Selena-114 on-line sex chats for YOU!


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Date: October 3, 2022

7 thoughts on “Selena-114 on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. She cheated once then knew about the possibility of the child's true paternity but keep it a secret til she was found out YEARS later. From that moment til now she has been lying to her husband and son and actually has the gull to think she can fix this.

    But yeah some generic “get therapy” and “apologize” (that one kills me lmao) is going to move someone like OP.

    My advice for her would be for her to get used to not having her husband and son in her life. ?‍♂️

  2. Don’t worry about it , someone more mature would talk to you about being uncomfortable instead of what she did

  3. I get that she might not have fully meant it if she said it during am argument. But I would have been a really slippery slope to refuse to leave if she was throwing you out.

  4. No…when the gf purposefully pushes the buttons over and over despite several polite warnings to stop, and keeps going until her partner blows up so she can flip the script on him and act all wounded….

    No, fuck that.

    That is textbook emotional manipulation and it's total bullshit.

    OP is not the one who needs to apologize.

  5. Don't believe what movies tell you about Bachelors parties.

    Look at his friends, what do they normally do while together?

    If it's low key it could just be low key.

  6. I’m guessing someone who compares cheating to videogames is at the end of her rope? Are you spending every waking hour playing FIFA? How much actual time do you spend with her? If you’re only playing an hour or two a day, she’s over the top. But if your entire schedule is work, FIFA, sleep, repeat, she’s probably fed up with your lack of attention.

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