just left it on the table and walked out of the room.. He'd only been talking the week before that it was a shame we couldnt play a quiz with the kids for family night. I was so confused. It's funny how things stick with you, I've never watched the show since because it just makes me remember how I felt in that moment. I also made him a handmade keyring from the kids and he just put it in a drawer.

    Trust me honey, there is no pleasing some people and it doesn't get any better.

    Please don't let this one bad experience put you off from doing something similar in the future, it would be such a shame if he took away that sweet and giving, thoughtful bright spark you have.

  12. You were talking about a counselor saying she has borderline personality issues in regard to relationships.

    BPD is not situational, it's a disorder.

  13. I can't decide if it's worse if he's genuinely in love with the other woman (as he's telling her), or if he's catfishing a dying woman (as he's telling you).

    Is there any proof to the part where she's terminally ill?

  14. Same in my relationship. Goes too deep for my partner in doggy so we usually don't do it unless she's really aroused and it can do deeper but that doesn't happen often. I love the position though due to 'dat ass' and 'feels good man'.

  15. Of course you're hurt. You're hurt because he's actively choosing to hurt you and he's getting off on it. That's not love. I repeat: He. Doesn't. Love. You.

    You seem to have it twisted. You need to call it what it is: sex. Cuz this definitely isn't a fucking relationship. If this were an actual relationship, he wouldn't do this to you. Why do you even want to settle for this literal creep? I get you're probably hung up because of history and what not but… just no.

    One day you're going to look back at this guy and be absolutely mortified.

  16. Why the hell can’t he bring his wife on a combo pre wedding party when the groom and the bride will be there….

    I won’t even go to a Saints Game without my wife

  17. Why the hell can’t he bring his wife on a combo pre wedding party when the groom and the bride will be there….

    I won’t even go to a Saints Game without my wife

  18. True… I always waited for her to open up to me, but after two years I'm afraid, that that's just how she wants us to be.. Which I don't want, so I'm thinking about breaking up, because this is not my idea of a relationship I want to be in

  19. First, don't feel badly about triggering his trauma. You didn't know and you couldn't have guessed. It happened.

    Second, he needs to see a therapist and you can't make him see the importance making time for that. He's not healing and working through it and no one can make him. If he does decide to get therapy and you're in the relationship for the long haul, going with him if invited would be great.

    Third, it's okay to end the relationship if your needs aren't being met. If you need more from him than he can provide right now, end things amicably. Tell him that you'd be open to reconciling once he find the time to work on himself.

    Finally, be supportive of his trauma and be careful not to retraumatize.

    It's good that you're seeking out ways to help him but you also need to have the relationship that you want to have as well. I'm not saying his trauma makes him into someone that can't be in a relationship but his unwillingness to make time to confront it does because that affects you as well.

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