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3 thoughts on “Anis_Towers live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Do you'll stay together if not your response to his tirade should have been showing him the door asking to GTFO and not showing his face again until he was ready to sincerely apologise. and then too would have dumped his patronising arse.

  2. Okay, I really appreciate you going a bit more into detail here, and I do think it changes things. Obviously, it could just be platonic, but I'm wondering how much you know about the “sleeping around” part? Does this mean he was just promiscuous or was he in relationships? Because if he is a known cheater, that brings a toooooon of clarity to why you're on edge.

    but that also raises the question, are you hypervigilant because you have been cheated on? and perhaps recognize some behaviors that are similar?

    Of course you are allowed to feel how you feel, and that's real and it matters. But if he IS faithful as a boyfriend, it's definitely worth finding out if you're letting the anxiety get t you, or if you're seeing something that is truly concerning.

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