Mikiosann online sex cams for YOU!


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Date: October 3, 2022

21 thoughts on “Mikiosann online sex cams for YOU!

  1. I agree we need to have a mature conversation about it to come to mutual understanding and that’s what I’ve been trying to do when I say “anytime I ask about it he says I make him feel bad and nervous.” I’m not trying to come across as perfect I definitely should’ve handled things differently but here we are and I’m tired of trying to have a conversation with a brick wall. Also don’t get me wrong I’m not asking for a Disney princess proposal but a nice dinner or something out of the ordinary would be nice.

  2. Exactly. It’s not like an irresistible magnetic force is attracting you to the other person. Sorry about your childhood btw, I’ve had similar experience with cheating that’s why I’m extra salty

  3. Right? What incentive do people have to get married anyways? It’s certainly not for the insurance anymore in the USA anyway. Only if you have equity does it really matter.

    When are people going to wise up to the fact that’s with over 60% of Americans living paycheck to paycheck with no savings and an average of $500 in the bank. Who can afford to get married? Much less get divorced? People really need to break out of this imaginary obligation to get married. Love is not enough folks. Especially if you decide to have kids. Ya need the funds to actually live a life that accommodates those needs. Love is not enough. Not in this day in age.

  4. It sounds like she has a very different vision of what a family man does than a boyfriend does. Definitely put the wedding planning on pause while you two work out what you're visions of the future are. And if they're compatible.

    Often people assume someone will change when they become married or a parent. That someone will put aside hobbies, friends, other interests and become the vision of a wife/husband/mother/father they have in mind. Sounds like this is true in your fiancees case.

  5. I’m very confused by that answer, I thought that’s implied when you’re dating for a few months

  6. You feel her anger is unjustified because he's no danger to the kids, and you feel she's being dishonest about her reasoning since the the car ride is not that long. Right? But that's not enough for you to be “right” in this conflict.

    Even if you disagree with her feelings, you have to remember that her feelings do matter.

    With your actions, you showed her that her feelings do not matter. You made the decision to go against her wishes and in doing so, you put the kids in the middle of the conflict as a couple of pawns. That's not cool.

    What you should have done is address this head-on by talking to her about it first, building up a relationship with your father and her, and then re-addressing the issue of letting him meet the kids.

    You did what you wanted, against her wishes, and now you're surprised she's angry?

  7. Shes in therapy. She has a lot of familial trauma and so I understand why she responds the way that she does, but that does not make her very emotional responses any more comfortable for either of us. I want her to work on her self-esteem both for her own sake and so that I can feel safe saying things like “It hurt me when you did this” without feeling like I’m crossing a huge boundary.

    At the end of the day it’s little things. She has little outbursts at me when she’s fed up at work and stuff like that. I can let things go and keep my mouth shut about things that hurt me but I don’t think it’s fair or right for me to do so. It is never a comfort that I am hurt by her actions, and when I address it, it is flipped around and by the end of the conversation I am comforting her and reassuring her. At the end of the conversation it’s always her talking about how she tries to be good to me and fails. Then she ends the conversation, goes cold, and she does something self destructive.

    I understand how it makes me look douchey to say “What about me” but at the end of the day, the self destructive behavior and the depression is a result of my genuine feelings of genuine mistreatment. She never addresses my feelings and tries to fix any of my concerns, nor does she stick around to comfort me when I am hurt. She only focuses how my feelings and concerns make her feel, like my emotions and concerns are at best, peripheral to her own self-loathing. It’s difficult to communicate that to her without perpetuating the cycle even further though

    As for things getting better on their own over time, I don’t think they would.

  8. The real issue is that they clearly don’t know each other all that well and they’re telling each other they love each other after 16 weeks.

  9. I second this. I left with my daughter and 2 months later she said that life was easier without her father in the house. It was hot to leave. Especially when you feel too old to start over.

  10. He is not the best thing to ever happen to you. He is not the man of your dreams. If he was, you never would have fucked another guy and pressured him to join. You got greedy and now you're paying for it. ?

  11. If you loved your wife, you wouldn’t do her dirty like this. How can you live with yourself?

    Not all cheaters are monsters, but you definitely are. Some cheaters feel remorse and guilt, can’t disrespect their partner like you do and put the partner before the affair partner – by stopping and coming clean.

  12. This is a basic incompatibility, like if one person wants children and the other doesn't. You've made a commitment to your animals. The fact that he thought you would just leave them behind seems like he's missing some empathy. They are bonded to you and depend on you; I wouldn't ditch my boys for anything, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. You don't necessarily have to break up, but I don't think you can ever live! together.

  13. How do you know that after the experience that she wont ask to have a threesome but with a man as the third. This could be the trap. The well we did it for your Birthday with my friend. Now I want the same but with a guy this this time . And you be a Hippocrit if you say now cause now she let out have cake. I seen this happen and ended horribly. If ya value ya wife don't want drama later I 'd push the NO BUTTON!

  14. If you don’t think it’s unreasonable then you agree with him.

    Why are you posting? Whether you both should have done it sooner doesn’t change your actions now.

  15. Honestly she’s probably just scared of rejection from her past so she is rejecting you first. It’s a fear based response. Although what she is doing is terrible that’s what it is unfortunately. If you still want to give it a try maybe showing up to talk to her might help you get closure. Or resolve things. People who have faced trauma act in odd ways.

  16. Then your choice is to be direct and definitive about it. “This works for me and I don't find your arguments persuasive.”

  17. There's a lot to unpack here. First of all, ED is something that can actually happen to guys a lot younger than people think. It has nothing to do with how sexier or not their partner(s) are. It also can have a huge mental component, so he may feel bad that he's not having sex with you as you want, and that makes it harder for him to be able to have sex. Regardless, you should not make it about you or your appearance.

    If he hasn't been to a doctor, he should have a check up to make sure there isn't a serious issue. That being said, he may simply have a much lower sex drive than you do. I know that society pretends that men always have high sex drives and have to convince women to have sex, but this is not actually the case. If this is the case, then you probably should break up. If you are not compatible in your early 20s, it's only going to get worse.

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